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XDG Top-Level Drag Protocol Approved For Wayland

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  • #31
    Originally posted by ssokolow View Post
    I'm also likely to follow the dolphin-emu guys' lead and just XWayland-only my creations pending Wayland meeting my definition of "functional".
    I thought that was Stenzek who develops Duckstation and PCSX2, not Dolphin.


    • #32
      Originally posted by some legend
      libertarian neckbeard wizards
      congratulations sir you win the comment section 🧙🏻‍♂️


      • #33
        Originally posted by treba View Post

        The feature that this protocol adds over the core protocol DnD is that during a DnD session the dragged thing can turn into a window - which you're then moving around. The existing DnD only allows you to have a small preview surface. If you drop a Firefox tab on e.g. an empty desktop, a window will spawn - potentially a bit weirdly positioned. So things kinda worked before, just not as nicely.
        Except... it doesn't work right. Under Plasma, I cannot drag a tab to another screen. As soon as I detach it, it turns into another window on the same monitor. And the drag operation gets dropped, I have to pick it up again and move it. Under X I never gave this another thought.


        • #34
          Originally posted by bug77 View Post

          Except... it doesn't work right. Under Plasma, I cannot drag a tab to another screen. As soon as I detach it, it turns into another window on the same monitor. And the drag operation gets dropped, I have to pick it up again and move it. Under X I never gave this another thought.
          Draging tabs to a new screen works perfectly fine for Firefox for me in sway. For chromium it works if there is another chromium window already on the screen, then I can move the tab to the other window. But if there isn't I can't move the tab to create a new window on the other screen.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Nuc!eoN View Post
            So Wayland needs a protocol for every poop? Does not sound convenient nor sustainable for UI developement.
            At first they were like - we do only image swapping the rest is not our job, you the desktop devs figure out and implement the rest yourself, elsewhere, but NIMB.
            Then as years went by they were increasingly like - OK, some stuff can be implemented in Wayland via a new extension...


            • #36
              Originally posted by quaz0r View Post
              congratulations sir you win the comment section 🧙🏻‍♂️
              Lmao thank you. "neckbeard wizard" is a thing I used to say all the time but I hadn't said it in awhile. This was my first time using it in years. Added "libertarian" because it felt applicable after the last few years here lol


              • #37
                Originally posted by rrveex View Post

                I don't know what "better desktop" means. Also, I don't care much _how_ things look like, as long as they are usable, but even so - Windows (10) is a mess of ... windows - and I mean the "system" ones, belonging to Windows - that come from different eras and look very different.

                The "services" window is from NT era, white, ugly, not respecting scaling, dark theme, etc. The new (unusable) settings like "bluetooth" are, for some reason, always full screen. The "control panel" is in several places, looks different (one is "devices", the other "system", again other "control home" or "settings home" or something).

                Speaking of "compatibility" - I'd say "Windows 10 is not compatible with Windows 10".
                IMO the worst aspect of the Windows 10 UI is how messy and disorganised it feels. If you don't know where exactly a particular option is, good luck being able yo discover it. That thing is a f'in point & click adventure game where you have to solve riddles at every step, not a desktop. To their credit, Windows 11 is much better in that regard.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Myownfriend View Post

                  Well, no, that's still just an opinion.
                  Not really, all data you can look up to see what people on this planet use for their desktop OS for reasons.

                  Just going to leave it at that, and agree not to agree.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by theriddick View Post
                    Not really, all data you can look up to see what people on this planet use for their desktop OS for reasons.

                    Just going to leave it at that, and agree not to agree.
                    Not sure you understand what the term "marketshare" means. It is not an opinion poll.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Myownfriend View Post

                      Not sure you understand what the term "marketshare" means. It is not an opinion poll.
                      So your saying the 97% of people using Windows are wrong? ok mate, cya later. (just going by steam data)

                      Modifying the numbers slightly and saying, look, see, your wrong. Means nothing.
                      Fact remains, Linux is NOT the most popular Desktop OS! And one of the biggest contributing factor to this is the snails pace at which new/improved features are implemented.

                      I'm not trying to say Linux desktop sucks and nobody should be using it.
                      I prefer it myself tbo, but it lacks some features/stability I do want atm.
                      Last edited by theriddick; 31 January 2024, 08:02 AM.

