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Steam Linux Marketshare Surges To Nearly 2% In November

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  • #71
    Originally posted by Weasel View Post
    LMFAO. Did you look at the population?

    Those statistics are about population so all that matters is GDP-per-capita or rather how much each individual pays on average. That's a simple fact they will never understand.

    I get that communism is all about "shared slavery" but we're talking about Steam statistics here, and those show how many accounts play.
    You wrote that they play free games because they are poor. Meanwhile, they spend more than the US or EU countries and are the largest market for PC games.

    So what if on average, statistically, they spend less on games? Maybe they spend less because they play less and apparently study more, work more and spend time on other activities?

    The market as a whole is bigger, and that's important. That's why Chinese localization is never overlooked, and it happens to languages from richer per capita countries.

    Look at the hardware:
    as the Chinese language has now declined on Steam Survay (20% reduction), there has also been a significant decline in computers with 32GB of RAM. for that, 8GB and 16GB have increased significantly
    before the decline of Chinese in second place in graphics cards was RTX 2060 now is GTX 1650, in third place was RTX 3070 and now is GTX 1060.

    It comes out that the average Chinese computer has more ram than and better graphics than the average computer from Steam. Probably because they are poor.


    • #72
      Originally posted by F.Ultra View Post

      Funny considering your posts so far have been nothing but matters of taste. Your bias lets you believe that what you perceive as better is the objective truth so you don't realise that you only argue in subjective terms.
      Laptop/HP - ArchWiki (
      Laptop/ASUS - ArchWiki (

      A lot of problems? You can't buy every laptop for Linux? I can not buy the hardware I want, but one that will do Penguin well - nice.

      And what system is there more software for?

      These are subjective qualities?

      Which system more people use on the desktop???? Which is used more often on the desktop by professionals? So by extension, which one is better tested in all possible ways???

      Phoronix, Linux Hardware Reviews, Linux hardware benchmarks, Linux server benchmarks, Linux benchmarking, Desktop Linux, Linux performance, Open Source graphics, Linux How To, Ubuntu benchmarks, Ubuntu hardware, Phoronix Test Suite

      These developers are lying??? Or are you here systemically overlooking the problems that occur on linux because it doesn't fit your story of better linux on desktop?

      All that I wrote above is objective. And from this objective data (plus my years of experience with Linux on the desktop) grows my subjective opinion that Widnows is a better desktop system than Linux.

      Of course, there are exceptional situations, e.g. IT people who work and earn in a Linux environment - but these are exceptions.​


      • #73
        Originally posted by HEL88 View Post

        Laptop/HP - ArchWiki (
        Laptop/ASUS - ArchWiki (

        A lot of problems? You can't buy every laptop for Linux? I can not buy the hardware I want, but one that will do Penguin well - nice.

        And what system is there more software for?

        These are subjective qualities?

        Which system more people use on the desktop???? Which is used more often on the desktop by professionals? So by extension, which one is better tested in all possible ways???

        Phoronix, Linux Hardware Reviews, Linux hardware benchmarks, Linux server benchmarks, Linux benchmarking, Desktop Linux, Linux performance, Open Source graphics, Linux How To, Ubuntu benchmarks, Ubuntu hardware, Phoronix Test Suite

        These developers are lying??? Or are you here systemically overlooking the problems that occur on linux because it doesn't fit your story of better linux on desktop?

        All that I wrote above is objective. And from this objective data (plus my years of experience with Linux on the desktop) grows my subjective opinion that Widnows is a better desktop system than Linux.

        Of course, there are exceptional situations, e.g. IT people who work and earn in a Linux environment - but these are exceptions.​
        yes they are subjective in the sense that it is pretending that problems like these are are unique to Linux and/or ignoring why it would be so. As a systems developer myself since close to 40 years I constantly have to fight with stupidity in Windows. As recently as today (or yesterday since it's now 02:00 in the morning over here) I was ready to throw my computer out the window in pure rage due to how the Windows desktop in Windows Server 2019 behaved in one of my vm:s.


