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GNOME Improving Integration With systemd-homed, Mockups For An OS Installer

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  • #41
    Originally posted by hf_139 View Post
    Nobody uses Windows 8 anymore, so why would anyone use GNOME?
    Use a modern DE instead or wait for COSMIC​.
    Posting something like this on something just because you don't like it is kinda sad. It's an active choice to be so negative on something so subjective that you could just ignore instead.


    • #42
      Originally posted by omer666 View Post

      GNOME 3 reminds me of this actually
      Actually, yeah... The resemblance is obvious.

      Credit where credit is due as the saying goes.


      • #43
        The first beta release of TypeScript bindings for GNOME.
        It's not the first beta release in general, it's the first for GNOME 46. You can find the project on


        • #44
          Originally posted by uscracks94 View Post
          I use Gnome for about 9 years, I used to like it, but it's getting worse and worse by putting mobile-first approach in front of everything, and they're pushing flatpak so hard. I am really looking into Cosmic DE nowadays, the only problem for me is that it's Wayland only, I don't know how it's going to affect gaming performance on Nvidia gpu, but I am sure that System76 will figure something out
          its not really focused on "mobile" its the focus on make stuff beautiful vs make it ugly but usefull..

          i said exactly this weeks ago and the usual people did pop up and claimed that i just mean windows-style usability because i told my mother use cinnamon instead of gnome because its ugly but more usefull as said he claimed i just mean microsoft windows style

          but i told him he was wrong my mother in 1995 had a apple computer with mac os 7.5 it is similar from style to gnome2 compared to today its ugly

          but i swear to whatever god you may or may not believe in that these ugly systems like macos 7,5 or gnome2 or cinnamon are more usefull and more easy to use from people like my mother.

          the problem is really not that it is "mobile" first the problem is really that they enforce good looking over usability

          all the stuff what makes old tech like mac os 7,5 or gnome2 or cinnamon "Ugly" helps the brain to get coordination and get the job done.

          compared to this gnome 46 is really beautiful but many people stuggle to use it ... my mother is not able to use it thats why she is on cinnamon.

          my opinion is a computer has to be usefull not not beautiful ... i use gnome but i am very flexible i used KDE for 20 years and other systems in the past.

          "they're pushing flatpak so hard."

          for many apps this is really the best technology and even better than native .deb or .rpm for example firefox flatpak has higher security than native
          Phantom circuit Sequence Reducer Dyslexia


          • #45
            Originally posted by Vermilion View Post
            How is that bad. If you dislike Flatpak then all Flatpak-related changes should be transparent for you. It's not like they're replacing components with Flatpak dependent stuff. The same could be said about mobile efforts, if you don't care about it then an app being adaptive to fit small screens shouldn't bother you or get in your way.
            Not to mention, you're dismissing all the non-Flatpak, non-mobile, desktop related work such as hdr/vrr/fractional scaling .. I mean, all GNOME 46 changes have been desktop focused and had nothing to do with Flatpak or mobile efforts.
            its not really desktop vs mobile... its beautiful not less useful vs ugly but more useful a macos 7.5 from 1995 is more ugly and more useful for my mother than gnome in 2024 thats the reason why she is on cinnamon and not gnome. (gnome 2 was similar than macos 7.5 was also more usefull for my mother)

            why do i even talk about my mother? very simple she is old and in pension now and if your shiny super beautiful desktop environment like gnome fails with these people then something is wrong.

            the problem is not mobile the problem is they the gnome people did chose beautifulness usefulness.

            this has nothing to do with "mobile"

            Phantom circuit Sequence Reducer Dyslexia


            • #46
              Originally posted by hf_139 View Post
              GNOME made their big design decisions based on "professional UI designers" (who know it better than those pesky users), at the same time Microsoft made Windows 8 and under the same assumptions. The time when flat design got introduced and notebooks shipped with touchscreens and manufacturers expected tablets to replace everything. GNOME even dreamed of a 10% overall Desktop market share.
              Windows 8 failed. Microsoft moved on.
              GNOME doubled down and is still stuck with that mindset. GNOME is a remnant of a long gone time.
              you are right in short they chose beautifulness over usefullness thats the reason why my mother can not use modern gnome and use cinnamon instead and people claim its only because its windows-style in usability but in the past my mother had apple computer with macos 7.5 and in the past linux with gnome2...

