Originally posted by coder
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Second of all, what can you achieve in 5-10 years if political will changes every 5-10 years? This is why tyrannical places like China manages to accomplish at least some long term goals.(i hate to say and admit that)
Churchill said, "in order for democracy to work, in power there must be dictatorship", please excuse my English. Its late here for me as well. The thing is, IMHO either there is democracy and its unsustainable and collapses because of stupid fat pleb that becomes its own tyrant or proper tyrant usurps power. US goes first path it seems.
I don't believe in anarchy, it doesn't work when other systems co-exist next to it. I don't believe in liberalism(which i think closest to my world view). Socialism does not work. I don't believe into it too. Monarchy is form of tyranny.