The Best Features Of GNOME In 2012

Written by Michael Larabel in Software on 19 December 2012 at 03:08 PM EST. Page 13 of 15. 5 Comments.

1201: clutter - very slow on C2D

1202: Alt-F2 launcher (whatever it's called), the zoom-out-see-all-windows-in-current-desktop feature

1203: workspaces,, GTK+, themeing

1204: speed, stability,

1205: Gnome Terminal

1206: Nautilus cards

1207: Dynamic workspaces

1208: evolution, snap-to-grid/edge/fullscreen, workspaces, multi-monitor

1209: Stability, easy to use

1210: external monitors

1211: "Apps-Places-Settings" menu, old-school taskbar and old-school dock.

1212: fallback mode

1213: Task bar!

1214: panels applets

1215: less disturbance principle

1216: Type to filter in Gnome Shell

1217: Gnome 2 destop organisation!

1218: The number of configuration options available on Gnome2

1219: The Mac os X-like shape

1220: aplikations to menu

1221: fast search with the super key

1222: workspace switcher

1223: most of them

1224: panel applets, custom panels, no automatic suspend when lid closed, remote X (over ssh),

1225: Taskbar support,better window management,usability

1226: All of them

1227: Applets, addons, extensions, configurability, customizability

1228: Keyboard shortcuts

1229: Keyboard shortcuts

1230: gnome shell

1231: i don't now

1232: I miss taskbar

1233: min/max buttons

1234: workspace switcher

1235: Overview, "type to search"

1236: Web Accounts

1237: Workspace Switcher Gnome2

1238: Multi-monitor support, better JavaScript docs

1239: The overview and the Win-key shortcut for it. Those are the main reason I'm not using Cinnimon.

1240: Mostly the "expose-like" features, _very_important.

1241: the view of all desktops (panorama)

1242: keyboard shortcuts for switching windows and virtual desktops

1243: Activity screen

1244: taskbar, clearity and conciseness

1245: multi row desktop, task bar, notification shown to relevant application on taskbar by flashing

1246: notifications, process switching, friendly user interface

1247: traditional interface, icons on desktop

1248: GNOME Interface, it's original and ergonomic.

1249: You already did take them away.

1250: Applications Menu, Quick Launch

1251: top panel

1252: consistant, predictable, and customizable interface

1253: gnome-shell and the chat notification

1254: I do not rely on any. I do not "need" gnome. which is the obvious result of alienating your userbase. we can all use other window managers.

1255: multiple workspaces, manual rearrangement of the windows in the task bar, terminal

1256: SCP support in Nautilus

1257: Nautilus functions

1258: Fallback Mode

1259: integrated chat, workspaces, shortcuts

1260: Easy Configuration, Flexibilty

1261: The apps

1262: Gnome Shell's dashboard

1263: GNOME 2 stuff rely on but missing in GNOME 3: System Monitor applet, network thru put applet kB/s, names for workspaces.

1264: exposee effect

1265: Hot corner, expose

1266: Typing on the shell is very fast, faster than searching something in a menu.

1267: Nautilus Location Bar

1268: compact icon

1269: panel, menu

1270: xorg-server 1.12 compliant

1271: upper dock panel

1272: Shell search

1273: The panel-less desktop

1274: - GamePad calibration and mapping

1275: - GamePad calibration and mapping

1276: hot corner & global IM status

1277: Panels in Nautilus

1278: all, because GNOME 4 to be black screen without anything

1279: visible task bar / launcher

1280: Throw away large icons and buttons, etc. we are not blind

1281: fixed number of virtual desktops

1282: Speed, reliability

1283: task list

1284: extensibility and themability!

1285: Activities menu

1286: Ability to drag icons across monitors.

1287: Powerful simplicity. See comments below.

1288: app-specific menus

1289: I can't use Gnome, because it lacks critical efficiency-promoting keyboard shortcuts.

1290: elegant design

1291: nothing any longer

1292: Hot corner

1293: hot corner to show windows, typing to launch apps after pushing meta

1294: social network plugins

1295: super key window overview and workspace management, window resize on drag to screen border

1296: It can run as fast as lightening on slow onboard Intel card and have a revolution in interface like Windows 8, which works well under touch or PC. I hate some laggy default apps like web browser or email, they should be insteaded of thunderbird, viber and firefox.

1297: keyboardless operation

1298: The Integrated Chat

1299: Everything that's in Gnome 2

1300: right now nothing mcuh. using openbox

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