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Ubuntu Desktop 23.10 ISOs Recalled Due To Malicious User Translations

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  • #41
    Originally posted by user1 View Post

    No matter which side you take in this conflict, if you think it's ok what those Hamas terrorists did to innocent Israeli civilians a few days ago (killing, kidnapping, raping, beheading babies and more atrocities), you're nothing but a terrible human being.
    Hamas is shit, Israel is on the same level.
    With their genocide they create hundreds of new potential Hamas militants for decades. THEY WILL NOT DISMANTLE HAMAS, they are enabling.
    Israel have the right to exist, but no country has the right to do what Nazi Germany did (oh the irony!).
    You are terribly ignorant, I've been lucky in my life to have an opportunity to a little taste of what's going on there thanks to an Israeli ngo and its volunteer that help me get into the occupied territories (it's hard to visit, they're not allowed out nor have visitors)


    • #42
      Originally posted by user1 View Post

      No matter which side you take in this conflict, if you think it's ok what those Hamas terrorists did to innocent Israeli civilians a few days ago (killing, kidnapping, raping, beheading babies and more atrocities), you're nothing but a terrible human being.
      There is no moral high ground when it comes to war, oppression, and the fight for freedom.

      I hate to say this, but Hamas is doing shit that the Americans and the American Army did in our history. No one likes to discuss it, but the main reason for the American Revolution was to renege on English treaties, kill the Natives, and take their land. We say the reason was no taxation without representation, but the real reason was to cross the Appalachians to acquire more land and wealth and the American colonists just didn't want to have to share the wealth with their motherland. No taxation without representation is just like States' Rights when you read into it: propaganda.

      "No taxation without representation" is a lot catchier than "The King and Legislature won't let us annex land west of the Appalachians by any means possible including genocide". Even the post-Civil War the US Calvary would stomp in the heads of babies, women, and children to save on ammo, they'd distribute small pox ridden blankets, and then we locked those who remained into reservations just like Israel does to Palestine. We've since forced them to trade their rights and culture for casinos and ways to prosper economically....and we're the moral high ground country in the Israel/Palestine conflict. Puh-leeze.

      The point is that people do horrible shit in the name of peace and freedom. Both sides. Because both sides think they're fighting for their form of peace and freedom and both sides will do terrible things. That's practically every side in every war. While I don't agree with what they're doing, I understand where they're coming from and why they're doing it.


      • #43
        Originally posted by Malsabku View Post
        Seems to be related to the UKraine-Russia war:
        Wait... Did they nuke the whole translation instead of just reverting the offending strings?


        • #44
          Originally posted by AsciiWolf View Post

          Wait... Did they nuke the whole translation instead of just reverting the offending strings?
          For the moment yes. Canonical will restore the Ukrainian translation when they have corrected the translation. See


          • #45
            Originally posted by skeevy420 View Post

            There is no moral high ground when it comes to war, oppression, and the fight for freedom.

            I hate to say this, but Hamas is doing shit that the Americans and the American Army did in our history. No one likes to discuss it, but the main reason for the American Revolution was to renege on English treaties, kill the Natives, and take their land. We say the reason was no taxation without representation, but the real reason was to cross the Appalachians to acquire more land and wealth and the American colonists just didn't want to have to share the wealth with their motherland. No taxation without representation is just like States' Rights when you read into it: propaganda.

            "No taxation without representation" is a lot catchier than "The King and Legislature won't let us annex land west of the Appalachians by any means possible including genocide". Even the post-Civil War the US Calvary would stomp in the heads of babies, women, and children to save on ammo, they'd distribute small pox ridden blankets, and then we locked those who remained into reservations just like Israel does to Palestine. We've since forced them to trade their rights and culture for casinos and ways to prosper economically....and we're the moral high ground country in the Israel/Palestine conflict. Puh-leeze.

            The point is that people do horrible shit in the name of peace and freedom. Both sides. Because both sides think they're fighting for their form of peace and freedom and both sides will do terrible things. That's practically every side in every war. While I don't agree with what they're doing, I understand where they're coming from and why they're doing it.
            Idk a lot about American history, so can't comment on that. But it seems to me a lot of people don't understand the small nuances and historical circumstances of this conflict, so even if they have some small knowledge of it and they think they have a valid opinion about it, it turns out to be complete bs. Again, no matter which side of the conflict they take.

            But one thing that stands out to me is people thinking Hamas are some kind of "freedom fighters". I mean, no they're absolutely not. First of all, they're not representatives of all Palestinian people (remember, Hamas controls only the Gaza strip. The west bank, which is the majority of the current Palestinian territories, is controlled by Fatah, which is just a political party, not an Islamic terrorist organisation like Hamas). For more context, Israel completely de-occupied Gaza in 2005, while some territories of the west bank remain occupied by Israel.

