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Mozilla Has A New CEO To Focus On The Future

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  • #51
    Originally posted by TemplarGR View Post
    Nice, more wokeness and left wing politics while ignoring the software proper.
    A real leftist would give the blacks and Latinos cheaper and better education, discourage or otherwise ban drugs with force, and other things possibly down the hard path, so the poor can become competent workers for a better America.

    The so-called left of America chose le easy path of just letting incompetent guys blessed with race, gender, drugs etc. sitting where competents should be and call it "equality."
    Last edited by cend; 09 February 2024, 01:03 AM.


    • #52
      Holy fuck, the comments here are a cesspool. phoronix You really need to moderate your forum. This is ridiculous.


      • #53
        Originally posted by alphabitserial View Post
        Holy fuck, the comments here are a cesspool. phoronix You really need to moderate your forum. This is ridiculous.
        Can't handle the heat? Stay out of the kitchen. Go back to the basement.


        • #54
          Originally posted by muncrief View Post


          It's much better to be awake than asleep, and much better to be a social justice warrior than a social injustice one.

          I mean seriously, how amazing it is that so many men are threatened by women who have jobs. It's like the old days when men used to say that women can't drive, when they drive equally well. When someone gets in a lot of accidents, or is bad at their job, it has nothing to with their sex or race or ethnicity. It's just that they're human, and some individuals are better at some things and worse at others.

          I’m all for women being in charge when they’re good at their jobs (just look at AMD), but even you have to admit that Mozilla’s top management has nothing to do with skill or merit, and everything to do with pushing an agenda and hitting quotas. There’s probably nobody left in the Mozilla corp who actually knows what they’re doing. They’re just living off of Google’s free money while it exists, and are riding the ship into the ground. Their only goal is to stretch out Firefox’s death for as long as possible, they don’t plan on it surviving at all.


          • #55
            Mitchel... she?


            • #56
              Originally posted by alphabitserial View Post
              Holy fuck, the comments here are a cesspool. phoronix You really need to moderate your forum. This is ridiculous.
              your comment should be the first and only one removed for being clearly off topic and a troll because you provide no information for your attack and insults on other forum users.


              • #57
                Will she have the same astronomical salary???
                I will never donate to an organization that wastes so much money on the CEO salary instead of using most of the money to hire more programmers.


                • #58
                  Originally posted by muncrief View Post

                  Turning it all off still forces you to go to the Firefox home page, and there must be some kind of tracking reason for it or they wouldn't do it. As I said, it's just bizarre. I always set my home page to so I'm not tracked every time I open my browser. But with the Firefox Beta that's impossible now. Whoever is in charge of making these kinds of anti-consumer feature decisions needs to be fired, because they are the kind of people that are dragging Firefox down.
                  LOL, imagining that loading a website leads to less tracking than showing a fully in-app welcome screen that doesn't even try to connect to the internet.


                  • #59
                    Originally posted by Quackdoc View Post
                    And besides, if baker is any indication, Men were right to be "threatened" by women who have jobs, because clearly they can't do them LOL
                    Somehow this argument rarely gets made against similar cases of "men who have jobs". Many such examples where overpaid male executives ran a company into the ground. Sometimes even multiple companies.


                    • #60
                      Once DEI takes hold of a company, it doesn't let go...

