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Proposal Raised For GNOME Software Labeling Its Carbon Cost / Environmental Impact

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  • #11
    Originally posted by starshipeleven View Post
    What about checking the carbon emissions for actually running the software itself, i.e. doing some serious performance profiling on GNOME itself?
    From the article "Among the steps for then reducing the environmental cost would be through performance optimizations / fixes, speeding up CI testing..."


    • #12
      The more navel gazing an organization does the less efficient it becomes. They would accomplish so much more just focusing on work instead of obsessing about their virtuousness.


      • #13
        I mean, looking at this the second time, it seems like the sort of thing whoever was motivated to make the proposal should take on as work.
        If it's something they can actually afford to do, then it should be possible for one motivated community member to do it for a bit, surely.


        • #14
          Sustainable development has been around for decades. I wholeheartedly support that initiative.


          • #15
            Like they say, paper accept everything you write in it.

            You can bet any statistic that came out of this, will contain whatever fits the agenda of the people behind it want to promote.


            • #16
              My laptop uses less power with KDE than Gnome, maybe they could start with that?


              • #17
                Originally posted by gnulinux82

                Virtue: signalled
                You can't virtue signal in GNOME! Signals & Slots are a Qt construct!

                You need to do a virtue callback in GTK (or have we renamed callbacks to be callouts in the name of wokeness?)

                Anyway, if this post offends anyone please accept my sincere and heartfelt apologies for putting more actual programming content into this post than what the entire GNOME dev team seems to care about doing these days.


                • #18
                  When they do the basic math they will realize they shouldn't be developing GNOME. Hopefully downstream developers will be prepared


                  • #19
                    Can developers please shut up about their political believes? There is voting for pushing your believes, and if your country has no working functional democracy you can move away from it.

                    I am not interested in what you do at home sexually at least as long at is legal, I don't care what drugs you use or what your opinions about the climate change is, if you want to protest for it, go for a protest, but keep business and private believes from each other, I also don't want to hear about the religious believes of somebody I work with in a professional environment/context. Keep your religion for your church and your home and your politics for your vote or your free time.

                    If you want more powersave features it's opensource go ahead and program some features that save power. But don't just write some papers that force others to measure some stuff and fix the shit that you complain about, if you are complaining it must be you to fix it, except you pay for it and even then you are not entitled to getting it done.


                    • #20
                      I don't understand why Linux is turning into a political debate. Maybe Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez could measure how many cow farts equals an hour of Gnome.

