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GNOME 45 Released With New Apps, New Activities Indicator

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Errinwright View Post

    Expecting anything from Nvidia is a tad bit naive
    Boggles my mind that these delusional people still keeps giving ngreedia free passes, like ignoring how ngreedia simply hates FOSS and open standards, yet they keep giving them money and expecting this shitshow to simply work.


    • #32
      Another "stable" version released while serious bugs remain. For example if you're still on Xorg, because you actually want to play some games or do any color managed work, enjoy tearing in full screen windows (#mutter/2794). Perhaps, you want to use an actual taskbar and minimize windows, enjoy janky animations (#mutter/2317). Or maybe use the alt-tab switcher, too bad it'll randomly stop working correctly (#gnome-shell/6553). At least, I don't have to restart the shell anymore every other day due to GC issues.
      Last edited by sindex; 21 September 2023, 11:55 PM.


      • #33
        Originally posted by creative View Post

        I wish they would discontinue their DE and just maintain certain libraries and utilities.
        Considering that they work on those utilities precisely because they work on the desktop, I dont think the outcome is what you would want it to be: it would be abandoned libraries and utilities.

        Originally posted by creative View Post
        GNOME from what I understand has done a fair amount of demolitioning of things that other projects outside GNOME rely on or looked to as assets for design.
        I dont think this is true. But again, those developers using and developing a library get to decide its future direction. If others disagree with it, they do not have to remain passive consumers.

        But for the biggest gnome libraries like gtk, glib, and others, outside consumers are getting support and maintenance for like 20 years on major releases - that is amazing and beyond anything others do. For instance gtk2 was receiving maintenance long after qt3 (and even qt4) were abandoned!

        Originally posted by creative View Post
        In my opinion they need to be taking orders from long standing GNU Linux desktop development leaders outside the GNOME project and the GNOME desktop rendered derelict.
        I am glad its just your opinion. I really appreciate the work they do and hope they not only continue long into the future, they are able to recruit other volunteers to expand the amount of work done over time.


        • #34
          Originally posted by sindex View Post
          Another "stable" version released while serious bugs remain. For example if you're still on Xorg, because you actually want to play some games or do any color managed work, enjoy tearing in full screen windows (#2794). Perhaps, you want to use an actual taskbar and minimize windows, enjoy janky animations (#2317). Or maybe use the alt-tab switcher, too bad it'll randomly stop working correctly (#6553). At least, I don't have to restart the shell anymore every other day due to GC issues.
          They are far more likely to break another 3 critical features fixing the one.


          • #35
            Originally posted by creative View Post
            In my opinion they need to be taking orders from long standing GNU Linux desktop development leaders outside the GNOME project and the GNOME desktop rendered derelict.
            Lol. Gnome project IS the GNU Linux desktop leader in many respects so your wish is granted I guess.

            If you dont like the direction you can try to "order" people how to spend their free time but in the issue tracker on gitlab.


            • #36
              Originally posted by mppix View Post

              Lol. Gnome project IS the GNU Linux desktop leader in many respects so your wish is granted I guess.

              If you dont like the direction you can try to "order" people how to spend their free time but in the issue tracker on gitlab.
              It has been more than a decade of GNOME 3’s initial release and GNOME still sucks. Two of my most popular posts have been about GNOME 3 (#3 and #5), and in 2023 people still keep referencing …

              I am not going to try to order anyone, was just expressing some of my opinions. Comparing where they are now to where they used to be, it doesn't seem that history is on their side.

              The one thing you don't do is alienate your user base and act like you know what is best for them. Of course I don't use GNOME but some of the stuff I do use, uses pieces of the project unfortunately. Perhaps I should stop using those as well.
              Last edited by creative; 21 September 2023, 02:14 PM.


              • #37
                Except I could use the performance profile switcher from Gnome. But the future is in flexible DEs written in Rust.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by oleid View Post
                  loupe seems to use glycin for loading the images.
                  You most likely linked everything statically, hence the increased size.
                  I checked the meson build configuration and couldn't see anything related to static or dynamic build. Also, on Fedora 39 beta loupe has similar size (6 mb). But the size is just a detail compared to the build time increase and the overall broken application that adds controversial benefits when compared to eog.

                  Originally posted by oleid View Post
                  Did you report this as a bug?
                  You should share your professional wisdome with them.
                  I gave up because every time I tried they didn't give a damn. Actually, creative, thanks for sharing this article about how bad GNOME devs are not just as developers, but, especially, as human beings. Very well written. Not using GNOME seems to be a political decision above everything.


                  • #39

                    No problem.

                    Yeah I tried GNOME I think about, lets see? Maybe five years ago, started to try and customize some things in it. Its shell broke pretty much instantly.

                    Even from the very beginning I never used it anyway, just tried it out here and there. The first things I actually tried and used in GNU Linux for the desktop were Blackbox and Wmaker. So that kind of tells you a bit about me concerning my performance interests and things desktop related.

                    Today I use XFCE but could easily revert to something like fluxbox or something similar. Believe it or not Wmaker is still pretty serviceable it's just not the most beautiful or modern thing around and you can customize quite a bit in it. You probably would not want to though, it's so old.
                    Last edited by creative; 21 September 2023, 03:24 PM.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by guglovich View Post
                      Except I could use the performance profile switcher from Gnome. But the future is in flexible DEs written in Rust.
                      the future of DE is language neutral modularity via open and standardized wayland/xdg protocols. Rust may win, but that's not clear, rust was a pioneer in more runtime safe language, but there's enough warts in it that it will get challenged. Gnome went out of their way to make it impossible for developers to swap out core components from gnome, unless using their fragile javascript interface. This has not only hurt users, but done themselves a disservice, as they put huge gatekeepers on the design of the desktop, and gives blinders to said gatekeepers that will never see their users wanting something because they don't allow their users any freedom. It's also reinforced a bad technical architecture. Added to that they come up with the most bizarre HIG guidelines for apps, which I guess makes sense for a kiosk like computer for kids in preschool, but not anything desktop users want. If gnome ever did an app survey they would surely see that none HIG apps are more used and more liked then other apps.

                      I find it really amusing that their playing nice with rust now. But people wanting to write a dock for gnome (i.e. the wonderful dash-to-dock) must use javascript.

                      GNOME has the leadership position because they follow gtk, and gtk is still a leader, and the gnome experience (with all of it's limitations) is pretty polished. But their arrogance and dismissal of "power users" are basically the seeds of their undoing.

