Next Week's Kernel Summit Will Try To Take On The 2038 Problem

For those out of the loop, the Year 2038 problem is the issue whereby time values stored in signed 32-bit integers as the Unix time-stamp will wrap around. On 19 January 2038 is when this time issue will happen for 32-bit ints. Those unfamiliar with this situation can read Wikipedia. Linux has already worked towards working around this issue, but more is still to be accomplished.
John Stultz is planning for a Kernel Summit discussion concerning the 2038 problem for how 32-bit Linux can come up with a solution, after NetBSD and OpenBSD already switched their time_t sizes. While some BSDs have not cared about backwards compatibility after adjusting their time variables, with Linux it's certainly a must and in maintaining user-space compatibility.
Developers wishing to learn more about the details to Stultz's propsal for Linux addressing the 2038 problem can read this mailing list post.