Which is the most advanced GPLd OpenGL FPS 3D engine today, even if in Beta version?
By "most advanced" I mean support the most and latest and greatest OpenGL graphics features.
By GPL I mean GNU Public Licence (v2, v3 etc), and not free as in gratis but closed source.
By FPS I mean First Person Shooter, as in Quake, Quake 2, ioquake, Nexuiz, Sauerbraten, Urban Terror, etc.
For this particular question I am not interested in physics or AI. Those aspects could have been a separate questions.
By "most advanced" I mean support the most and latest and greatest OpenGL graphics features.
By GPL I mean GNU Public Licence (v2, v3 etc), and not free as in gratis but closed source.
By FPS I mean First Person Shooter, as in Quake, Quake 2, ioquake, Nexuiz, Sauerbraten, Urban Terror, etc.
For this particular question I am not interested in physics or AI. Those aspects could have been a separate questions.