Benchmarking The Linux Kernel With An "-O3" Optimized Build

Written by Michael Larabel in Software on 29 June 2022 at 09:00 AM EDT. Page 4 of 9. 101 Comments.

When it came to the networking performance with testing using Microsoft's Ethr program for analysis, the -O3 kernel build did tend to lead to some small consistent improvements in those benchmarks. These network improvements though would likely go unnoticed by any end-user. High performance servers doing a lot of network activity may stand to benefit, but system administrators would be less likely to consider an -O3 kernel build due to the greater risk of kernel defects from any optimizations gone wrong.

The Sockperf benchmarks did further reinforce some benefit out of the -O3 optimized kernel.

The -O3 kernel build showed barely an improvement for the WireGuard in-kernel test.

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