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Thank you amd, now I can't use Linux

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  • #41
    Originally posted by pandev92 View Post
    LOL, but my psu is 600 W , buy a psu more powerful for an apu ? relol!

    with propietary drivers no reboots, but 2d performance is awful, horrible..., gnome shell mega slow, kde with few errors on the effects etc etc...
    Propietary drivers is not an option for me( xv run slow too..).
    Again, check the BIOS for temperature thresholds as mentioned earlier.

    Furthermore, try running a recent kernel v3.11-git with Radeon DPM ( Look at the approved answer.

    Your system suddenly rebooting is probably a good thing!


    • #42
      Originally posted by Rexilion View Post
      Again, check the BIOS for temperature thresholds as mentioned earlier.

      Furthermore, try running a recent kernel v3.11-git with Radeon DPM ( Look at the approved answer.

      Your system suddenly rebooting is probably a good thing!
      With elementary, the latest kernel current 3.11, dpm activated..., seem that all run fine..., but I need to wait more time...


      • #43
        Originally posted by pandev92 View Post
        LOL, but my psu is 600 W , buy a psu more powerful for an apu ? relol!

        with propietary drivers no reboots, but 2d performance is awful, horrible..., gnome shell mega slow, kde with few errors on the effects etc etc...
        Propietary drivers is not an option for me( xv run slow too..).
        Aha, yes 600 W is enough with a huge margin for that, that ruled out then.
        Proprietary drivers don't crash but ruled out due to other issues.
        Has the possibility of a heat problem been ruled out or did I miss that one too?


        • #44
          Originally posted by pandev92 View Post
          LOL, but my psu is 600 W , buy a psu more powerful for an apu ? relol!

          with propietary drivers no reboots, but 2d performance is awful, horrible..., gnome shell mega slow, kde with few errors on the effects etc etc...
          Propietary drivers is not an option for me( xv run slow too..).
          There are 600 W PSUs and working 600 W PSUs. By the way you said it, your thing is possibly a no name PSU (very dangerous).


          • #45
            Are you overclocking?

            24h mprime stable? I had random reboots until I ran mprime for a full day and realized the fourth core on my 5.8k was failing reliably around the 19h mark.


            • #46
              Originally posted by peppercats View Post
              You'd think people who pay money for hardware that barely works would be upset rather than laying down and taking it hoping it won't be shit in 10 years.
              Since I built a lot of Intel-based machines and use Intel notebook myself, I think I have an idea - it works flawlessly. Ofc the chip itself is limited and Intel works on opensource MESA driver hence its only GL3.1, but they help drive the change and AMD open driver resonates well. In nearly 2 years the OpenGL went from 1.0 to 3.1. Nvidia does not have open driver. IF Nvidia driver were opensource there wound be no such problems. If AMD Catalyst would be opensource there would be no such problems. It goes round and round - the most broken stuff or limitations in opensource area are due to closed source.

              But hence you prefer what works, to why the hell are you even asking? Use windblows and gtfo ty.


              • #47
                Originally posted by brosis View Post
                Since I built a lot of Intel-based machines and use Intel notebook myself, I think I have an idea - it works flawlessly. Ofc the chip itself is limited and Intel works on opensource MESA driver hence its only GL3.1, but they help drive the change and AMD open driver resonates well. In nearly 2 years the OpenGL went from 1.0 to 3.1. Nvidia does not have open driver. IF Nvidia driver were opensource there wound be no such problems. If AMD Catalyst would be opensource there would be no such problems. It goes round and round - the most broken stuff or limitations in opensource area are due to closed source.

                But hence you prefer what works, to why the hell are you even asking? Use windblows and gtfo ty.
                You don't HAVE to post a reply to a thread. U know...


                • #48
                  Elementary os, with xorg edgers ppa, the latest linux kernel git...48 hours, no reboots , I don't know what happen


                  • #49
                    My asrock FM1 board has a thermal shutdown when the VRMs get too hot.
                    It's triggered several times on me in the past, They don't leave much headroom (I highly recommend undervolting if possible).
                    The mosfets get hot enough to make that sizzle sound when you touch them ... just figured i'd throw this out there as my board has the same mosfet configuration as yours.
                    If, as others are saying, the power saving features are not fully supported and it's relatively hot where you are (or just bad case airflow) ...

                    I'm not trying to bash asrock, but I didn't have the best experience with them.
                    I realize the temptation to save $10 is inevitable ...


                    • #50
                      Originally posted by nightmarex View Post
                      Then again, I don't use Microsucks software to contrast against
                      FYI, you look like you're 12 when you use baseless name-calling like that. It looks just as intelligent as saying Linsux or Open Sores and has about the same effect - converting 0 people to your way of thinking but causing >0 people to instantly write you and your opinions off as irrelevant. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't been guilty of such things in the past, but then I won't claim I couldn't have been better.

                      Originally posted by pandev92
                      LOL, but my psu is 600 W , buy a psu more powerful for an apu ? relol!
                      While it's certainly got enough juice, it still might be a junk unit. I was having similar problems with lockups and random reboots in Win7 and it turned out to be the PSU. I pulled out a 750W and put in a newer and highly rated 700W and it's been rock-solid since. Though my AMD 6870 seems to overheat and the drivers crash frequently these days, even after cleaning out the fans thoroughly; I've been eyeing a GTX 770 anyway for this machine, though, as I really really like being able to use NVPerfKit since AMD's tools are garbage even for D3D and I've been doing a bit of graphics stuff at home lately; kind of an odd turn for a guy who three years ago bought AMD everything just to vote approval for their Open Source efforts, but today I'd rather spend as little time as possible fucking around with things that constantly break and more time living life. Hence the Intel CPU and a likely NVIDIA GPU in the near future. "Just Works" is super important when you don't define your life by being chained to a computer and instead define it by how often you're nowhere near home, hanging out with good people and doing fun things. Computers are here to be tools and make our lives easier, but too often software (especially in the Linux world) seems to require more work and time than if you just didn't own a computer at all.

                      I wouldn't try to blame AMD like this thread is doing, though. Their OSS team is small and has done amazing things despite it. Even in Windows you run into random machine builds that break horribly. For all the praise NVIDIA's drivers get, look at the early pre-release 320 drivers and the mass of consumer complaints they caused. They outright didn't work for a large number of people, severely degraded performance or stability for others, and yet were the only drivers to support the new 7xx series. I had bought one of those 770's and returned in 2 days later because I had no way to test if the hardware was any good since the driver was so broken. Still haven't pulled the trigger on another one since I tend to be once-bitten-twice-shy.

