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Forums Topics Posts Last Post
Linux Gaming
Gaming on Linux with both open and closed-source games.
Topics: 3,798 Posts: 79,391
3,798 79,391
Linux Distributions
Linux distribution specific discussions.
Topics: 4,221 Posts: 75,004
4,221 75,004
Desktop Linux
Discussion of Linux on the desktop.
Topics: 6,192 Posts: 121,187
6,192 121,187
Mobile Linux
Discussion of Linux on mobile and embedded devices.
Topics: 1,458 Posts: 24,313
1,458 24,313
General Linux & Open-Source
Discuss anything Linux related that doesn't fit into any of the other areas.
Topics: 7,561 Posts: 100,913
7,561 100,913
Programming & Compilers
Discuss anything related to open-source and Linux compilers and programming languages.
Topics: 2,985 Posts: 39,142
2,985 39,142
Oracle / Solaris
Discussion of Solaris-based operating systems including OpenSolaris, Oracle Solaris, Nexenta, and BeleniX.
Topics: 364 Posts: 3,520
364 3,520
BSD, Apple macOS, Hurd & Others
Discussion of *BSD operating systems and software, including but not limited to FreeBSD, DragonflyBSD, OpenBSD, and NetBSD. Apple macOS, Haiku OS, GNU Hurd, and other alternative operating systems can also be discussed.
Topics: 1,538 Posts: 25,584
1,538 25,584