KDE & Xfce Don't Lead To Performance Wins Over Windows 8

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    Originally posted by pandev92 View Post
    Serious sam BFE3 under linux with intel hd4000 is unplayable, 3-4 fps, but under windows 8 with the same chipset, I can run this game on the mid detailes on 1920x1080 and I get 30/40 fps...

    This is the very difference, intel drivers on linux, are sooo sloowwww on 3d games.
    It's not only driver problem, because SS3 isn't optimized for Linux. Wargame, in contrary works better under Linux, so I can say: KDE, XFCE and Ubuntu lead to performance wins over Windows. It's as true as moronix title.


    • Mike Frett
      Senior Member
      • Jan 2013
      • 449

      One thing

      Exactly why would Windows anything be relevant to me?. I have zero intentions of going back to Windows, so of what relevance is it that Windows is faster?. It's not about whining, It's about relevance, being faster doesn't remove the back-doors, law enforcement agreements or insecurity of old code that's built on top of something thats a decade old.

      So what now, is this just Phoronix in a bad mood and decides to fight it's users?. Sorry I don't get it, and I don't get why I should care about what's happening on the Windows platform either.


      • Calinou
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2012
        • 926

        Originally posted by Mike Frett View Post
        Exactly why would Windows anything be relevant to me?. I have zero intentions of going back to Windows, so of what relevance is it that Windows is faster?. It's not about whining, It's about relevance, being faster doesn't remove the back-doors, law enforcement agreements or insecurity of old code that's built on top of something thats a decade old.

        So what now, is this just Phoronix in a bad mood and decides to fight it's users?. Sorry I don't get it, and I don't get why I should care about what's happening on the Windows platform either.
        Don't forget the article is talking about Intel graphics, which are known for being slower on Linux than on Windows. Do the same with a NVIDIA graphics card and the performance will pretty much be the same. 8)


        • Vim_User
          Senior Member
          • Jan 2013
          • 1116

          Originally posted by schmidtbag View Post
          hah damn Michael put the whiner's in their place.
          Plans to elaborate that? Because we asked for a test done on something other than Unity, just because it was known for performance regressions?

          Anyways, this article was clarifying some things for me, thanks Michael.


          • Adarion
            Senior Member
            • Mar 2009
            • 2063

            Originally posted by phoronix View Post
            Phoronix: KDE & Xfce Don't Lead To Performance Wins Over Windows 8

            1. The test conditions / setup box is as always unreadably small and must be scrolled.
            2. From what I am reading there it is using an intel chip.
            3. What the hell is this "test"? It is comparing the driver implementation for intel chips on Windows and Linux. Doesn't really have that much to do with the desktop environment.
            Stop TCPA, stupid software patents and corrupt politicians!


            • jaysonrowe
              Junior Member
              • Mar 2013
              • 5

              SS Setting

              Originally posted by Pawlerson View Post
              Where I need to to put this?
              You put it in the console (use the ~ key to drop it down).. Enter each line one at a time. It made a huge difference for me.


              • squirrl
                Senior Member
                • Aug 2009
                • 349

                If Dell would tweak a notebook for absolute performace under Ubuntu, it would take:
                1. Intel writing a superb closed source driver with all the propriatary algorithms
                2. Realtek writing the best audio driver for Linux in gernel
                3. Atheros delievering essential an up-to-date Wifi driver
                4. Dell tweaking the kernel and quality testing the entire thing for 6 months.

                Because, that is what happens when companies get advanced copies of Windows 8 to prep for their next product.

                Microsoft is all but leasing Windows to their customers. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't start selling their own brand laptop for rent.

                Linux and distributions in general, are too busy preping for the next product release other than cleaning up problems that have existed for years.

                1. Upstream problem
                2. Won't fix see #1
                3. Angst against closed source drivers
                4. Opinions
                5. etc.....


                • kokoko3k
                  Senior Member
                  • Apr 2011
                  • 301

                  I'm surprised too to see kde to perform worse than other DEs.
                  Now, given the fact that kwin has desktop effects disabled for fullscreen apps,
                  two things come to mind:

                  a- could it be that compositing active still has an impact?
                  b- Or maybe some background process is stealing cpu cycles?

                  So i would suggest to:
                  1- manually disable effects in the whole kde (Alt-shift-F12) prior to start the benchmark
                  2- having a report about background processes cpu use during the bench.

                  Point 2 could be implemented in PTS by starting a monitoring "top -b" or something similar...
                  I think something like that would be a nice addition to PTS what do you think, michael?


                  • stqn
                    Senior Member
                    • Jan 2011
                    • 672

                    Thanks for the article. I hope in the future it will be possible to benchmark more ?mainstream? games, games from the Humble Bundles maybe (yes, some of them are slow), Valve/steam games, or popular Windows games under Wine.


                    • ua=42
                      Senior Member
                      • Jan 2010
                      • 418

                      Originally posted by kokoko3k View Post
                      I'm surprised too to see kde to perform worse than other DEs.
                      Now, given the fact that kwin has desktop effects disabled for fullscreen apps,
                      two things come to mind:

                      a- could it be that compositing active still has an impact?
                      b- Or maybe some background process is stealing cpu cycles?
                      Well, check this out http://jaysonrowe.blogspot.com/2013/...kde-users.html . Basically it's a bad default setting in KDE. KDE should change the default. Micheal's tests shows that when the default KDE is used, it under-performs compared to the other desktops with their defaults.

