Linux Foundation Shares More Details Of LinuxCon Chicago

This year's North American LinuxCon is taking place in Phoronix's home territory of Chicago, Illinois. The event is running from 20 to 22 August and taking place during LinuxCon is once again the CloudOpen conference concerning Linux and open-source software within open cloud platforms. Announced today by the Linux Foundation were the keynote speakers and they include representatives of edX, HP, Docker, Open Prosthetics, MakerBot, Local Motors, and the Linux Foundation. Linus Torvalds will also be taking part again in the annual Linux Kernel Panel keynote.
Those wishing to find out more about LinuxCon NA 2014 in Chicago can visit We generally cover the LinuxCon conferences on Phoronix and we'll certainly be doing so this year with the event just being a few miles away (well, by August, Phoronix will have likely located to Indiana, but still it's close enough). For more information on Chicago in general with its small Linux / open-source scene, see my XDC Chicago Preview from 2011 and the XDC2011 Chicago recap from when I was the organizer of the X.Org Foundation's annual conference.
All-access registration for the event is currently at $600 USD and available via
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