            Before all of the current events that started last Saturday, everything was peaceful and no one was fighting. As a result of an Israeli intelligence failure that didn't forsee what's coming out of Gaza, Hamas terrorists passed the Gaza border and started doing all of the atrocities in the surrounding Israeli towns that resulted in the killing of more than 1,000 Israeli civilians. What they did was not just atrocious, it's also beyond stupid. Because I'm sure they understand that the Israeli army with its advanced equipment is MUCH MUCH more powerful than them. What do they have? only some primitive rockets and other non advanced weapons. So what's the result? Just like every few years, Israel bombs the sh*t out of Gaza yet again, which results in even more deaths of Gaza civilians. Yes, It's tragic, but this time it's entirely their fault. I mean I'm sure Hamas knew very well what Israel's reaction is going to be. But as you can see, they don't even care about their own Gaza civilians.
            Last edited by user1; 13 October 2023, 08:40 AM.


            • #46
              The translations were trolling (bad and stupid as it is), not "hate speech". I'd argue this is hate speech (against the "bad buys", but nonetheless *hate*).

              Originally posted by user1 View Post

              No matter which side you take in this conflict, if you think it's ok what those Hamas terrorists did to innocent Israeli civilians a few days ago (killing, kidnapping, raping, beheading babies and more atrocities), you're nothing but a terrible human being.

              [... subsequent reports revealed that no such beheadings have been verified by any Israeli or international source...]

              If you don't trust aljazeera, look for those "subsequent reports", I'm sure you can find them somewhere else too.

              I fucking hate our western media propaganda and the ignorance of most people letting themselves convinced by it. Half truth / half lies, but you can't point out the lies because they ban you for "siding with the terrorists". And this leads to more and more people repeating the "news" until the lies, too, are everywhere and people don't have a chance to make their own mind, they just swallow what they are fed.

              Do you ever wonder why it always says things like "Hamas TERRORISTS did this and that to INNOCENT Israeli civilians"? Why don't they say "Hamas did this and that to Israeli civilians"? Wound that be "not showing proper patriotism" or something?

              From wikipedia:

              Propaganda is communication that is primarily used to influence or persuade an audience to further an agenda, which may not be objective and may be selectively presenting facts to encourage a particular synthesis or perception, or using loaded language to produce an emotional rather than a rational response to the information that is being presented.​

              Contrary to popular belief, not "something only the soviets did".

              Anyway, to answer to the quote above: "if you think it's ok what ... you're a terrible human" - this is another example of propaganda. Of course nobody agrees with people killing other people. I for instance don't even agree with soldiers killing other soldiers.

              Propaganda question: "do you think it is ok that the BAD people killed GOOD INNOCENT people?"
              Proper question(s): "*Why* did this happen? What can we do, so the 2 parties don't feel an urge to kill each other in the future?" (Noam Chomsky says the only solution is for the US to stop providing weapons to Israel)


              • #47
                Originally posted by user1 View Post

                Idk a lot about American history, so can't comment on that. But it seems to me a lot of people don't understand the small nuances and historical circumstances of this conflict, so even if they have some small knowledge of it and they think they have a valid opinion about it, it turns out to be complete bs. Again, no matter which side of the conflict they take.

                But one thing that stands out to me is people thinking Hamas are some kind of "freedom fighters". I mean, no they're absolutely not. First of all, they're not representatives of all Palestinian people (remember, Hamas controls only the Gaza strip. The west bank, which is the majority of the current Palestinian territories is controlled mostly by Fatah, which is just a political party, not an Islamic terrorist organisation like Hamas).

                Before all of the current events that started last Saturday, everything was peaceful and no one was fighting. As a result of an Israeli intelligence failure that didn't forsee what's coming out of Gaza, Hamas terrorists passed the Gaza border and started doing all of the atrocities in the surrounding Israeli towns that resulted in the killing of more than 1,000 Israeli civilians. What they did was not just atrocious, it's also beyond stupid. Because I'm sure they understand that the Israeli army with its advanced equipment is MUCH MUCH more powerful than them. What do they have? only some primitive rockets and other non advanced weapons. So what's the result? Just like every few years, Israel bombs the sh*t out of Gaza yet again, which results in even more deaths of Gaza civilians. Yes, It's tragic, but this time it's entirely their fault. I mean I'm sure Hamas knew very well what Israel's reaction is going to be. But as you can see, they don't even care about their own Gaza civilians.
                That's why I don't support Hamas. It'd be like saying I support the KKK to show support of America. Just because I understand where Hamas is coming from and why they're doing it doesn't mean I support what they're doing. I simply think the Palestinians deserve to rule and govern themselves in their own homeland and that other cultures and peoples shouldn't have come in and drawn lines on maps that forced people into reservations while allowing some occupiers to have governing authority. I'd probably do crimes against humanity if I was in that situation when any other time I'd be a peaceful hippie preaching love and peace.

