2008 Linux Graphics Survey Results

Written by Michael Larabel in Display Drivers on 22 December 2008 at 08:42 AM EST. Page 3 of 6. 33 Comments.

Since there is multiple ways to acquire and install graphics drivers on Linux, we had asked users how they acquire their drivers. An overwhelming majority of the respondents (over 60%) is just using the distribution-supplied packages or what's available through a package repository for their distribution. Only about 24% of users obtain their Linux drivers from the manufacturer's web-site. The remaining users obtained their drivers from source using a Git repository, from source using a released package, or using a third-party installation script (such as the Envy installer).

54% of users polled are using X.Org 7.4, which was only released in late September but it's found in most of the distribution refreshes this fall such as Ubuntu 8.10 and Fedora 10. X.Org 7.3 was used by approximately 27.5% of users.

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