              for some people modern gnome is really a failure. for me its ok but even i can clearly see they chose beautifulness over usefullness

              and something usefull really looks ugly...
              Phantom circuit Sequence Reducer Dyslexia


              • #47
                Gnome is cool. The interface is beautiful and much less distracting. Screen space utilization is extremely efficient thanks to CSD and Gome HID. I'm glad that the Gnome team had forced their design paradigm onto me so that I became much more productive by replacing the bad habit of using mouse clicks for everything with using keyboard+touchpad+workspaces.

                Putting Gnome HID design principles aside, the software itself is rock solid. It never crashes(for my use case at least). Even their RC's... They spearhead in every DE related software development and bring "real" solutions to problems.

                Those free software bigots should shut up and Just use whatever DE, WM they like.
                Last edited by Modu; 06 April 2024, 06:52 PM.


                • #48
                  Originally posted by uscracks94 View Post
                  I use Gnome for about 9 years, I used to like it, but it's getting worse and worse by putting mobile-first approach in front of everything, and they're pushing flatpak so hard.
                  There is a reason why KDE and Gnome do push flatpak so hard.
                  User reports a problem with a distribution provided version of a program:
                  1) the problem may not be upstream the problem might be something the distribution added as patch.
                  2) due to distribution old version the problem might be already fixed in newer version.

                  Flatpak versions of applications make it simpler for KDE and Gnome developers to say to end users try the newer version without risking messing their system up. The old direct APT and other options KDE and Gnome use to use did have high risk for totally stuff up the users system.


                  • #49
                    Originally posted by hf_139 View Post
                    why would anyone use GNOME?
                    Yes people do use Gnome.

                    Originally posted by hf_139 View Post
                    Use a modern DE instead or wait for COSMIC.
                    Lol. "Choices are good, but you made the wrong one buddy", jk :P

                    But seriously, as hyped as we all are about Cosmic, there are whole user-bases who are not ready to jump to a Alpha desktop in heavy development.

                    That would be like saying 10 years ago that Wayland is the fix "just around the corner".

                    There are whole groups of people who just want to "live in the present" and not the past or future -- I've used many a alpha and beta linux software for at least 10 years, and there is nothing wrong with making decisions that are functional, practical, and get the job done whether that be Gnome, KDE, or something else.

                    Me personally I use Sway, but is it for everyone? No. Most users prefer Gnome or KDE, I've deployed both to user bases and each has had imperfections, occasionally major bugs or needed odd work-arounds. No system is perfect.​


                    • #50
                      Originally posted by ElectricPrism View Post
                      But seriously, as hyped as we all are about Cosmic, there are whole user-bases who are not ready to jump to a Alpha desktop in heavy development.

                      That would be like saying 10 years ago that Wayland is the fix "just around the corner".

                      There are whole groups of people who just want to "live in the present" and not the past or future -- I've used many a alpha and beta linux software for at least 10 years, and there is nothing wrong with making decisions that are functional, practical, and get the job done whether that be Gnome, KDE, or something else.

                      Me personally I use Sway, but is it for everyone? No. Most users prefer Gnome or KDE, I've deployed both to user bases and each has had imperfections, occasionally major bugs or needed odd work-arounds. No system is perfect.​
                      As someone who used to use sway and KDE as my main drivers (desktop and laptop) Cosmic is remarkably good, I've swapped to cosmic full time on my desktop, and plan to do so on my laptop soon (I nuked my personal unoffical repo and compiling all of cosmic on my laptop is just not gonna happen lol). Cosmic "Quality" Is already at a beta state IMO, the ecosystem itself is still at an alpha state due to the simple lack of applications. I use it for daily use just browsing, as well as gaming via wine (sometimes with gamescope sometimes without) Don't get me wrong though it's not there yet, but going by wayland standards I would say it is indeed just around the corner xD.

                      on a serious note, give it a year and I'll bet cosmic will have at least reached the usability/userbase that solutions like LXDE/XFCE/Budgie etc have.

