Originally posted by brosis
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Shuttleworth Closes Bug #1, Microsoft's Market Share
Originally posted by BO$$ View PostIt would be a genius move! Hopefully it will happen. Office on Ubuntu would be great. Fuck that LibreOffice POS.
Especially if it works. Most people are used to Office. Getting it on Ubuntu would be great. A great blow would be if they got a way of making it work only on Ubuntu and not any other distro. Ubuntu would skyrocket while the rest would...well... nothing
That might sound great in the short term and very convenient, but I've learnt my lesson with all the bait & switch tactics from microsoft.
No thanks.
Originally posted by John123 View PostSo will Linux based distros receive working graphic drvers? Ever?. No!
Originally posted by John123 View PostWho cares about sync to vblank for Linux (and now even for Windows!!!).
Originally posted by John123 View PostKeep dreaming about waylands, mirrs or desktop acceleration.
Originally posted by John123 View PostIt ain't gonna happen. Never. Linux is a post sale cost. There has never been a proper support,
Originally posted by John123 View Postthere always was video and desktop tearing for nvidia,
Originally posted by John123 View Postcomplete lack of working drivers for AMD
Originally posted by John123 View Postand shit for Intel working 3 times slower than on Windows and without OpenCL,
Originally posted by John123 View Postwich renders programms like GIMP 2.8.x unstartable on Intel machines.
Originally posted by John123 View PostPair it with non working AMD and you're out.
Originally posted by John123 View PostNot to mention VAAPIs, NVDPAUs and other stuff like renering videos on GPU.
Originally posted by John123 View PostKeep dreaming.
Originally posted by John123 View PostPS. And now Linux got that amazing gift from Intel, called UEFI
Originally posted by John123 View Postand awesome present from Microsoft called Banned Boot without USB. Hoorraaay!
PS: by the way, I noticed you posted the exact same thing here: http://phoronix.com/forums/showthrea...919#post333919
Aren't you the guy who has an HD4670 by the way?Last edited by Calinou; 31 May 2013, 08:40 AM.
Grow up
Nice to see this bug is finaly closed. This means Canonical is growing up. Keep up the good work !!!
Next bug I would like to see closed is the one where some of te Phoronix forum-members start to grow up :-)
To many people jelling and shouting without telling something rational.
Sorry for my bad English, I think you understand my point ;-)
Originally posted by BO$$ View PostYes and you're that 10 year old boy who thinks he can change the world by rebelling against everything and somehow emerging victorious. The same type of guy who gets to 30 and gets fucked by the world and thinks that there is something wrong with it instead of admitting that he is the one in the wrong. See the Microsoft development model works. It seems like the people buy their software.
But I'll let that slide. You're saying you don't think there's anything wrong with the world, seriously? It's all just business as usual? What a lovely, remarkably sociopathic view of of the world you have. It suits so well that kid who always brown-noses the bullies and laughs along with the crowd whenever some poor smaller guy is targeted... instead of sticking up for the weaker guys, you enjoy being part of the lynch mob... because your dad has probably taught you that you have to be "ruthless" to "make it in the world" or some shit like that, right?
Oh, by the way... The Microsoft model works so well that their stock is tanking and their latest product (windows ache) is a flop even worse than vista. The only reason they're in the position they are is because they have basically lied, cheated, stolen, done whatever dirty tricks they can to get on the top... but hey, you actually admire that, right? You think it's great to be able to cheat and steal. It shows that you're strong. Just like your daddy wanted you to be.
The open source people are idiots (not all of them but a vast majority) because they refuse to see the truth. Their development model doesn't fucking work. Whenever anything gets even remotely popular they fork it and start doing their own thing resulting in even more fragmentation which confuses the end user who says fuck it and goes back to windows.
What now you gonna argue that windows actually does not own the desktop market and that linux is the way to go? Seriously? It's a fact that Microsoft makes more money than anything Red Hat. See they must be doing something right. Instead of complaining maybe it's time to emulate them. The ways of getting into power haven't changed for the last few thousand years and they're not gonna change just now just because you want them to. That is your main issue right there. You think this time it's gonna be different. And as long as most open source people think like that they have no chance of success.
You and I both know you are lying. Stop spewing bullshit. If you could make money selling open source products how come most companies haven't jumped on this ship. Why doesn't Oracle open source their database? And don't tell me cause they're stupid. That only means you are stupid.
I'm getting too sad thinking about you, Boss, and how sad your life must be. I'm going to have to take my leave of this thread.
Originally posted by dee. View PostBut I'll let that slide. You're saying you don't think there's anything wrong with the world, seriously? It's all just business as usual? What a lovely, remarkably sociopathic view of of the world you have. It suits so well that kid who always brown-noses the bullies and laughs along with the crowd whenever some poor smaller guy is targeted... instead of sticking up for the weaker guys, you enjoy being part of the lynch mob... because your dad has probably taught you that you have to be "ruthless" to "make it in the world" or some shit like that, right?
I have to register just to say this: Bravo! Very well said, sir!
Originally posted by BO$$ View PostYou and I both know you are lying. Stop spewing bullshit. If you could make money selling open source products how come most companies haven't jumped on this ship. Why doesn't Oracle open source their database? And don't tell me cause they're stupid. That only means you are stupid.
If you had been paying any attention you would know Oracle has an open source database which Sun paid $1 billion for called MySQL, Oracle also has an open source programming language called Java you may have heard of it, and a Linux distro but I guess Oracle just has no interest in making money these days because apparently you can not make money with open source.
Originally posted by timothyja View PostThis comes no long after this headline was released.
Man From Microsoft Runs the Ubuntu Project Now: http://techrights.org/2013/05/15/ubu...osoft-veteran/
Just because someone does or has worked for Microsoft does not make them anti-Linux, anti-Freedom, pro-Windows, or anything else. In fact, if they stopped working for Microsoft despite all the benefits, that might even mean that they have a beef with the company, its products, or its practices. Their previous employment just means they found that working there was the best option available to them at the time for one of a bunch of different possible reasons. While there are some very anti-Linux people at Microsoft, there's anti-Linux people all over the place; likewise pro-Linux people are everywhere you can imagine and probably some you can't.
Furthermore, most people _just don't give a shit_. Mr. Spencer is probably significantly more interested in doing his job well than he is in anything else relevant to Linux vs. Windows. If he can do that job well in favor of Linux rather than in favor of Windows, that should be considered a _good thing_ for the Linux supporters. Likewise, if he maintains good relations with other folks internal to Microsoft, that can only helps shift Microsoft even further down the path it's been traveling of acceptance and cooperation with Linux rather than the now 14-year-old anti-Linux campaign of theirs that everyone seems to be clinging to.
The ridiculous fear-mongering in that article you linked does way more to discredit certain Linux bigots' critical thinking skills than it does to discredit Mr. Spencer or Ubuntu.
Likewise the secure boot thing. That is technology designed by engineers to solve a security problem _that actually exists_. Much more likely than an evil plot to hamper Linux adoption, the internal discussions about it at Microsoft probably went along the lines of "huh, we're getting complaints from Linux users about this. What do our customers and hardware partners think? Oh, they really just don't care at all. Well, okay then, no reason to spend more time and money on this just to quiet down the fringes of the blogosphere." There's a strong argument that the road to hell is paved with apathy, but there's a very different discussion than claiming evil plots. It always amuses me when conspiracy theorists both claim how stupid and awful some entity is while simultaneously attributing them with Lex Luthor-like intelligence and godlike foresight and premonition.
If there's any factual arguments with supporting evidence that Mr. Spencer is trying to destroy Linux for the benefit his previous employer, get upset.