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OpenBLAS Deciding Whether To Drop Support For Russia's Elbrus CPUs

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  • Originally posted by dimko View Post
    Ukrain will not be hard fucked by Russians. You don't fight to kill your younger smaller brother, even if he is stubborn one.
    It's pretty hard to have a full-on invasion without lots and lots of civilian deaths. Especially when the government is reasonably popular, among its people.


    • Originally posted by coder View Post
      So, it's okay to invade anywhere that has some bad people who don't like you?
      But coder...that's what the US has being doing for the last 50 years..


      • Originally posted by coder View Post
        I think you missed a nuance that it's not because it's Russian that they're proposing to remove it. It's because it's primarily Russian military tech, and they don't want to support what the Russian military doing.
        Then OpenBLAS should use the BSD No Military License. Currently they don't. I'd be glad if they would switch.


        • Originally posted by coder View Post
          It won't, but I have wondered about whether people would start trying to block China from other open source projects. That'll just mean they fork off in their own direction.

          That's why I wouldn't support generic action against Russian or Chinese contributors. That this specific issue involves Russian military-oriented tech makes it hopefully something of a special case. Otherwise, we could indeed have more balkanization of the software ecosystem (to use a somewhat apt analogy).
          It would have catastrophic consequences. Could bring distrust by Russians to OSS, than as someone mentioned, Chinese may reconsider using western code. West would lose on gigantic Chinese programmer human resources.


          • Originally posted by coder View Post
            I think we all do.

            That's what they want. Label everyone else as hypocrites and then Putin can get away with whatever he wants.

            I mean, what's the alternative? Just have nobody say or do anything? You're not being realistic. Nobody in Europe wants this, not least because they see themselves somewhere further down the menu.
            "Just have nobody say or do anything?" - be civil. both general people and politicians. One of reasons why Ukraine is in this mess, they were teasing Russia to no end. I am just sorry for all good people who were moderate in views and just wanted better life for their families.
            This is so depressing.
            Russia also fucked it's citizens too.


            • Originally posted by Ilfirin View Post
              Next time, when US comes to liberate next country like Afghanistan, will the AMD an Intel be dropped? Just asking.
              yes, because US intervention in Afghanistan is exactly the same as Russia's in Ukraine...


              • Originally posted by coder View Post
                I think we all do.

                That's what they want. Label everyone else as hypocrites and then Putin can get away with whatever he wants.

                I mean, what's the alternative? Just have nobody say or do anything? You're not being realistic. Nobody in Europe wants this, not least because they see themselves somewhere further down the menu.
                Same can be said about NATO. Russia watches its friendly regimes get bent over, say nothing they come after you, dont say nothing, they come after you...
                Way I see it, once USSR broke down, Nato should have stopped grow to east, but that did not happen. So now we have direct consequence of that and Putin was saying it for years. Because lets face it. There those who lead and who follow in NATO. Its not equal partnership in there due to whichever many reasons.


                • Originally posted by coder View Post
                  Not really. In the past 20 years, it was just Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria.
                  afaik the script was 7 countries in 5 years.
                  I get frozen by you, saying that the US only invaded 5 countries in 20 years..ho dear god..


                  • Originally posted by coder View Post
                    Question: why? In the case of ELBRUS, it's a CPU with primarily government & military applications. And the idea is to impede (or at least withhold assistance to) their military conquests.
                    This CPU was created and can be purchased by any public entity of any civilian who wants to have home-grown hardware, its like AMD or Intel.
                    The difference is that they are not widely used in the world..


                    • Originally posted by alcalde View Post
                      The United States attacked a country that harbored a terrorist group that killed over 2000 American civilians and then declined to turn the terrorists over to them.
                      Russia is doing the same in Ukraine..
                      With more than 14000 deaths, Ukraine Russians have being genocided, and so Russia advanced in Ukraine to eliminate nazi extremists that are perpetuating genocide..

                      nazis didn't kill only 2000...they killed more than 14000
                      Some days ago, in just 1 day they killed more 15 and injured more than just one day!

