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Even Though It's Currently Slow, The Mesa NVIDIA "NVK" Vulkan Driver Has Been Making Good Progress

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  • #11
    Originally posted by mxan View Post
    Cool project: exists

    Phoronix commenters: WASTE OF TIME!!11!1!!

    And then you wonder why open source developers get tired and end up hating this community.

    A good open source Nvidia GPU driver is a good thing. A good Vulkan GPU driver for future drivers to reference (one of the explicit goals of NVK, by the way) is even better! Collabora and Red Hat are doing fantastic work.
    Funny how you left out the fact that if Ngreedia WANTED this to happen or cared about the FOSS spirit, they are more than capable of ding it.

    You remind me of the black slaves that would fight with each other because one said "my master plantation is bigger than you master".

    But yes, its our fault, the ones that care for FOSS instead of that this company think of us as toilet paper...
    Last edited by NeoMorpheus; 19 October 2023, 04:08 PM.


    • #12
      Originally posted by NeoMorpheus View Post

      Funny how you left out the fact that if Ngreedia WANTED this to happen or cared about the FOSS spirit, they are more than capable of ding it.
      I understand, agree with, and share in the frustration that Nvidia refuse to release proper open source drivers of their own! But that's not the point of my post at all.

      You remind me of the black slaves that would fight with each other because one said "my master plantation is bigger than you master".
      What made you think comparing a free software project to slavery was appropriate? Very weird...

      But yes, its our fault, the ones that care for FOSS that this company think of us as toilet paper...
      You say you care about free software, but you're obsessed with talking down a project that will enable people to stop running Nvidia's shitty proprietary driver, improving the Linux experience for a ton of people? There is literally nothing but gains to be made with NVK, and if you're not using Nvidia then this project literally doesn't affect you to begin with. It's so odd to me that a not-insignificant number of people seem to want this project to flop or something.


      • #13
        Originally posted by NeoMorpheus View Post
        Waste of resources....

        Trillion dollars company can take care of this if they wanted to, but nooo, lets do it for them and for free....
        Exactly. The same goes for Apple.


        • #14
          Originally posted by NeoMorpheus View Post
          Waste of resources....

          Trillion dollars company can take care of this if they wanted to, but nooo, lets do it for them and for free....
          But they don't want to. They're fine with keeping their driver proprietary. Would you just have us wait in case Nvidia suddenly changes their mind?


          • #15


            • #16
              Originally posted by mxan View Post

              You say you care about free software, but you're obsessed with talking down a project that will enable people to stop running Nvidia's shitty proprietary driver, improving the Linux experience for a ton of people? There is literally nothing but gains to be made with NVK, and if you're not using Nvidia then this project literally doesn't affect you to begin with. It's so odd to me that a not-insignificant number of people seem to want this project to flop or something.
              There is this crazy concept called "talk with your wallet."

              They dont want to take care of me as a customer, i will take my money to where is wanted.

              Once you and the others that keep ignoring this start practicing it, watch how your beloved Ngreedia will change its tune.

              Please stop moving the goal post and stop the whataboutsim.


              • #17
                Originally posted by NeoMorpheus View Post

                There is this crazy concept called "talk with your wallet."

                They dont want to take care of me as a customer, i will take my money to where is wanted.

                Once you and the others that keep ignoring this start practicing it, watch how your beloved Ngreedia will change its tune.
                You are insane. Linux is used on 1% of desktops, do you really think Nvidia is going to be hurt if Linux users stop buying their hardware? By the way, most people using Nvidia on Linux already happened to own Nvidia hardware before switching to Linux. The very few that do continue buying Nvidia hardware deliberately for use with Linux are those who rely on CUDA, which is even less than those who just want to play video games.

                Please stop moving the goal post and stop the whataboutsim.​
                What are you on about? No goal posts were moved and where exactly are the whataboutisms in my posts? Seeing things that aren't even there - insane.


                • #18
                  Originally posted by mxan View Post
                  You are insane. Linux is used on 1% of desktops, do you really think Nvidia is going to be hurt if Linux users stop buying their hardware?
                  Tell us more. What percent of servers? What percent of the data centers and the various clouds?

                  I don't know if annoying the majority of the world's sysadmins is necessarily a great business strategy for a graphics card maker.


                  • #19
                    Originally posted by mxan View Post

                    You are insane. Linux is used on 1% of desktops, do you really think Nvidia is going to be hurt if Linux users stop buying their hardware? By the way, most people using Nvidia on Linux already happened to own Nvidia hardware before switching to Linux. The very few that do continue buying Nvidia hardware deliberately for use with Linux are those who rely on CUDA, which is even less than those who just want to play video games.

                    What are you on about? No goal posts were moved and where exactly are the whataboutisms in my posts? Seeing things that aren't even there - insane.
                    And yet, here you are, acting all offended and rabid because someone does not worship ngreedia like you do.

                    Give it a rest, Dear Leader Jensen is pleased with your show of loyalty to him and his anti FOSS company.


                    • #20
                      Is there any reason that we can't make a multi-driver vulkan implementation similar to how Mesa was a multi-driver OpenGL implementation? Could the AMD Vulkan implementation not be used for the Nvidia open source driver as well? From what I remember, Vulkan is on the same level as Gallium was, but Gallium was also multi-driver capable with both Intel and AMD using it.

