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Python 3 Is Close To Becoming The Default In Fedora 22

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  • nanonyme
    Originally posted by Togga View Post
    And the fact that python3 got worse, especially when used interactively. In python2 you have a nice distinction for instance between "map" and "imap", in python3 you need to write "list(map(fn,lst))" to see the result on the prompt or get a list.

    I can see no reason to switch to Python3. Can you? (besides "it's new").

    If Python2 is no longer developed, maybe a fork is justified.
    Python2 the language hasn't been developed for a very long time and standard library is in maintenance mode for CPython. I recommend looking at PyPy for the future of Python2

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  • Togga
    Originally posted by Cyber Killer View Post
    The whole problem with python3 adoption is the libs. A very high amount of libs still have not moved to py3, and are keeping the world on py2, make dev write apps for py2, write more libs for py2 etc...
    And the fact that python3 got worse, especially when used interactively. In python2 you have a nice distinction for instance between "map" and "imap", in python3 you need to write "list(map(fn,lst))" to see the result on the prompt or get a list.

    I can see no reason to switch to Python3. Can you? (besides "it's new").

    If Python2 is no longer developed, maybe a fork is justified.
    Last edited by Togga; 22 January 2015, 07:35 PM.

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  • chithanh
    RE: PEP-0394, Gentoo did this too. The python version that /usr/bin/python points to is user configurable, but defaults to python3 since early 2012.

    There was a small amount of fallout, but thanks to users' ability to select python 3 as the default, the most serious issues had already been reported and addressed at that point.

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  • mether
    Originally posted by carewolf View Post
    Cool then. I assumed that is what "default" meant. AFAIK Arch did change /usr/bin/python to python3 recently, I have run into several issues with that reported by other developers. was written in part to address that question because Arch did something no other distribution would really do. Fedora was involved in this PEP and follows it.

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  • carewolf
    Originally posted by RahulSundaram View Post
    Do you understand that what you are proposing here is EXACTLY what the proposal already is? Fedora does NOT intend to change /usr/bin/python to point to python 3 at all. Read it.
    Cool then. I assumed that is what "default" meant. AFAIK Arch did change /usr/bin/python to python3 recently, I have run into several issues with that reported by other developers.

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  • niner
    Originally posted by wizard69 View Post
    That is like telling a C++ programmer it is somebody's else's problem to move his code to C++ 14! It is the developers responsibility to evolve his code to support the latest language concepts and features.
    No, not at all. Because you can still compile your C++ 98 code on even the most modern compiler and expect it to work exactly like when you wrote it. That's dependability.

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  • mether
    Originally posted by wizard69 View Post
    Took the words right out of my finger tips! Red hats feet dragging here has been deplorable.
    That seems silly. Red Hat is one of the earliest adopters of Python and has gone as fast as it could have considering that its packaging, build tools and the installer is written in Python. This is literally well over an year of work to move to Python 3.

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  • mether
    Originally posted by carewolf View Post
    I really don't understand why it is necessary to change /usr/bin/python to version 3. Since the major version are effectively separate languages and can coexists, why not leave the interpreter for python 3 as /usr/bin/python3? Or would that just break too little?

    I fear the day some dum-ass distro "upgrades" /usr/bin/perl to Perl 6. It is 14 years old now, so it is about time right??
    Do you understand that what you are proposing here is EXACTLY what the proposal already is? Fedora does NOT intend to change /usr/bin/python to point to python 3 at all. Read it.

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  • TheBlackCat
    Originally posted by Cyber Killer View Post
    I wish that was true, instead nearly every week I hear at work that some new project is started in py2 because stuff like Selenium or some other lib doesn't support py3. There might not be that many not ported libs, but the ones left are quite high profile from what I see.
    Selenium supports python3 just fine and has for some time. It is true there are a few high-profile projects, but even when looking at high-profile projects most have been ported, and pretty much all the rest are in the process of being ported, are abandoned totally, and/or have alternatives that work on python 3.x:

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  • Cyber Killer
    Originally posted by wizard69 View Post
    That is a far smaller number of libs than any time in he past. The number is so small it doesn't really matter anymore.
    I wish that was true, instead nearly every week I hear at work that some new project is started in py2 because stuff like Selenium or some other lib doesn't support py3. There might not be that many not ported libs, but the ones left are quite high profile from what I see.

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