        • #74
          Originally posted by HEL88 View Post
          You wrote that they play free games because they are poor. Meanwhile, they spend more than the US or EU countries and are the largest market for PC games.
          You clearly don't understand how 1+1 works. Do you think 100 people paying 1 dollar each means they're richer than one guy paying 90 bucks because it's 100 in total?

          That one guy is less than 1% of the "gaming" population in your stupid charts, and yet he spends half of it.

          We're not fucking talking about the entire market here. We're talking about how it inflates player numbers and is misleading when you brought that up as if every single player in your chart pays the same amount.


          • #75
            Originally posted by Weasel View Post
            You clearly don't understand how 1+1 works. Do you think 100 people paying 1 dollar each means they're richer than one guy paying 90 bucks because it's 100 in total?

            That one guy is less than 1% of the "gaming" population in your stupid charts, and yet he spends half of it.

            We're not fucking talking about the entire market here. We're talking about how it inflates player numbers and is misleading when you brought that up as if every single player in your chart pays the same amount.
            Do you have any data that Chinese people are buying a lot of cheap games, not fewer more expensive ones???? Or did you just make that up?

            As I mentioned, when the Chinese left (20% decrease), the number of computers with 32GB ram decreased and increased with 8GB and 16GB, the GTX1650 and GTX1060 jumped to second and third place, and before the Chinese left there was RTX2060 and RTX3070 (first place with no change RTX3060).

            So you can clearly see that the hardware has better than average on Steam.

            And you suggest that they buy cheap games. Do you have any basis, any data? Or are you telling fairy tales?​

            Or maybe it is different from what you write?

            Maybe in Western countries it is the game consoles that are more popular than in China, Chinese people play more often on PC therefore their hardware is better than average on Steam and they buy more AAA games on PC?
            Last edited by HEL88; 06 December 2023, 03:51 PM.


            • #76
              But the chinese can only play x hours per day.
              also correlation is not causation dude.


              • #77
                Originally posted by drakonas777 View Post

                The same can be said about Windows commutative updates which always create a wave of problem reports in online platforms.
                Right. Thus, I said that either Linux or Windows is not that stable on average for desktop use. Windows because malware/updates. Linux because like I stated above.


                • #78
                  Originally posted by HEL88 View Post
                  Do you have any data that Chinese people are buying a lot of cheap games, not fewer more expensive ones???? Or did you just make that up?

                  As I mentioned, when the Chinese left (20% decrease), the number of computers with 32GB ram decreased and increased with 8GB and 16GB, the GTX1650 and GTX1060 jumped to second and third place, and before the Chinese left there was RTX2060 and RTX3070 (first place with no change RTX3060).

                  So you can clearly see that the hardware has better than average on Steam.

                  And you suggest that they buy cheap games. Do you have any basis, any data? Or are you telling fairy tales?​

                  Or maybe it is different from what you write?

                  Maybe in Western countries it is the game consoles that are more popular than in China, Chinese people play more often on PC therefore their hardware is better than average on Steam and they buy more AAA games on PC?
                  According to Google, China's GDP-per-capita is $12,556 while the USA's (for example, and it's not even the highest) it's $70,248. You understand what this means, right?

                  I doubt the chinese spend their entire income on games and hardware.


                  • #79
                    Originally posted by HEL88 View Post
                    1.91% including 43% is Steam Deck.

                    1.91 *(1-0.43) = 1.088

                    So, 1.088% is Linux desktop, laptop etc. An impressive achievement after 10 years of presence on Steam and a supposedly better system.
                    Hello everybody,

                    I would like to apologize for my posts under nickname "sophisticles" and "hel88".

                    the thing is, I am very sick person. Schizophrenia with manic depression.
                    When I'm on my medication like now, I feel ashamed for the things that I do when not on medication.

                    For example, when I'm not using my therapy properly I get this crazy tendency to troll on linux forums. For that devious purpose I am using nicknames "sophisticles" and "hel88". under those nicknames I write crazy, insane things. when I am on regular therapy like now, I cannot believe the crap that I wrote under those 2 nicknames.

                    overall, I would like all of you to know that I don't really mean what I write under those 2 nicknames and also, I love linux, open source and gpl. and yes, microsoft sucks.​

