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Mozilla Has A New CEO To Focus On The Future

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  • #41
    Sounds like bringing your damaged car to the bakery, and being surprised to find flour and water in the oil tank.


    • #42
      Mozilla has gone woke. Remember how they pushed out JavaScript inventor and short-term CEO Brendan Eich for his personal political beliefs? And now they are repeatedly doing token promotions to top positions who - surprise! - are utterly useless in turning the company around. Former CEO Mitchell Baker is infamously on record for complaining about a 400% pay rise as underpaying her by a factor of 5. All happening while her company’s market share was in free fell, down 85%.

      How do they want to attract great technical talent when male engineers need not apply for CEO? Mozilla’s technical staff better packs up and runs for the hills.

      Seriously, this company deserves to go up in flames. Perhaps then a core group of engineers can pick up the pieces.


      • #43
        Originally posted by Danniello View Post
        Ehhh... Firefox as commercial product doesn't make sense. At all. It means that Mozilla as commercial company doesn't make sense too. In reality Mozilla is Google subsidiary that desperately trying to find other streams of cash.

        Firefox should be developed by some non commercial organisation that is subsidised by companies and governments that do not want to be 100% dependent on Google. Especially European Union should be very interested.​
        It is not like there are no business models for a company of this calibre. They have had poor leadership. And instead of building great products, many of the public statements from Mozilla read like they want to make the world a better place or something.


        • #44
          Hey, muncrief , consider giving "iceraven" a shot on android.

          I use it, and put up with a few inconveniences it has, first and foremost because of addon support, the modern Web is unusable without ublock, and secondly because I want to show up in as many trackers as possible as using the gecko engine or whatever, I know there are thousands of different ways to spoof your user agent profile etc, but I don't care for them, all I care is that Google don't ever feel they are free to do whatever they want to the Internet and its standards.

          For it to be automatically updated I use the FFupdater app from fdroid, otherwise you'd have to get the apk from github or wherever every time.

          And if you, like me, have an iPhone as well (whether by choice or not), also consider the Orion browser. Yes of course it is webkit as apple does not let you have anything else, but at least it has good enough add-on support.


          • #45
            Originally posted by Danniello View Post
            Ehhh... Firefox as commercial product doesn't make sense. At all. It means that Mozilla as commercial company doesn't make sense too. In reality Mozilla is Google subsidiary that desperately trying to find other streams of cash.

            Firefox should be developed by some non commercial organisation that is subsidised by companies and governments that do not want to be 100% dependent on Google. Especially European Union should be very interested.​
            I've read somewhere, that Norway government installed Vivaldi browsers at public libraries.


            • #46
              Originally posted by rhadlee View Post
              Mozilla has gone woke. Remember how they pushed out JavaScript inventor and short-term CEO Brendan Eich for his personal political beliefs? And now they are repeatedly doing token promotions to top positions who - surprise! - are utterly useless in turning the company around. Former CEO Mitchell Baker is infamously on record for complaining about a 400% pay rise as underpaying her by a factor of 5. All happening while her company’s market share was in free fell, down 85%.

              How do they want to attract great technical talent when male engineers need not apply for CEO? Mozilla’s technical staff better packs up and runs for the hills.

              Seriously, this company deserves to go up in flames. Perhaps then a core group of engineers can pick up the pieces.

              It's much better to be awake than asleep, and much better to be a social justice warrior than a social injustice one.

              I mean seriously, how amazing it is that so many men are threatened by women who have jobs. It's like the old days when men used to say that women can't drive, when they drive equally well. When someone gets in a lot of accidents, or is bad at their job, it has nothing to with their sex or race or ethnicity. It's just that they're human, and some individuals are better at some things and worse at others.

              Last edited by muncrief; 08 February 2024, 11:46 PM.


              • #47
                Originally posted by muncrief View Post


                It's much better to be awake than asleep, and much better to be a social justice warrior than a social injustice one.

                I mean seriously, how amazing it is that so many men are threatened by women who have jobs. It's like the old days when men used to say that women can't drive, when they drive equally well. When someone gets in a lot of accidents, or is bad at their job, it has nothing to with their sex or race or ethnicity. It's just that they're human, and some individuals are better at some things and worse at others.

                This has nothing to do with that. No one dislikes baker because baker is a woman, Everyone dislikes baker because baker fucked Mozilla over the table. His point was that mozilla completely disregards technical merit to push their woke agenda. Gotta love how sexist people are who support the woke bullshit, Imagine thinking that a woman can't get a seat of power in a company because of merits, and they need your help to do it.

                And besides, if baker is any indication, Men were right to be "threatened" by women who have jobs, because clearly they can't do them LOL


                • #48
                  I wished microsoft edge used mozilla engine rather than chromium


                  • #49
                    Originally posted by zamroni111 View Post
                    I wished microsoft edge used mozilla engine rather than chromium
                    mozilla's engine is a nightmare, this is why barely anything actually uses gecko aside from firefox and forks. If only mozilla didn't kill of servo, we could be running that, but alas, maybe in the future since servo is now under active development again
                    Last edited by Quackdoc; 09 February 2024, 12:30 AM.


                    • #50
                      Originally posted by muncrief View Post
                      I used Firefox exclusively up until about 3 years ago. But because of incompatibility with many websites, less focus on privacy, and the destruction of their mobile browser with the "Daylight" release, I had to start using Chromium with add and pop-up blockers on Linux, and Brave for everything else. However as of about two months ago Brave finally began compiling and working on Arch, so now I use Brave on everything.

                      I would love to go back to Firefox though, even if it remains a bit little slower than Chrome based browsers, but they need to fix their compatibility problems and laser focus on security. And my goodness, they need to go back to the fully functional mobile browser they had before the "Daylight" release. I mean seriously, it was awesome. It worked just like their desktop browser and even supported the same extensions. But now Firefox mobile is just the same stripped down browser like everyone else has. Even Brave mobile is awful, but at least it's more secure than others.
                      None of these things are true about current versions of Firefox. However, I don't care which browser you use. Brave seems to be a fine browser in my experience.

