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Ubuntu Desktop 23.10 ISOs Recalled Due To Malicious User Translations

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  • #51
    I think that any Linux software has to be certified as secure before issuing it by an independent authority made by several group of developers, end-users and other kind of specialized technicians.


    • #52
      I had a strong suspicion this had to do with the situation in Israel and I was right. However I was exactly right about the kind of language used. Hateful people on the internet are rarely very mature and stuff like this is always written like the author's mentally 12 years old. If I had to guess what kind of person wrote this its probably one of those edgy (mental) 12-year-olds who think the Soviet Union was the coolest country on earth after having read old propaganda from the 60s and 70s.

      But yeah... This is fairly major egg-on-face situation for Canonical.


      • #53
        Originally posted by user1 View Post
        I don't see how is this propaganda? There is nothing wrong in mentioning that they're innocent because some people are dumb and might think that they provoked Hamas if you don't mention that they're innocent.
        > how is this propaganda?
        Propaganda is communication that is primarily used to influence or persuade an audience​

        By definition of propaganda.

        > some people are dumb and might think

        All dumb people will remain dumb if they *don't* think. Educate them to start thinking, instead of persuading them to accept *your* "truth" without thinking (by defining the GOOD and the BAD as you see fit)

        > nothing wrong in mentioning that they're innocent

        It is *always* wrong when the news are interpreted in a way or another. News should be *facts*, not *opinions* (or, worse, persuasions) . Do you worry that some people won't understand the facts? Let them go to work the next day and talk with their colleagues like "hey, did you hear the news? What do you think they meant?" - let them talk and think about it.

        I'd call that "freedom of thought". Otherwise it's the opposite of freedom, when thought is bypassed by the conclusion provided by the media.


        • #54
          Originally posted by darkoverlordofdata View Post

          A commentor at alleges this was done by a russian employee of Canonical who has since been let go.
          It would be interesting to verify that. Russia keeps trying to say that Ukraine is Nazi. Perhaps someone was fabricating some proof? Two birds with one stone? Whatever the reason, it’s definitely a warning shot for open source to keep all those eyes open.
          Well, a lot of white supremacists with NAZI ideologies from America, and other western countries, are fighting for the Ukraine against Russia. That's been reported by American news organizations and more. It's more about machismo for the supremacists than it is Ukraine being a secret NAZI state. Ukraine needs help, they have a low barrier on who they'll accept for that help, so the NAZIs go and help so they can kill some Communists. The same NAZI situation would happen in any other European country should Russia invade them.


          • #55
            Originally posted by rrveex View Post
            Propaganda is communication that is primarily used to influence or persuade an audience​
            With a definition that broad you can claim that warning labels and technical documentation on how something is meant to be used "pr0paganda!1" because they try and influence and persuade how you use something. Even when its for something like not touching the catalytic converter with your bare hands when the engine's just been running (which run at about 400C).

            All dumb people will remain dumb if they *don't* think. Educate them to start thinking, instead of persuading them to accept *your* "truth" without thinking (by defining the GOOD and the BAD as you see fit)
            The thing about people is that relatively few people have the ability to self-reflect to the point where they can realize something they think is stupid. People who believe in things like chem trails, flat earth theory and ancient aliens all believe they're very clever independent thinkers when its really just repeating what they've heard on the History Channel, talk radio, youtube and forum posts.

            It is *always* wrong when the news are interpreted in a way or another. News should be *facts*, not *opinions* (or, worse, persuasions) . Do you worry that some people won't understand the facts? Let them go to work the next day and talk with their colleagues like "hey, did you hear the news? What do you think they meant?" - let them talk and think about it.
            To call slain civilians "innocent" is redundant. Its repeating the obvious as they're innocent by definition. The fact that you take such issue with this clearly indicates that you take issue with calling these civilians "innocent" and think that they weren't innocent. That they somehow deserved to be slain by Hamas militants. This is pretty disturbing on several levels.

            I'd call that "freedom of thought". Otherwise it's the opposite of freedom, when thought is bypassed by the conclusion provided by the media.
            No... What you try to push as "freedom of thought" is really just antisemitism trying to hide under the cover of it. More fundamentally, like most "freedom of thought" complaining about mainstream media is about how the media doesn't confirm their biases. The same people always turn to sources like Russia Today, Info Wars and Breitbart who do confirm their biases in their "reporting" while clapping at them seals.


            • #56
              Originally posted by pieman View Post
              yeah i translated it with google translate and its all antisemitism. such a shame.
              Supporting jewish murderers is shame.


              • #57
                Originally posted by yoshi314 View Post

                this is one nest of hate that we'll never be able to peacefully resolve.
                Iran will fix it with few atomic bombs.


                • #58
                  Originally posted by Volta View Post

                  Iran will fix it with few atomic bombs.
                  You do realise it will also kill Arab citizens of Israel (21% of Israel's population) and maybe also others in surrounding areas (including west bank and Gaza)?


                  • #59
                    Originally posted by user1 View Post

                    You do realise it will also kill Arab citizens of Israel (21% of Israel's population) and maybe also others in surrounding areas (including west bank and Gaza)?
                    I, too, am looking forward towards the irradiated sticks and stones future


                    • #60
                      Originally posted by Solaris17 View Post
                      From a quick glance it looks like it starts around line 455 here:
                      The deleted file at the bottom contains this line in the Ukrainian translation: “Підбірка офлайн-відео зі стратами палестинських дітей.”

                      which according to google translate means “A selection of offline videos of the executions of Palestinian children.”

