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GNOME Publishes Draft Of Five-Year Strategic Plan

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  • #51
    Originally posted by guzz46 View Post
    And once again the gnome devs are obsessed with skin colour and what people have between their legs, are they every going to move on from their racist policies and just treat everyone equal?
    lol that's just how it goes right nvidia has its thing but AMD slacks like ALWAYS they're playing catch up their cards might have tonnes of VRAM but so what if the support is NONEXISTENT they need to get their act together or whats the POINT of having fancy hardware if it's all just for show AMD keeps promising but where's the DELIVERY huh and don't even get me started on the PRICES totally INFLATED its like they don't care about the ACTUAL users out here


    • #52
      DEI? Really?

      Originally posted by Volta View Post

      What do they mean here? What about less diverse people?
      Such as the linux userbase? ​ They don't need us, they've got their sights set on companies that don't even use linux or something, idk what they're smoking to be honest, but gnome devs being kooky isn't anything new, gtk has always been ass and it somehow gets worse with every major version.

      Wonder who the crazy bastard is that thought tying (text) selection to the primary clipboard was a good idea, now if users do shenanigans to disable primary clipboard pasting, selection doesn't work in almost any gtk application. Absolute trash.
      Last edited by rabcor; 23 May 2024, 05:39 PM.


      • #53
        Running these through tac and adjusting the headlines makes them sensible:

        "Strengthen & stabilize GNOME Foundation as nonprofit organization"​

        - Prioritize the health and well-being of the foundation itself
        - Double the annual expense and revenue budget of the GNOME Foundation
        - Claim and Document Our Impact and Value

        "Create Unified, Integrated Suite of Programs, Services, & Processes"

        - Reorganize our events into a streamlined, more inclusive annual event
        - Strengthen critical weaknesses in IT infrastructure and security
        - Consciously integrate our technologies and services

        "Create Explosive Growth of Our Community of Creators and Users"

        - Increase commercial and economic value of GNOME
        - Relate to bigger “outward” world by making GNOME directly relevant and attractive to many more diverse people
        - Unify our “inward” community around a shared vision

        Simply put, they got their priorities backwards.


        • #54
          Originally posted by oleid View Post

          Racist? That's not the correct word in this context.

          Treading all people equal is not what is good for everyone. In some cases equality and equity yield to the same results, i.e. for elections. Everybodys vote has the same weight. Yet, in many cases equality doesn't equate equity.
          Some people need less support for the same outcome, others more. It is like giving everybody shoes of the same size 42 because that's the average shoe size. It might fit for some people, but not for everyone. There are even people without legs that don't have a need for shoes.

          Your argument here, which you even provide a visualization of to make it extra clear, is essentially that an arbitrary difference like skin color is equivalent to the difference between an adult and a 2 year old. I couldn't think of anything more overtly racist if I tried.


          • #55
            I still don't understand why this foundation even exists... None of the things they said they will do actually matter to anyone outside the foundation, the foundation exists to please the foundation, tell me how this is not some elaborate money laundering scheme...


            • #56
              The GNOME Shaman has spoken


              • #57
                Originally posted by oleid View Post

                Racist? That's not the correct word in this context.

                Treading all people equal is not what is good for everyone. In some cases equality and equity yield to the same results, i.e. for elections. Everybodys vote has the same weight. Yet, in many cases equality doesn't equate equity.
                Some people need less support for the same outcome, others more. It is like giving everybody shoes of the same size 42 because that's the average shoe size. It might fit for some people, but not for everyone. There are even people without legs that don't have a need for shoes.

                Sure it is, we're not talking about giving someone a box to stand on because they're too short, that's not diversity, that's just being respectful, DEI is hiring or not hiring someone based on the colour of their skin, which is racist, its no different than not hiring a black basketball player because there's already too many black basketball players in your team, therefore the only reason why that person didn't get the job is due to the colour of his skin.


                • #58
                  Originally posted by mxan View Post
                  When KDE set goals every few years, they're actually relevant to the project. When GNOME set goals, it's about Creators, Diversity, Economic Value. Corporate and soulless, just like Mozilla. I also love how they spell out what everyone's known about GNOME forever - that there are insiders ("inward community") and outsiders. They're not even hiding it anymore LOL
                  Ditching Gnome and reading this, assures me it was the right decision. What a clown show the Gnome foundation is and they'll take the DE down with them.


                  • #59
                    Originally posted by oleid View Post

                    Racist? That's not the correct word in this context.

                    Treading all people equal is not what is good for everyone. In some cases equality and equity yield to the same results, i.e. for elections. Everybodys vote has the same weight. Yet, in many cases equality doesn't equate equity.
                    Some people need less support for the same outcome, others more. It is like giving everybody shoes of the same size 42 because that's the average shoe size. It might fit for some people, but not for everyone. There are even people without legs that don't have a need for shoes.
                    What the heck are you even talking about? Read their political talking points - it's just vague bs about diversity. So, what was the problem before? They weren't diverse enough? They have pictures of them on one of their websites. How are they not diverse enough? It's just about a bunch of nonsensical political garbage - when they were supposed to be fixing their finances since they're an incompetent, irresponsible debt-ridden organization.


                    • #60
                      Originally posted by quaz0r View Post

                      Your argument here, which you even provide a visualization of to make it extra clear, is essentially that an arbitrary difference like skin color is equivalent to the difference between an adult and a 2 year old. I couldn't think of anything more overtly racist if I tried.
                      Apparently it is easy to miss the whole point if you choose to. Congratulations.

