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GNOME OS Working On A New Installer & Other Enhancements To Make It More Practical

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  • GNOME OS Working On A New Installer & Other Enhancements To Make It More Practical

    Phoronix: GNOME OS Working On A New Installer & Other Enhancements To Make It More Practical

    Germany's Sovereign Tech Fund continues providing the resources for various new GNOME desktop development initiatives. There are various efforts underway for new features and refinements with GNOME 47 in September and a renewed emphasis around GNOME OS...

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  • #2
    I never heard about Gnome OS, but it seems to be another cellphone generation inspired thing. Why not simply just run Android?

    And slightly off topic, but Gnome really "redefined" the desktop experience to something will never accept.
    Desktop systems should in my opinion be compact and structured like Gnome used to be and CSD is from Beelzebub himself the way I see it - saving space by putting buttons and stuff in a title bar that is way too large in the first place. How about just fixing the real problem and going back to a normal title bar and use menus in the good old sensible and structured way?


    • #3
      maybe one day gnome will make decisions that make sense

      Originally posted by waxhead View Post
      I never heard about Gnome OS, but it seems to be another cellphone generation inspired thing. Why not simply just run Android?

      And slightly off topic, but Gnome really "redefined" the desktop experience to something will never accept.
      Desktop systems should in my opinion be compact and structured like Gnome used to be and CSD is from Beelzebub himself the way I see it - saving space by putting buttons and stuff in a title bar that is way too large in the first place. How about just fixing the real problem and going back to a normal title bar and use menus in the good old sensible and structured way?
      Lots of people feel like android is becoming worse and worse and want to migrate away from it, I don't personally agree but I can see where the sentiment is comming from


      • #4
        Originally posted by waxhead View Post
        I never heard about Gnome OS, but it seems to be another cellphone generation inspired thing. Why not simply just run Android?
        GNOME OS is mostly meant as a dev/demo OS when working on GNOME core stuff and as a "preview" of upcoming stuff. Basically all "main" branches of the components packaged into one installable OS image. It is not intended to be daily driven as a normal OS.


        • #5
          GNOME OS Working On A New Installer & Other Enhancements To Make It More Practical

          So it installs KDE now

          **ducks and runs**


          • #6
            Originally posted by skeevy420 View Post

            **ducks and runs**

            mate you'd better do ;P


            • #7
              I like GNOME. I don’t use my mouse a lot.


              • #8
                if it'd be only KDE out there I'd never touch a Linux DE, I don't fuck with cluster fucks


                • #9
                  Originally posted by horizonbrave View Post
                  if it'd be only KDE out there I'd never touch a Linux DE, I don't fuck with cluster fucks
                  I like Gnome's workflow and overall aesthetics, but every Linux DE including Gnome is a clusterfuck. Hell, I'd say Gnome is more of one than KDE, just for different reasons. You really have to go down to the WM level to find projects that aren't clusterfucks, but then you give up basically every form of usability provided by your desktop.

                  COSMIC Epoch is my one hope for a sensible desktop all around.


                  • #10
                    *Insert comment about how Wayland, GNOME, CSD, Systemd, Pipewire, libcamera, Flatpak, Steam, Toyota, Mitsubishi, Domino's Pizza and Deutsche Bank has messed up the Linux desktop and the only way to go is to run GNU/Hurd plus KDE 3*

                    Stop with the hate, there is place for everyone.

                    Here, you have choice, if you don't like it, you have anything else to work with.

                    If you have to work with Windows or macOS, you'll deal with it and maybe tweak it with some 3rd party apps to get it working the way you like.

                    And every one makes questionable decisions.

                    No DE is perfect. No damn one. Not just Linux ones.

                    Stop the (inexistent) DE wars like you get paid for defending one or another.

                    For god's sake.

