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GNOME Merge Requests Opened That Would Drop X.Org Session Support

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  • #51
    Originally posted by avis View Post
    This would be a great loss to Gnome, not the Luddites. Why? Wayland is mostly Linux only while Xorg is FreeBSD/OpenBSD/NetBSD/etc.
    I don't think the GNOME folks care. Certainly the Fedora Community has demonstrated they do not care as they "null file" code like it's yesterday's newspapers.


    • #52
      Originally posted by nvaert1986 View Post
      This is not a smart choice in my opinion as there's many end users (beginners) using Ubuntu or Fedora as a desktop and Wayland.
      I doubt that they care about new users or even users with older equipment.

      Some Linux distributions are getting to the point where if you can't afford a Lambo, Ferrari, or a Porsche to run their distro then you just aren't the sort of Linux user that we want in OUR COMMUNITY. How elitist can you get?


      • #53
        Originally posted by kpedersen View Post
        Agree. Oh well, since we can't "support" Gnome 3 anyway, I say we should rip it out of the BSD ports collections and go back to Gnome 2. Then get some real polish going for the next decade.
        You sounds intending to be sarcastic, but I am personally using MATE desktop which is almost just that, forked from Gnome 2 since 2011.


        • #54
          Originally posted by NotMine999 View Post
          Some Linux distributions are getting to the point where if you can't afford a Lambo, Ferrari, or a Porsche to run their distro then you just aren't the sort of Linux user that we want in OUR COMMUNITY. How elitist can you get?
          Or people cling to their e-waste for far too long and then at long last support for it ends and we get people wailing that they are being brutally abandoned. Time keeps progressing. Standing still is falling behind.​


          • #55
            Aside from the flame war going on here, does anyone know the status of headless Remote Desktop (rdp, vnc, chrome remote, etc) on wayland? Last time I tried this, it required 1) the local environment to be logged in which is a security risk and 2) a real monitor or dummy plug plugged into hdmi.


            • #56
              Originally posted by spyke View Post
              This might introduce some inconveniences for people using fresh distos (like Ubuntu Current) because Wayland is not ready:

              * Color Management is still in early development
              * No Wide Color Gamut and HDR support
              * Emulated input just have been merged and not yet fully used by software (Barrier/Sinergy)
              * Flameshot still doesn't have an official build with Wayland support
              * Some games are slower under XWayland

              And that's just from the top of my head.
              And no TigerVNC server for headless machines..


              • #57
                Originally posted by avis View Post
                I don't mind at all.

                Originally posted by avis View Post
                BTW, what does it mean "loosing legacy code"? Loosening? How does it work?
                Obviously you are not used to getting rid of legacy code. First of all you loosen it. When it is loose you can take it out. Once the code is extracted it can get lost.


                • #58
                  Originally posted by S.Pam View Post

                  And no TigerVNC server for headless machines..
                  Gnome has remote desktop support built-in, no need for tigervnc


                  • #59
                    Originally posted by avis View Post
                    Why would a person, with something like RTX 3060 Ti and higher, buy and install a used feeble GPU to run Wayland when his Xorg session is working perfectly and allows to use features not available on AMD, i.e. CUDA/AI/fast RTRT?
                    Don't worry and be more optimistic, NVidia is a great company and had top notch support for Linux since day 1, no reason why they won't fix Wayland support in their fantastic proprietary drivers.

                    NVidia is after all the market leader, and it wouldn't be without good reason isn't?


                    • #60
                      Originally posted by avis View Post

                      "Dead" Xorg works perfectly on my three PCs. Modern Wayland works on none (I'm an XFCE user).

                      "Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated" - Xorg.

                      Wayland support in XFCE has been progressing nicely but extremely slowly. While most features of the DE are now working, they are still missing Wayland XFWM. There's an experimental fork on github but it's hacked by a third party and there's been no talks about merging it with mainline.
                      Oi wasn't you the one who claimed that XFCE was death? I'm asking for a friend.

