Benchmarking Firefox 83 Nightly With "Warp" Against Google Chrome On Linux

Written by Michael Larabel in Software on 30 September 2020 at 01:25 PM EDT. Page 1 of 4. 65 Comments.

Following last week's news of Firefox Nightly flipping on their new JIT "Warp" update I was eager to run fresh benchmarks of the current Firefox releases compared to Google Chrome under Ubuntu Linux.

Warp was enabled last week for Firefox 83 nightly builds with this "Warp" just-in-time JavaScript compiler update having various improvements in an effort to provide greater responsiveness and faster page load speeds. Numbers cited by Mozilla engineers on their JavaScript/SpiderMonkey team were frequently in the 5~15% range. Even instances like Google Docs load times on Windows was around 20% faster with Warp.

This round of benchmarking was done with Firefox 81, Firefox 82 Beta 3, and Firefox 83 Alpha 1 nightly as of last week after Warp landed. A secondary run of Firefox 83 nightly was also done with WebRender force enabled on Linux. Plus Google Chrome 85 was also tested as the latest stable release.

All of these benchmarks were carried out on an AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3970X box with NVIDIA GeForce TITAN RTX graphics running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. No other changes were made to the stack during testing besides swapping out the browser under test.

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