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Mozilla Has A New CEO To Focus On The Future

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  • #71
    Originally posted by darkoverlordofdata View Post
    I didn’t realize how many adolescent incels read Phoronix.
    Just so you can feel right at home.

    They are not useless - ask any woman who’s had a baby
    I have had my share of baby time and guess what? You can put that baby on your breast and it has a free smart pump integrated. The only time you might (you can do it without a pump also) need such a pump is when you don't care for your baby yourself and pay someone else to do it (which means you're rich) and even then what smart do you need there? Put it on, switch it on, switch it off, ready.
    Or when you wanna party hard with drugs it's also useful.

    (if you know any women)
    Not sure if your mother counts, but I'll ask her next time ...

    And they are not for rich women - they are covered by insurance as a medical expense.
    Oha, people get free insurance in America? And they pay for smart stuff instead of reasonable normal hardware? I would guess this only applies to certain states?

    thank goodness for family leave - you now find fewer breast milk jars in the fridge at work.
    Whats good with that? Now you need to go shopping for milk again if you don't like pure coffee.


    • #72
      Originally posted by fitzie View Post

      your comment should be the first and only one removed for being clearly off topic and a troll because you provide no information for your attack and insults on other forum users.
      Lol what? There's plenty more comments that are even less on topic. And frankly seeing some of the utter lack of decorum here anyways, some of the forum users here deserve a few insults.


      • #73
        Originally posted by Anux View Post
        ...The only time you might (you can do it without a pump also) need such a pump is when you don't care for your baby yourself and pay someone else to do it (which means you're rich) and even then what smart do you need there? Put it on, switch it on, switch it off, ready...
        Unless of course, you are a working mother.


        • #74
          Originally posted by darkoverlordofdata View Post

          Unless of course, you are a working mother.
          But than you either rich or wouldn't wast your money on smart pumps.

          What do you need a smart pump for? Does it have a social media account were it compares your throughput in liters to other mothers, or even cows? Automatic milk diary?

          It's really sad women have to work while having a baby. But since it's mostly a thing in democracies, it's probably what most people want.


          • #75
            WTF, how the discussion in 8 pages, have reached the term Incel, wtf, is not because someone is incel, is because this girl have destroyed the firefox focus in mozilla, and have upgrade own salary amount of times, this is not normal.
            Yes i'm know this woman have focus in A.I for Mozilla, but this can't be the better way.
            Please stop with this, is not because someone have a different opinion, it not means this person don't have sex.
            And about Incel, yes the mostly guys is incels because of hypergamy, is not a boy fault.


            • #76
              Originally posted by archkde View Post

              Somehow this argument rarely gets made against similar cases of "men who have jobs". Many such examples where overpaid male executives ran a company into the ground. Sometimes even multiple companies.
              that's because it was a joke...


              • #77
                Originally posted by Anux View Post
                Servo has no plans to become a full browser engine (that was my hope for a new browser build of it), they are targeting this application GUI thing mostly.
                says who? Servo is planned to be used in embedded cases. as an alternative to electron, etc. This necessitates it being a full fledged browser. This is why CSS2 is such a massive priority. CSS2 is the majority of complicated internet stuff. A lot of javascript primary web apps already work fine. Wasm is still somewhat of an issue however.

                But that's like saying webkit has no plans to become a full browser engine.


                • #78
                  Originally posted by Quackdoc View Post

                  says who?

                  Servo is planned to be used in embedded cases. as an alternative to electron, etc. ... This necessitates it being a full fledged browser.
                  In that video it sounds like they want to target embedded exactly because it only requires a subset of a full fledged browser.

                  But if I'm proven wrong, all the better.


                  • #79
                    Originally posted by Anux View Post

                    In that video it sounds like they want to target embedded exactly because it only requires a subset of a full fledged browser.

                    But if I'm proven wrong, all the better.
                    Yes but some components from Servo is used Firefox too.
                    I think Servo will never be a full Web Engine, because is not designed to be a full web engine, but can be a bridge to new toolkits like Tauri that uses Servo.
                    Firefox uses Webrender Servo component, IIRC what components firefox is using now that is from Servo project.
                    But i think Gecko will be the default webengine for a long time.


                    • #80
                      Originally posted by Quackdoc View Post

                      says who? Servo is planned to be used in embedded cases. as an alternative to electron, etc. This necessitates it being a full fledged browser. This is why CSS2 is such a massive priority. CSS2 is the majority of complicated internet stuff. A lot of javascript primary web apps already work fine. Wasm is still somewhat of an issue however.

                      But that's like saying webkit has no plans to become a full browser engine.
                      Tauri is already a electron alternative, but Firefox use some servo project components, like webrender, is possible to more components can be used

