Crowd-Funding Mesa Driver Development?
Originally posted by ChrisXY View PostWith a credit card you can pay without a stupid TAN. There are actually banks that send you a list of TANs on a sheet of paper! And I wonder: Why is it that I can give my account number to someone and that someone can just debit money from me without interaction from me and when I want to send money with debit transfer I need that stupid TAN?
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Originally posted by ChrisXY View PostWith a credit card you can pay without a stupid TAN. There are actually banks that send you a list of TANs on a sheet of paper! And I wonder: Why is it that I can give my account number to someone and that someone can just debit money from me without interaction from me and when I want to send money with debit transfer I need that stupid TAN?
Two-factor auth on paper is pretty damn secure. None of that "someone can charge me just by knowing my CC number" shit.
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Originally posted by ChrisXY View PostWith a credit card you can pay without a stupid TAN. There are actually banks that send you a list of TANs on a sheet of paper! And I wonder: Why is it that I can give my account number to someone and that someone can just debit money from me without interaction from me and when I want to send money with debit transfer I need that stupid TAN?
Security?! I know nobody who still uses paper based TAN lists. Most of the people I know use a TAN generator. And the difference between sending money with TAN and debit money without your interaction is the possibility to get your money back.
Transferred money with TAN -> gone forever.
In the other case the one who debit money from you has to prove that you bought something otherwise you can get your money back.
Additionally all European countries (and other probably too) accept eletronic-cash (maestro) which you get with every giro in Germany. Together with paypal (where you don't need a credit card in Germany) I can do everything I want. So why bother with creating another bank account to get a free credit card or get a credit card with a yearly fee?
That's at least my reason for not having a credit card.
But we are drifting away from the original topic ;-)
"Transferred money with TAN -> gone forever." <-- In case someone is wondering why this is an advantage: You usually pay less in (online) shops if you use this payment method, because the shop has the guarantee to get the money.Last edited by droste; 29 July 2013, 05:00 PM.
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Originally posted by Ancurio View PostThat might be true (haven't researched this too thoroughly back then), but why should I do this when I can just use my regular bank account.. ?
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Originally posted by AJenbo View PostYou said that the down side for you with a credit card was the cost of it. I'm just telling you that you can get some with out fees. The benifit is the same as we a credit card, maybe without an option to pay more then you have in your bank account.
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Originally posted by Ancurio View PostIt works in Germany at least, not sure about the rest of Europe.
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Originally posted by Ancurio View PostWhy? What kind of advantage would I gain.. ?
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Originally posted by AJenbo View PostGet a debit card or some other card that doesn't cost you any thing to use or own.
Originally posted by GreatEmerald View PostMeanwhile, that doesn't work in Europe, you can only connect credit cards to PayPal.
Originally posted by Asariati View PostThat's not true. There are enough cost-free Credit Cards out there. In the US as well as Germany and the rest of Western and Central Europe (never lived in the eastern part). Of course, you will need to look for those as banks want to get as many fees as possible.
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Originally posted by Ancurio View PostThe reason I prefer PayPal over credit cards? Simple: Credit cards cost money, even when you don't use them. I already have a bank account, why should I spent money on a credit card when I can simply let PayPal directly take the money from my bank account?
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