Crowd-Funding Mesa Driver Development?

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  • tarceri
    Originally posted by SilverH View Post
    Man you should simplify things to increase the range of the message, you know?

    Something like:
    Help Linux to receive more games (developers)

    Then you should put your approach with all fancy technical details.

    It's hard to ppl like me (yeah, I suck at Linux) to get the idea.
    Plus when we pass forward the campain all kind of ppl will receive the information, but again if the message is not simple enough there will be those who would have interest helping Linux out if could notice that your work had anything to do with bringing Linux more games.

    That aside, you're already my Hero man!
    I wish you sucess.
    Yes I do think I need to provide a better simpler overview. It was probably a mistake not to have done this from the start however I was applealing to people who I thought would be most interested in this and didnt want to have people donating that didnt full understand what I was offering to do. In other words I didnt want to create unrealistic expectations.

    However if I explain things clealy there should be no issue. I will atempt to write something up now. Thanks for the feedback.

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  • tarceri
    Originally posted by chrisf View Post
    It's great that you're looking at hacking on Mesa -- but *please* don't treat piglit as an afterthought.
    Thanks for the feeedback.

    Piglit tests will not be an after thought I'm hoping to get some basic tests created and submitted to the piglit mailing list sometime within the week (depending on avaliable time). In other words I hope to have some basic tests ready before the end of the campaign. I intend to do the first update to my campaign page once I have submitted the tests.

    Edit: Just updated the "What progress have you already made?" section of my campaign.

    To add this line: "On the testing side I have started work on some piglit tests that will cover the usage examples defined in the spec."
    Last edited by tarceri; 31 July 2013, 03:40 AM.

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  • chrisf
    It's great that you're looking at hacking on Mesa -- but *please* don't treat piglit as an afterthought.

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  • SilverH
    2 cents

    Man you should simplify things to increase the range of the message, you know?

    Something like:
    Help Linux to receive more games (developers)

    Then you should put your approach with all fancy technical details.

    It's hard to ppl like me (yeah, I suck at Linux) to get the idea.
    Plus when we pass forward the campain all kind of ppl will receive the information, but again if the message is not simple enough there will be those who would have interest helping Linux out if could notice that your work had anything to do with bringing Linux more games.

    That aside, you're already my Hero man!
    I wish you sucess.

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  • tarceri
    By the way if any of you are reddit users you can help by up voting the post about my campaign here:

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  • tarceri
    Originally posted by AJenbo View Post
    If his job allows him to take extra unpaid vacation, but his personal life does not allow him to go unpaid, the donation would allow him to work on Mesa instead of his normal job. And possibly he would rather work on Mesa then his normal job.

    Originally posted by TheCycoONE View Post
    Spiffy, I'll bite.

    Edit: I assume you already passed this by your boss or read your contract to know it's an option?
    Yes my agreement entitles me to 4 weeks unpaid leave a year.

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  • TheCycoONE
    Originally posted by archibald View Post
    From the project page: "Fund me to take two weeks leave from my job and work full time on implementing the GL_KHR_debug extension."
    Spiffy, I'll bite.

    Edit: I assume you already passed this by your boss or read your contract to know it's an option?

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  • AJenbo
    Originally posted by TheCycoONE View Post
    Default How does $ = time?
    If his job allows him to take extra unpaid vacation, but his personal life does not allow him to go unpaid, the donation would allow him to work on Mesa instead of his normal job. And possibly he would rather work on Mesa then his normal job.

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  • archibald
    Originally posted by TheCycoONE View Post
    What I'm wondering is how this money gives you more time to work on it. As another developer with a young family, I know I have more than enough money, but no time. Are you using the money to take extra time off work? Quitting your job? Appeasing your family that you're making money not just fooling around at a hobby?
    From the project page: "Fund me to take two weeks leave from my job and work full time on implementing the GL_KHR_debug extension."

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  • TheCycoONE
    How does $ = time?

    Hi tarceri,

    What I'm wondering is how this money gives you more time to work on it. As another developer with a young family, I know I have more than enough money, but no time. Are you using the money to take extra time off work? Quitting your job? Appeasing your family that you're making money not just fooling around at a hobby?

    Just curious what I would actually be sponsoring.

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