A Major Music Company Now Backs Systemd In Debian

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  • mendieta
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2009
    • 588

    Originally posted by tmpdir View Post
    Hahaha... Thanks, had to google this one but looks promising and also debian based . Think i'll switch to debian some time in te future. After mir my ubuntu-enthousiasm hit an all-time low.
    Same here. I use Kubuntu because (1) I use KDE, (2) I want a popular distro, user oriiented, and (3) I want easy third party or backport management, and Ubuntu still gives me all that, particularly with the PPAs.

    I used to see a lot of value also in having Ubuntuforums with a gazillion users. But there are less and less problems as Linux gets more polished, and really, my computers bore me these days, nothing to fix anymore And KDE has alienated me to the point that I only use the basics: Plasma, Dolphin. The rest, it's a mix: Chrome for the web and gmail, Google docs most of the time for documents, Pitivi for video editing, tv-maxe or chrome for streamed sports, vlc for media, etc ...


    • mrugiero
      Senior Member
      • Jan 2011
      • 1336

      Originally posted by c117152 View Post
      Don't forget Valve made it clear the reason SteamOS is built off Debian instead of Ubuntu was Canonical's Contributor License Agreement which applies to Upstart.
      I haven't seen that, do you have a link? I remember it was over "legal issues", but no further clarification.


      • DeepDayze
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2007
        • 1207

        Originally posted by DanL View Post
        siduction is calling for you (and I think the latest releases are already using systemd...).
        Yes the latest siduction release is using systemd by default and it works quite well in my testing. I initially was leery of systemd but it's being actively developed so any bugs or issues are being addressed fairly rapidly. Debian leaning towards systemd is a good thing in my opinion.

        As for Spotify perhaps they should offer suggestions and maybe look into making their Linux client work on a par with their Windows one for starters. If they need technical help in doing that perhaps they can get help from the community in the form of patches or suggestions.


        • marciocr
          Junior Member
          • Sep 2013
          • 34

          Originally posted by c117152 View Post
          Don't forget Valve made it clear the reason SteamOS is built off Debian instead of Ubuntu was Canonical's Contributor License Agreement which applies to Upstart.


          • corebob
            Junior Member
            • Dec 2013
            • 37

            Originally posted by tmpdir View Post
            Hahaha... Thanks, had to google this one but looks promising and also debian based . Think i'll switch to debian some time in te future. After mir my ubuntu-enthousiasm hit an all-time low.
            Siduction has worked great for me for a long time.
            It got systemd and a wireless cli tool called ceni that actually works, and with the nox release you can build your debian unstable from scratch


            • Marc Driftmeyer
              Senior Member
              • Oct 2012
              • 1502

              Nice to finally see a commercial entity endorse something.

              How about providing non-voting shares and help fund a system you clearly thrive on?

              I support systemd, and if these folks have so many deployments, perhaps they should pony up resources to expand on it.


              • LinuxAffenMann
                Junior Member
                • Oct 2008
                • 20

                It's probably not a good idea to base technical decisions like that on popularity...

                What's Debian waiting for, though? Pick a default solution and move on - there's no decision that will leave everyone happy anyways.


                • Adarion
                  Senior Member
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 2064

                  Best thing would be choice. Because some people might hesitate to use thing Lennart Poettering touched. Because some of these things are broken or they require a trail of dependencies you don't want. Besides, it leaves BSD (and possibly others) before closed doors which isn't all that nice. I understand the demand for fast booting but there should be ways to do that without all the hassle.
                  Stop TCPA, stupid software patents and corrupt politicians!


                  • wizard69
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2009
                    • 2236

                    Originally posted by marciocr View Post
                    It will impress only if the intention is to contribute. If not, it is only a opinion. And opinion do not impress developers.
                    Then such developers are worthless. Like it or not Spotify is a customer, to keep good customers you need to at least listen to their opinions and rationally evaluate what is being said.


                    • teresaejunior
                      Phoronix Member
                      • May 2013
                      • 59

                      Originally posted by Adarion View Post
                      Best thing would be choice. Because some people might hesitate to use thing Lennart Poettering touched. Because some of these things are broken or they require a trail of dependencies you don't want. Besides, it leaves BSD (and possibly others) before closed doors which isn't all that nice. I understand the demand for fast booting but there should be ways to do that without all the hassle.
                      Agreed! I simply love sysvinit, because it is very simple and works well, but lately, I'm not too worried for what init system Debian chooses, because I hardly do a fresh boot, I mostly hibernate. The worst problem here is that we are talking about replacing something true and tried with something that just may not work, from the same developers of Pulseaudio, ConsoleKit, PolicyKit..., which are the only things that gives me lots of headache even on Debian Stable.

                      Also, from many many tests I have done about one year ago, init+readahead-fedora or init+e4rat still boots much faster than systemd with its own readahead, so this one benefit is mostly psychological.

                      And I really couldn't care less for what some company says. The biggest strength of Debian is that it doesn't let any company do any lobbying. That was one of the main reasons I decided to stay with it over the years, just have a look at other distros that change goals from night to day and users have to flock away.

