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LLVM Founder, Swift Creator Chris Lattner Is Leaving Apple: Joins Tesla

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  • #11
    Apple doesn't seem any worse today than it always was.

    Though I think with Jobs gone there is a lot less hype and hero worship.


    • #12
      Originally posted by labyrinth153 View Post
      Apple is the only computer maker I remotely care to use. I don't trust Microsoft, and I don't think Linux is polished enough for desktop use. As for mobiles, there isn't any device as good as an iPad Pro.
      I believe that a fair share of the users of this forum use linux on their desktops and now there was even things like chromebooks that is linux. What do you miss?


      • #13
        Originally posted by johnc View Post
        Apple doesn't seem any worse today than it always was.

        Though I think with Jobs gone there is a lot less hype and hero worship.
        I don't see the vision out of Apple anymore with Jobs gone. They're content now to just be the 900-lb gorilla in the room that does everything they've always done and pulls in money hand over fist because of their position, rather than being bold and launching into new markets or reinventing.

        There's nothing wrong with that, though. Lots of stuff Jobs did was stupid, and Apple is very good at what they do. They can afford to be a bit duller these days.


        • #14
          Originally posted by wizard69 View Post

          There are more than a few good engineers at Apple. Apple has its problems but I think it is huge mistake to say Cook is the major issue. The problem is a rapidly changing market place where people that expect what they had in the past is no longer a financial win for for many computer makers. Desktops are a thing of the past in many minds these days. Combine that with the vocal Luddites out there and Apple gets hit upon pretty aggressively in the forums and the press.

          In a nut shell I don't buy the line that everything that is wrong at Apple is Cooks fault.
          When did I ever mention Cook? He's the best thing that ever happened to Apple, slowly driving it to the ground, not alone obviously, but I couldn't ask for anything better. As for other good engineers, their software sure as shit doesn't show it, and neither does their hardware for the record.

          And besides, I don't think it was a tough choice to choose between working for one of the most moronic companies on the planet or working for Tesla, one of the few companies that are actually trying to make some sliver of a difference in the world. Apple used to be that, but that time passed before we could even say "2000!". Power to him for taking the leap.
          Last edited by rabcor; 10 January 2017, 10:59 PM.


          • #15
            Originally posted by Marc Driftmeyer View Post
            Everything but your Sociopath part is pretty accurate. I speak from being around Steve and no he was not a sociopath. He had extreme expectations of Ph.Ds who make $200k/year and sitting on their asses checking their stock portfolios instead of brainstorming was not someone who would last long at Apple, NeXT or PIXAR.
            The thing about sociopaths is that they're generally not really dysfunctional people and can in fact be very charming and generally nice people when they need to. It's when push comes to shove when they show their true colors and in Steve Jobs' case this often meant verbally and, in the early part of his career, physically abusing engineers. There aren't that many CEOs known for yelling at engineers when they screw up and ship something that doesn't work properly like what happened with the launch of MobileMe (the precursor to iCloud).
            Last edited by L_A_G; 11 January 2017, 03:56 AM.


            • #16
              Originally posted by labyrinth153 View Post
              Apple is the only computer maker I remotely care to use. I don't trust Microsoft, and I don't think Linux is polished enough for desktop use. As for mobiles, there isn't any device as good as an iPad Pro.
              I don't see that much difference between Apple and MS. And as for 'polished': I like openness, simplicity, compatibility, and extendibility way more. And very good notes from ifixit.


              • #17
                Originally posted by rabcor View Post
                He's the best thing that ever happened to Apple, slowly driving it to the ground...
                If by "driving it to the ground" you mean "increasing its value by a lot" then you are right.


                • #18
                  Originally posted by labyrinth153 View Post
                  Apple is the only computer maker I remotely care to use. I don't trust Microsoft, and I don't think Linux is polished enough for desktop use. As for mobiles, there isn't any device as good as an iPad Pro.
                  You nearly got me, but the last sentence shows you're a umm... very strong Apple supporter.


                  • #19
                    Originally posted by devius View Post
                    If by "driving it to the ground" you mean "increasing its value by a lot" then you are right.
                    Most of Apple's value is in sales of iPhones, and that increase happened because they went in a new market (asia) with large-screen-phones that are well-known to be liked there.

                    When the market there is saturated as it will eventually get, it's going to take a major hit.

                    Jobs was inventing new markets, Cook is just exploiting current ones. You would need both to be effective long-term.


                    • #20
                      Tesla the luxury automaker? I read in Wikipedia page that they use Ubuntu as primary OS in Model S.

