OCZ Rally 2 Turbo 4GB
While OCZ Technology is most known for their system memory, for some time now OCZ has also been manufacturing a number of USB flash drive series. Our first stint with an OCZ flash drive was the dual-channel Rally, which back in 2005 had led the performance race and was able to slaughter the Corsair Flash Voyager and other high-performance drives. The next OCZ flash drive we then tested was the Ultra-Slim Mini-Kart. The Mini-Kart wasn't a winner when it came to the performance, but portability and size was its forte with it not even being the height of a USB 2.0 port. The next OCZ flash-based drive we ran into was then the Mega-Kart, which boasted an impressive 8GB memory capacity for its time. After we boiled, beaten, and submerged into a pool the Corsair Flash Survivor GT, we had then looked at the OCZ ATV Turbo with its focus on being ultra-rugged.
OCZ Technology has certainly had an impressive array of USB flash drives over the past few years, but they haven't stopped there. OCZ is continuing to revise their flash drive series and their most recently example of that is the Rally 2 Turbo. We found the original OCZ Rally to be fast, but the Rally 2 Turbo claims to take data transferring to incredible new heights with its latest dual-channel technology offering up to 35MB/s reads and 30MB/s writes. Like the original Rally, the Rally 2 Turbo is encased inside an aluminum chassis and comes with a lifetime warranty.
- USB 2.0 Certified
- True Plug and Play
- Dual Channel Technology
- Available In 4GB and 8GB Capacities
- Dimensions: 2 5/8"(L) x 5/8"(W)
- Aluminum Chassis
- Orange LED Indicator
- Lifetime Warranty
Like many USB flash drives on the market, the Rally 2 Turbo arrived in a plastic blister-pack container. Included with the flash drive is a lanyard and USB extension cable. The OCZ Rally 2 Turbo is currently available in 4GB and 8GB capacities and the unit we are reviewing is the OCZUSBR2TDC-4GB.