There are at least two bigger banks in germany where you can have an account free of cost and get a visa credit card free of cost.
Not to advertise, but here is one:
I'm sure you can find others.
Crowd-Funding Mesa Driver Development?
Originally posted by Ancurio View PostThe reason I prefer PayPal over credit cards? Simple: Credit cards cost money, even when you don't use them. I already have a bank account, why should I spent money on a credit card when I can simply let PayPal directly take the money from my bank account?
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Originally posted by Ancurio View PostThe reason I prefer PayPal over credit cards? Simple: Credit cards cost money, even when you don't use them. I already have a bank account, why should I spent money on a credit card when I can simply let PayPal directly take the money from my bank account?
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Originally posted by blackiwid View Postyes I know not every german has problems with paypal or kreditcards, but you it seems have problems at least with creditcards? ^^ or why else would you use paypal instead?
For me its one reason why I sell my stuff now also on instead of, because they basicly forced you into using paypal. There are very much negative posts in the internet over paypal. I would rather use creditcard before I get a paypal konto.
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I really dislike how PayPal and most other American companies store your credit card information. In Denmark that would be illegal and I try to avoid companies like that as much as possible and not renew my credit card information once it expires.
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Originally posted by Ancurio View PostI'm German and I sent the money via bank transfer (Lastschrift) via Paypal ^^
For me its one reason why I sell my stuff now also on instead of, because they basicly forced you into using paypal. There are very much negative posts in the internet over paypal. I would rather use creditcard before I get a paypal konto.
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Originally posted by blackiwid View Postsry I think I dont support you. I would have paid anyway not much 25 dollars would be ok I think. (have no job) but the payment is a pain... I think they take 7% and my bank would take another 2% but ok forget about that ^^. What I really hate is to give a american company my credit card informations. Even if they really dont save it nsa reads it.
Have to check first all my security passwords and stuff. many german dont trust kredit cards to much anyway. we normaly send the money over the banks. And dont talk about paypal thats even worse.
Would love to see companies like indiegogo accept bitcoins. Not that I have them yet, but I would buy 1-2 and send you 25 dollars worth it. Like the idea of bitcoins. especialy for small money transfairs its perfekt.
If you are not getting close to your goal in 2 weeks or so, I rethink it maybe.
But thanx that you do that anyway.
btw a few days ago I run onto a special free software crowdfounding site... I think they accepted bitcoins... but of course on this site is more traffic.
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Originally posted by tarceri View PostHi there, so I know if I need to clarify my goal description did you read my campaign page: or did you just read the Phoronix article?Originally posted by tarceri View PostThanks for the feedback, I can understand your concerns. I guess the only argument I have for you is that I have said that if I dont finish it after the two weeks I will continue to work on it until it accepted upstream although obviously at a slower pace.
Given that, the only improvement I could suggest would be to say the same sort of thing right at the very top of the Goals section where it's even harder to miss...
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Originally posted by kyzh View PostJust pledged $50.
If you get close but not there yet, I might go $100 instead.
I hope to get a few preparation items taken care of over the next week or so such as tidying up some initial patches, creating some simple piglit tests for quick testing thoughout development, setting up the mailing list for those of you who have donate to the $50 perk so you can get a draft copy of what I aim to cover in the documentation and I can get some feedback before things start rolling. This way if I reach my target I can just hit the ground running.
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