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NVIDIA Launching "CMP" Cards For Professional Mining, Limits RTX 3060 Mining Potential

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  • #21
    Originally posted by birdie View Post

    Go watch Zeitgeist. The capitalist world economy is built on a premise of infinite production increase only this planet has very limited resources. In fact lots of recent wars at Middle East can be attributed to global warming, overpopulation and a lack of ... water, i.e. we've already consumed more than this planet is able to give. Miners and mining are the least of Earth's problems at the moment.

    Here's what we should strive to achieve:
    • Educate as many people as possible, incentivize them to have fewer children or no children at all, reduce the clout of religion as much as possible
    • From an early age teach people to be frugal, consume as little resources as possible and reuse as much as possible
    • Improve healthcare in underdeveloped countries (including India) because it's the primary reason they are breeding like rats
    • Eliminate/replace/reduce the use of plastic
    • Start a war on the consumerist culture
    Sadly "ordinary" people will never accept this, because it will make their lives less convenient. Only 2% of the population has the IQ brains to look that far as you did.
    You know that can do the same job, though? War, that is what. Biological war is better, because it have less much collateral damage. Sorry for spoiling the party.


    • #22
      Originally posted by bug77 View Post
      I don't get it. It this only aimed at 3060, while all the others are still fair game?
      Simple answer, bureaucracy.


      • #23
        Originally posted by torsionbar28 View Post
        You've got it backwards. Inflation (devaluing) happens when the supply is *increased*.

        If the supply is decreased, the value goes up, that's called "deflation".
        You've got the game wrong. Say I have $1 000 000 in a deposit. This amount of money once have been in circulation, but I locked them up. The economy needs this money, so the governments will just print it, and put it in the economy. Now when you want to spend your money, the money supply gets higher, so the inflation happens. This is overly simplified, but the logic is there.
        Tell me, if bitcoin is used to store value, everybody buys, so they don't buy things anymore, but they have virtual coins. Now apart from any emergency, nobody will sell anything today, because *tomorrow* he thinks he will have even more value for his coins. What you get is deflation & stagnation. You will not go for a cup of coffee today, because you can have two cups of coffee tomorrow for the same amount of coins. As a result, in the end, there will be nobody making any coffee any more.
        Say unfortunate global event happens, and everybody needs emergency money, so they start selling coins. At that point, you have exactly 0 value, because nobody is will be stupid to buy(with real things) your coins.
        I see bitcoin as a ponzi scheme, where the "savers" will blow the soup, in the end.


        • #24
          Is it specific to Etherum or is bitcoin also affected for 50% cut? I support it if the newest drivers also cut 3080 3070 3060Ti mining rates in half. They will force the miners to either dump the 3000 series cards to the market or stop upgrading drivers(which means they can't get latest gaming support while mining.


          • #25
            Originally posted by Alexmitter View Post

            They do not just waste energy. The process of mining is signing and legitimating transactions, getting a coin for it and the transaction fees is the payment for doing that.

            Banks also have giant servers signing and processing the transactions of people over the normal IBAN system.
            Mining accounts for half of all data center usage globally. Half. It uses more power than every other cloud and internet service combined.

            Any attempts to reduce carbon emissions are basically impossible because of crypto.

            So yes, they are a monumental waste of energy, they are _the_ waste of energy.


            • #26
              This manufacturer behavior may be a little "evil", but if it helps the market... I haven't seen a single RTX card in stock in my country during the past 2 months.


              • #27
                Originally posted by Slartifartblast View Post
                It's all getting silly this mining malarkey, wasting far too much valuable electricity.
                The grid in Iran is having problems because they found out that 450 megawatts of power was being used by miners in just Tehran.

                "Hey mom, can you turn off the fridge, my hashrate is too low!"


                • #28
                  Originally posted by intelfx View Post
                  This shit should be illegal.
                  They did same thing when they artificially limited hardware encoding to 2 simultaneous sessions for GeForce line. Except now their reasoning is bit more relatable


                  • #29
                    Originally posted by Alexmitter View Post

                    Ex mining cards are not that bad, they were usually installed, turned on and then ran at that load and that one temperature until their Watt per Hash became too bad. Cards used for gaming are usually less reliable as they were heated and cooled down again hundreds of times what is usually responsible for cracks in the solder balls.

                    The issue is that ex miner cards should be cheap, but they are not.
                    While I see the logic of what you are saying, there is also the issue that gaming cards were not built to 24/7 operation, like a workstation card or the server grade crap that Nvidia and AMD sell for huge amounts of money for HPC. So they still suffer accelerated wear, with people that bought those still can see them dying fast while back to the "gaming life".

                    Anyway, graphic cards is one item I avoid buying used, because not matter their previous use, you are at the risk of getting one heavily used, or used in bad conditions, like dusty and humid, or near the ocean (salty) environments. Unless of course, you can get one from a person you know and thrust how it was used.


                    • #30
                      I think this is a good move by Nvidia. If they can basically strip down the GPUs to effectively become mining ASICs, that should dramatically shrink die size, allowing more to be produced at a time. The more they can keep up with miner demand, the better it is for gamers (or really anyone else). I think it's also great they're intentionally crippling the performance of gaming models.