                For some historical context, the KKK is a Christian terrorist organization that was started by remnants of the former CSA (Confederacy) military as a way to kill and run off black people and harass the Union under the guise and rhetoric of nationalistic, religious, and racial pride.

                On your last sentence, that happens every time there's a rebellion and, IMHO, it's a bullshit stance. You start your rebellion and the occupying oppressor force comes in and harasses the locals. That's been true for all of recorded history. Thousands of years. Knowing that will happen so you never do anything to fix your situation so your people are always in oppression for all eternity because some people might be harassed is just stupid.There's also thousands of years of recorded history of the occupier and oppressor not holding up their end of the bargain and acting in bad faith.

                Don't try to free yourselves because there will be suffering in the process sounds like occupier propaganda. Like y'all aren't being made to suffer and aren't being harassed already...

                Occupier Oppressor Propaganda. The OOs just don't want to suffer the same injustices they dole out so they put out propaganda to make people feel like fighting for freedom and fighting for justice is bad.

                It's easy for me to preach love and peace, I'm technically an occupier and oppressor though I see myself as the oppressed. I'd rather live in a truly equal society that values everyone and not everyone through an oppressive White Christian American lens (I don't think Pentax makes that lens). That's how I know O&O Propaganda when I see it. I live it every day.


                • #48
                  Originally posted by rrveex View Post
                  [... subsequent reports revealed that no such beheadings have been verified by any Israeli or international source...]

                  If you don't trust aljazeera, look for those "subsequent reports", I'm sure you can find them somewhere else too.
                  Well, it's now confirmed and shown to Anthony Blinken during his visit to Israel. You may think Jerusalem Post may have a pro Israel bias because it's an Israeli newspaper, but then Al Jazeera that you quoted also has a pro Palestinian bias.

                  Originally posted by rrveex View Post
                  I fucking hate our western media propaganda and the ignorance of most people letting themselves convinced by it. Half truth / half lies, but you can't point out the lies because they ban you for "siding with the terrorists". And this leads to more and more people repeating the "news" until the lies, too, are everywhere and people don't have a chance to make their own mind, they just swallow what they are fed.
                  The western media is far from perfect, but there have already been numerous witnesses, photos and some short videos of the atrocities, which should not give you any doubt. You can use endless amount of mental gymnastics, thinking its all fake, photoshoped, but doubting absolutely everything is also irrational. Here, I'll give you an example: would you see it rational to think that Russia only targets military objects in its Ukraine war and the Bucha massacare is Fake or done by Ukrainians to themselves? That's what people brainwashed by Russian propaganda think. No side is perfect and every side has its own propaganda.

                  Originally posted by rrveex View Post
                  Do you ever wonder why it always says things like "Hamas TERRORISTS did this and that to INNOCENT Israeli civilians"? Why don't they say "Hamas did this and that to Israeli civilians"? Wound that be "not showing proper patriotism" or something?
                  I don't see how is this propaganda? There is nothing wrong in mentioning that they're innocent because some people are dumb and might think that they provoked Hamas if you don't mention that they're innocent. Same thing with Hamas. Some people might not know what it even is, while others might be brainwashed and think they are "freedom fighters" which is an obvious lie.

                  Originally posted by rrveex View Post
                  Anyway, to answer to the quote above: "if you think it's ok what ... you're a terrible human" - this is another example of propaganda. Of course nobody agrees with people killing other people. I for instance don't even agree with soldiers killing other soldiers.
                  Nobody agrees? You might be surprised, but some lunatics on the far left actually justify it..
                  Last edited by user1; 13 October 2023, 09:53 AM.


                  • #49
                    Originally posted by skeevy420 View Post

                    That's why I don't support Hamas. It'd be like saying I support the KKK to show support of America. Just because I understand where Hamas is coming from and why they're doing it doesn't mean I support what they're doing. I simply think the Palestinians deserve to rule and govern themselves in their own homeland and that other cultures and peoples shouldn't have come in and drawn lines on maps that forced people into reservations while allowing some occupiers to have governing authority. I'd probably do crimes against humanity if I was in that situation when any other time I'd be a peaceful hippie preaching love and peace.
                    And just for another clarification, I absolutely don't have any sympathy for the Israeli government. I also think the occupation should be stopped and Netanyahu (Israeli prime minister) is a terrible human being. It's also now confirmed that a few days before, he received a message from Egyptian intelligence that something terrible might come out of Gaza. But he didn't take that seriously and replied that the Israeli army is busy protecting "settlers" in the west bank. So the blood is also on his hands.


                    • #50

                      A commentor at alleges this was done by a russian employee of Canonical who has since been let go.
                      It would be interesting to verify that. Russia keeps trying to say that Ukraine is Nazi. Perhaps someone was fabricating some proof? Two birds with one stone? Whatever the reason, it’s definitely a warning shot for open source to keep all those eyes open.

