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Cortex Command beta coming...request for testers...

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  • Svartalf
    Originally posted by gongo View Post
    Figures... So maybe I should just do it the "proper" Windows way and run everything as root?
    Uh. be my guest...all you'll do is compromise your box...

    Unfortunately, many Windows games presume they're working out of their own install directory for saves, configuration, etc. You have to extend the file I/O code that is in the game to do as Loki and LGP have done (which is a bit time consuming and potentially error prone) or wire in something like PhysicsFS into the game (which is slightly less time consuming and equally error prone...) to allow someone to install it globally like you want to do. Many of the Linux versions of Windows games (for example, unless you're talking about all the old GPL released iD titles, they don't play well that way, or NWN, or...) I'm trying to encourage the thinking that something like PhysicsFS is a good thing because it'll work right for MacOS, Linux or any other OS with multi-user thinking baked into the OS directly.

    Good to know it's not a problem with my machine, I'll hold on for the next build in that case.

    I'll email you here shortly. I've got a couple of requests to ask of you to help verify what the cause is- if possible, I would like to offer people workarounds until at least PhysicsFS is properly wired in and that change is merged back into the source tree. (It probably won't be the initial release though...there's some timing constraints going on for the initial publicly available Linux version...but shortly thereafter, once it's been fully tested... )

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  • gongo
    Originally posted by Svartalf View Post
    That's because you're installing it like a "proper" Linux program and placing it for global user-use (per your email...)
    Figures... So maybe I should just do it the "proper" Windows way and run everything as root?

    Good to know it's not a problem with my machine, I'll hold on for the next build in that case.


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  • Svartalf
    Originally posted by Wyatt View Post
    Ahah! Strangely, the mass-forward of silliness made it to my inbox, but the actual meaty bit that was useful got tagged as spam. Silly GMail... Well then, よろしく!
    Niiice. I'll try to be less spammy then and gritch at Google's GMail team- that wasn't SPAM and shouldn't have been flagged by GMail as such.

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  • Svartalf
    Originally posted by gongo View Post
    It actually works for you? The install finishes, but then it doesn't find files that are in the proper place... I'll download it again and give it another go, maybe I'm just doing something wrong.
    That's because you're installing it like a "proper" Linux program and placing it for global user-use (per your email...)- I'll explain more in my email sometime tomorrow (just got back in from being out of town to go see my wife...) but suffice it to say that currently, deviations from what it defaults to may not work right (mainly because it's a straight up port from Windows to Linux without helpful things like PhysicsFS wired into the game...). There's another gotcha that came through to me via Kano where I find out that a .so I presumed to be a "universal" one ISN'T and some distributions apparently don't default install it.

    A new build will be out shortly, hopefully partially handling the problem you're finding, the one Kano found, and probably 64-bits.

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  • snuwoods
    oh okay, I received an invite, somehow it didn't show up when I searched for it before.

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  • Wyatt
    Ahah! Strangely, the mass-forward of silliness made it to my inbox, but the actual meaty bit that was useful got tagged as spam. Silly GMail... Well then, よろしく!

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  • Setlec
    i've tried the beta client but i can't make it run on 64bit due to the while it requires the 32 bit i hope the 64 bit client will be upload soon

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  • gongo
    Originally posted by whizse View Post
    I got copies of all the submissions people sent in. Which made it quite hard to miss

    Haven't had much time for the game yet though, but it seems to install and run okay.
    It actually works for you? The install finishes, but then it doesn't find files that are in the proper place... I'll download it again and give it another go, maybe I'm just doing something wrong.

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  • whizse
    Originally posted by snuwoods View Post
    I got copies too(oddly), they were in spam though and I couldn't be bothered to search through 300 spam messages for the invite, assuming that I was accepted into the beta anyway.
    But you did find the mail with the login details and URL to the game? If not, it should have "[ccommand4linux] Welcome to the Cortex Command Beta!" in the subject.

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  • snuwoods
    I got copies too(oddly), they were in spam though and I couldn't be bothered to search through 300 spam messages for the invite, assuming that I was accepted into the beta anyway.

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