Radeon Ubuntu Linux Users Have A Lot To Gain By Upgrading Mesa

Written by Michael Larabel in Display Drivers on 10 January 2017 at 12:00 PM EST. Page 2 of 5. 37 Comments.

With Metro Last Light Redux on the RX 480 you'll see a 50% performance boost right away by simply moving to Mesa 13.0+, but the performance was unchanged past that point.


Dota 2 with OpenGL didn't budge much, but at least with Mesa 13.0+ there is the option of using the RADV Vulkan driver.


Counter-Strike: Global Offensive actually regressed with Mesa 13.0, but seems to have largely recovered with Mesa Git.


Moving to Mesa 13.0 or 17.0-devel will yield about a 66% performance improvement for the Radeon RX 480 over what's found by default in Ubuntu 16.10.

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