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KDE Plasma 5.27 Dubbed "The Best Plasma 5 Version Ever"

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  • #11
    Originally posted by rene View Post
    Would be sad if not. Which software was ever released as "well, we screwed up, this software sucks, plenty of new bugs, enjoy anyway! Yolo" ;-)
    You also forgot "Let's Gooooooo!"


    • #12
      Originally posted by mirmirmir View Post
      "Introducing the best iphone ever"
      Yeah, it sounds too familiar
      Indeed. Is not 5.27 the version to give a best effort to multi-monitor support. Finally? I feel I remember reading on these pages something about that. Remains to be seen.


      • #13
        Originally posted by avis

        You could leave a comment below the article.

        As for other distros, there always will be people who will say "What about my distro? What about version X while you tested Y?" Then there will be people who will say, "But you could have disabled background services or installed/uninstalled this and that". Fedora is a well known high quality distro and most people run their distros with default settings. You're welcome to test the first one hundred most popular distros as seen on because ... why not? and not only that, at least two or three versions of them. In short, 300 distros, 9 environments and 2700 permutations of them. Good luck. Oh, I've forgotten, there will be people who will say that you also need to test all of that under discrete and integrated Intel and AMD graphics because, you know, RAM requirements may differ substantially. Never mind NVIDIA, it's horrendous/anti-Linux and should never be mentioned. So, 2700 x 4 which will make it 10 800 comparisons. Have fun. Luckily people at Hacker News had a much more fruitful discussion.
        You missed my point. One distribution only tests that distribution and their settings. Multiple distributions means testing multiple settings and software configurations. It's in that multiplicity that you find edge cases, bad settings, similarities, etc. That kind of rigorous testing is how Michael finds so many odd bugs.

        While I don't expect you to add multiple hardware configurations to go Full Phoronix on it, testing with more than one distribution with and without bare metal lets you know if Fedora is a fault, if KDE is at fault, or if VirtualBox is at fault. All you've proved is that KDE uses more resources than the rest with Fedora's default setup on VirtualBox.


        • #14
          Originally posted by mirmirmir View Post

          Me trying kde for the nth time:
          - complete the installation
          - wonder why everything is slow
          - find cpu 100% on fresh install
          - wipe it, change de/distro
          If on nth time you couldn't get that you need to find out which process consumes 100% of CPU time then you'd probably better off testing anything. Looks like you're wasting your time (and brain cells too).


          • #15
            Originally posted by openminded View Post
            If on nth time you couldn't get that you need to find out which process consumes 100% of CPU time then you'd probably better off testing anything. Looks like you're wasting your time (and brain cells too).
            Way to go gatekeeping a person that mentions a fresh install that went wrong (if we are going with what the user said is true). Either way, bugs do happen right?
            Also, way to prove the point that the user did waste it's time, thus installing something else that works for them.


            • #16
              Originally posted by R41N3R View Post
              Well, it would be nice if Plasma wouldn't crash anymore during basic usage.
              I often can't help but wonder what people like you do to cause that to happen. I have gone over a month without rebooting my Intel+Arch+KDE+Wayland setup, even where parts of KDE have updated and I still didn't reboot, and encountered no issues (or at least none that weren't effortless to recover from). My configuration is pretty different from the default and I've been using it for years (in other words, there's nothing fresh or expected about it) so I should be ripe for issues, but I hardly get them. If anything, they've only been decreasing.

              I only have one last gripe with KDE+Wayland, which is that sometimes, Chrome renders images all garbled, but I suspect KDE has nothing to do with this and it's an issue with the Ozone flag. Ironically, this happens the most with Google Image search. Otherwise, the last of my KDE issues was fixed a few months ago. Everything else I've reported or griped about has been fixed.


              • #17
                "I had multiple conversations with people who still thought that Plasma was bloated and were pleasantly surprised to see it running on the Pinephone".
                -- Rohan Garg


                • #18
                  Originally posted by Sethox View Post

                  Way to go gatekeeping a person that mentions a fresh install that went wrong (if we are going with what the user said is true). Either way, bugs do happen right?
                  Also, way to prove the point that the user did waste it's time, thus installing something else that works for them.
                  Who on Earth sees 100% CPU load and goes to reboot - wipe - another distro install without even trying to check for the culprit? He just trolls us doesn't he? Look at his post again. Or maybe he's just sick I don't know. What I know is that I don't want to play this guessing game any longer, esp with an obvious well-known troll like mirmirmir.
                  Last edited by openminded; 11 February 2023, 10:04 AM.


                  • #19
                    Originally posted by mirmirmir View Post

                    Me trying kde for the nth time:
                    - complete the installation
                    - wonder why everything is slow
                    - find cpu 100% on fresh install
                    - wipe it, change de/distro
                    You're probably running into Baloo indexing your files. Of course this is going to take a lot of CPU and disk usage. If you don't need everything indexed, you can configure what folders Baloo should (or should not) index in the search settings.


                    • #20
                      Originally posted by schmidtbag View Post
                      I often can't help but wonder what people like you do to cause that to happen. I have gone over a month without rebooting my Intel+Arch+KDE+Wayland setup, even where parts of KDE have updated and I still didn't reboot, and encountered no issues (or at least none that weren't effortless to recover from). My configuration is pretty different from the default and I've been using it for years (in other words, there's nothing fresh or expected about it) so I should be ripe for issues, but I hardly get them. If anything, they've only been decreasing.

                      I only have one last gripe with KDE+Wayland, which is that sometimes, Chrome renders images all garbled, but I suspect KDE has nothing to do with this and it's an issue with the Ozone flag. Ironically, this happens the most with Google Image search. Otherwise, the last of my KDE issues was fixed a few months ago. Everything else I've reported or griped about has been fixed.
                      Nothing special, moving the mouse over the panel on Plasma Wayland is sometimes enough ;-)
                      Or if the internet connection goes somehow done, while Plasma believes it is still working, Plasma can freeze quite easy too. There are plenty of bug reports about basic issues. Yes, most of these issues can be recovered or can be fixed by restarting Plasma, but I don't think that a user should see bugs like this. I still continue to use Plasma as I still have some hope.
                      Last edited by R41N3R; 11 February 2023, 10:11 AM.

