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Ubuntu 13.04 To Axe The Wubi Windows Installer

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  • peppercats
    Originally posted by Sonadow View Post
    Even most noobs know how to install a copy of Windows onto bare metal with the Windows install DVD.
    You severely overestimate the capabilities of the average user.

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  • Sonadow
    Originally posted by peppercats View Post
    No they shouldn't. Linux isn't some secret "h4ckers 0nly" club, it should be available to everyone as easily as possible. Linux will never catch on as long as people have to manually install it, and as long as they have to manually install it, it should be as easy as possible.
    Installing something as fundamental as an operating system is not some secret "h4ckers 0nly" club activity. Even most noobs know how to install a copy of Windows onto bare metal with the Windows install DVD. I don't see how difficult can it be to load a DVD into the drive and simply click 'Next' ad infinitum.

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  • GreatEmerald
    Indeed. You have to manually install Windows as well, after all, and the difference between the Windows and Ubuntu installers aren't that huge.

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  • curaga
    Recent Ubuntus are extremely easy to install, especially if you can pick "use whole disk". Then it's just name, timezone, watch nice pictures of what Ubuntu can do for some minutes.

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  • peppercats
    Originally posted by Sonadow View Post
    People should learn how to install an operating system onto bare metal using a proper OS installer and not through a workaround such as Wubi.
    No they shouldn't. Linux isn't some secret "h4ckers 0nly" club, it should be available to everyone as easily as possible. Linux will never catch on as long as people have to manually install it, and as long as they have to manually install it, it should be as easy as possible.

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  • Sonadow
    For the record, during the period of time I was on Ubuntu the Wubi installer never ever seemed to work; it just end up hanging at the installation process. That was during the XP and Vista days. Maybe it has improved vastly today, i don't know.

    Anyway, no real loss. People should learn how to install an operating system onto bare metal using a proper OS installer and not through a workaround such as Wubi.

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  • yossarianuk
    [QUOTE=ruinairas;323079]Well, there goes my method of showing people Ubuntu. People feel more comfortable using WUBI than using a real partition. I dunno why, it's just that way. I can't wait to explain to some of my friends why I can't install 13.04 on their computer using WUBI now. >.>

    Well one thing was it was far slower than the normal livecd or normal install.

    So it may have put people off looking more into the OS.

    One person at work mentioned how slow ubuntu was compared to Windows, it was only after about 15 minutes into the conversation I worked out he was using wubi.

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  • AJenbo
    Originally posted by GreatEmerald View Post
    Good thing we're moving towards GPT, then.
    Turns out the Ubuntu installer has issues with interacting with the Windows 8 laptops that have GPT partitions as well. It can't see Windows and appears to not want to partition the drive either. I think it is related to the MBR compatible sektion of the GPT, but I haven't had a chance to play with one my self.

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  • rafirafi
    Originally posted by who_me View Post
    There is no reason in this day and age to use WUBI. I used something like it way, way back. It was called WinLinux. It pretty much did what WUBI does today on Win 95 /98 (maybe Me?). Buuuut, today we have virtual machines, powerful computers and good disk imaging software that can be obtained at no cost (like the free version of Macrium Reflect).

    If you are the one that is helping friends and family install Ubuntu, than do it properly for God's sake.
    Virtualization is great but there are perfectly working computers without vt-x, yes even today.
    And sorry but "powerful computers" cost something, some people are poor or too young to have their own money.

    I'm not saying wubi is perfect, I'm just saying that the reality is that some people were very happy with wubi and it was their first step in linux world.

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  • blackiwid
    Originally posted by Sonadow View Post
    I just don't understand why people are hating on Windows 8 so much. Using it on a Surface was great, except when the limitations of the RT version kicked in. Sold it off and imported a Surface Pro from the US and everything is now gravy. There's no way I will want to install Linux on this tablet (even though SB can be easily disabled to do so) after having played with it for some time.

    And yes, Microsoft's products are addicting. Very addicting, i might add, to the point where I seem to have divided my computing time on my desktop and notebooks to 50% Windows 8 and 50% Fedora. Office 2013, SQL Server and Visual Studio alone are almost enough to send me completely back over to Windows land.

    Not to mention that Windows Phone 8 plays so much better on Windows 8 than Android does on a Linux system...and this is speaking from personal experience with 2 such smartphones.
    Its not hating, I just say, what I have seen in this video. And what are facts. he showed even the intro, that is 10 seconds long and does not bring you into a state that you can use this os.

    You have to watch a 45minute youtube video form some users to be able to use this os.

    As a good example how bad this os is, is where the shutdown button is. you have to switch from the right site out a secret bar, you have to randomly find, by guessing wild around gestures... and then go under settings to find under settings the shutdown button. Thats just retarded.

    You can argue you dont need shutdown often and it was under gnome bad too, but even in the 1-2 minor releases of gnome where shutdown was hidden, you could always logout and then shutdown.
    Then there is another thing, even on the tablet you have several problems, the desktop mode is still there? WHY? if the "normal" mode is ok why giving a normal desktop mode, and if you do that, so if your new thing isnt good enough to fully replace the old desktop, why is there no start button or something similar on this desktop?

    So but ok even in tablet mode this os is bad, or at least unintuitiv, yes there is a difference between intuitive and good, you could even say that you think windows is good, but still is not intuitive.
    I dont agree to that, but it would be possible.

    As example I make me use emacs since a while and its totaly unintuitive (maybe also microsofts fault that I find it not intuitive because its just other scheme than I am used to...) but its good. So I did in my last post say primary that its not intuitive, thats not the same.

    So you did blame me for saying that windows 8 is bad while I did never say that (in last post).

    So but to get back to my previous point, even with a tablet its a very strange experince and not very intuitive, but on a tablet windows 8 is still way better than if you want to use it on a normal non-touch pc. So for that its just stupid, to make the gestures with the mouse is just bad, now I say it that its really bad, at least with non-touch devices.

    you can look it up on youtube the channel name is osfirsttimer they testet like 20 systems macosxes, ios, different linuxes, windows 2000/older ones even dos and so on, even she never used linux before and really loves her windows xp, on the 3 worst oses she put 3 windows oses, and I think one of it was windows 8. And no that was no linux-geek. A mother that wants to update to windows vista or windows 7 then.

    You compare it now with android, maybe android on tablets arent that good too, have no one, I just did compare it to the ios-tablet.

    And to compare it to android, at least with a mouse you can easily control it, there are no real hidden menus, maybe the dropdown-thing but you can get to all whats in there also by the normal application menu which is a icon for, and that is not hidden.

    You need maybe some time to find fast every thing in the application structure, but you dont have to know many secret gestures, maybe for closing a window you need that, but thats not very importent because you dont need to close stuff.

    And another difference is that, android is basicly for free, I installed a cost-free version of android 4.1 on my old defy handy (cyagenmod) and installed a adblock tool. so comparing something that costs 0 dollars and something they want money for is also not fair, but still android win at least slightly.

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