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Open-Source Software Encode/Decode For H.266/VVC Progressing

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  • Originally posted by darkbasic View Post

    You're the one spreading misinformation. This is a screenshot of Youtube in Incognito mode serving av1 by default:

    Even after manually selecting the 1080p quality it still defaults to av1:

    didnt realize they do it for general users now, just checked another song in a brand new ungoogled chromium install, and can confirm that music seems to be in av1. after testing a few it seems to be fairly popular songs that are getting the av1 by default treatment


    • Originally posted by Artim View Post

      AV1 is served by default on any resolution. At least for me even with 720p it defaults to AV1, that's not something I'd call high resolution.
      i've never seen it before now, that being said I dont really watch all that much youtube, but it seems popular songs seem to get it fairly consistently


      • Originally posted by Artim View Post

        AV1 is served by default on any resolution. At least for me even with 720p it defaults to AV1, that's not something I'd call high resolution.
        Give me a link to at least a single mainstream YouTube non-8K video (not experimental ones encoded only as AV1 as I shown earlier for Twitch) which is served by default in AV1. Failure to do so will make you an egregious liar.

        I've just opened the one you mentioned and it's served to me in VP9 in three different web browsers, Firefox 109.0.1, Chrome Version 110.0.5481.77 (Official Build) and Microsoft Edge.

        I can bet 99.9% of people will get it as in VP9 as well. No idea why you get it as an AV1 stream, but I have zero reasons to believe you. Too much lies has been spread in this topic and nothing that I've said so far has been proven wrong.
        Last edited by avis; 13 February 2023, 06:07 AM.


        • Originally posted by darkbasic View Post
          I don't talk to idiots who can't contain their ego and start insulting random people on the Internet. Go get a life, you won't get any more answers from me.
          Thanks for proving my point. You said it yourself, of you don't know a term, you look it up. And you do that before publicly humiliating yourself by spreading utter bs. Refusing to do so only proves your stupidity.


          • Originally posted by avis View Post

            Give me a link to at least a single mainstream YouTube non-8K video (not experimental ones encoded only as AV1 as I shown earlier for Twitch) which is served by default in AV1. Failure to do so will make you an egregious liar.

            I've just opened the one you mentioned and it's served to me in VP9 in three different web browsers, Firefox 109.0.1, Chrome Version 110.0.5481.77 (Official Build) and Microsoft Edge.

            I can bet 99.9% of people will get it as in VP9 as well. No idea why you get it as an AV1 stream, but I have zero reasons to believe you. Too much lies has been spread in this topic and nothing that I've said so far has been proven wrong.
            I wonder what would be causing it? can confirm that the video linked is serving av01 to me as well, this one is being served av01 for me in both firefox, edge, and ungoogled chromium


            • Originally posted by Quackdoc View Post
              I wonder what would be causing it? can confirm that the video linked is serving av01 to me as well, this one is being served av01 for me in both firefox, edge, and ungoogled chromium
              Let's check the most watched videos for 2022,

              On the desktop:
              • All the videos at or below 1080p are served as AV1 by default. Woah.
              • All the 4K and 1440p videos are served as VP9 by default.
              YouTube now prefers AV1 for popular 1080p (or below) videos because it's less data to serve/send thus it's cheaper for them. Unpopular/rarely seen 1080p (or below) videos are only in H.264, not even VP9.

              VP9 is served for 4K and 1440p because AV1 is computationally expensive for these resolutions and YT won't want you to get frame drops or stutters.

              On my phone (doesn't support HW AV1 decoding).
              • All the videos are served in VP9 except the ones which are encoded only in H.264.
              In summary YT has slightly increased the amount of content served in AV1 but they cannot go full force with it because even at 4K 60fps many not so old PCs and laptops will struggle to decode it.

              We are still talking about a content provider. The vast majority of people continue not to use AV1 for their own video production because encoding is super slow and their HW cannot encode into it (aside from a small number of Intel Arc, NVIDIA GeForce 40 and AMD RDNA 3 series' owners).

              Edit: some recent moderately popular 1080p videos have VP9 and H.264 but not AV1. Go figure.
              Last edited by avis; 13 February 2023, 06:57 AM.


              • Originally posted by avis View Post
                I've just opened the one you mentioned and it's served to me in VP9 in three different web browsers, Firefox 109.0.1, Chrome Version 110.0.5481.77 (Official Build) and Microsoft Edge.
                FF AV1. Chromium AV1. Edge doesn't support AV1 on Linux.

                (All in incognito window)


                • Originally posted by avis View Post

                  Devices with HW AV1 decoder? Fewer than 0.1% of devices in the world. The format was finalized four years ago. It's the worst uptake of any codec for the past two decades. People still don't understand why OEMs and companies (except Google/Netflix) eschew it.
                  Whaaat the selling of Hardware with AV1 decoding was not greet in times(corona, war) where the prices for GPUs have gone to the moon and have been hard to get. what a surprise. Right now are the prices in a better state and i notice a lot of people around me that get AV1 decoding capable GPUs/Last gen.

                  And not everyone needs Hardware decoding. AV1 on the CPU should be fine for quite a big amount of devices that are plugged in and not everyone is watching high Resolution at all. The interesting question is how many % of the traffic is able to be served in AV1 without negative impacts on the user. Not every 10Year old office PC of your grandma is interesting


                  • Originally posted by avis View Post

                    Give me a link to at least a single mainstream YouTube non-8K video (not experimental ones encoded only as AV1 as I shown earlier for Twitch) which is served by default in AV1. Failure to do so will make you an egregious liar.

                    I've just opened the one you mentioned and it's served to me in VP9 in three different web browsers, Firefox 109.0.1, Chrome Version 110.0.5481.77 (Official Build) and Microsoft Edge.

                    I can bet 99.9% of people will get it as in VP9 as well. No idea why you get it as an AV1 stream, but I have zero reasons to believe you. Too much lies has been spread in this topic and nothing that I've said so far has been proven wrong.
                    You really need to learn how to read.
                    • I've already given an example with this exact behavior: Rick Astleys never gonna give you up. Just open the official video of his YouTube account. It doesn't even have anything above 1080p, yet independent of any resolution you set it will default to AV1
                    • As I already explained too, not every single video will default to AV1. In general, it takes much longer for a video to be encoded in AV1. Also, only videos with enough popularity get transcoded to AV1 as those are the videos where Google saves the most bandwidth. What they count as popular enough is most likely only known by Google. But that "only 8k" is utter bs, no idea which moron came up with that stupid theory.


                    • Originally posted by avis View Post

                      Give me a link to at least a single mainstream YouTube non-8K video (not experimental ones encoded only as AV1 as I shown earlier for Twitch) which is served by default in AV1. Failure to do so will make you an egregious liar.

                      I've just opened the one you mentioned and it's served to me in VP9 in three different web browsers, Firefox 109.0.1, Chrome Version 110.0.5481.77 (Official Build) and Microsoft Edge.

                      I can bet 99.9% of people will get it as in VP9 as well. No idea why you get it as an AV1 stream, but I have zero reasons to believe you. Too much lies has been spread in this topic and nothing that I've said so far has been proven wrong.
                      PS: that video is interesting, it does have AV1 available, but not defaulting to it. Maybe because it's too new or something, idk.

