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Zed Code Editor Making Progress On Linux Support

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  • #11
    Originally posted by Jumbotron View Post
    The entire blog post is a must read and should be yet another example of shame for Linux.

    And their solution to just support Ubuntu is the correct one . In fact I council everyone I meet who is interested in developing for Linux to just set it in their mind that when you think Linux you think Ubuntu and nothing else. I also tell them to package your Ubuntu app three ways. tarball, .deb, Snap. That way if anyone in the “Never Ubuntu” camp gets butt hurt their hobby project distribution didn’t get your app just for them they can always take the tarball and run with it. Make it into a RPM, a Flatpak or a Gentoo port. But let them carry that load for wanting to stay outside the Ubuntu world. It’s high time to ostracize the wider Linux world from Ubuntu with the exception that the app you’re working on is more of a server, HPC, or like kind of app then of course make an RPM version for Red Hat and Suse. Otherwise let the twiddle geeks twiddle over to their console and twiddle with the tarball. They’re used to it by now as it’s a badge of geek honor.
    Some high level trolling right there.
    Good job, you're raising the bar.


    • #12
      I am hoping we get a choice how we install it, either snap or flatpak. Please. I have multiple systems, one is predominately snaps, and the others are mixture of both flatpak and snaps.


      • #13
        Originally posted by anda_skoa View Post

        Only necessary in sandboxed applications.

        Both X11 and Wayland handle Clipboard/D&D in their main protocol stack in very similar manner.
        That said, that doesn't mean you won't run into applications that implement the specs in weird ways and broken ways.

        I have a Python module in one of my projects, plus a big regression suite for it, which wraps all the portability processing already done by QMimeData because copy-pasting or dragging and dropping images into a Qt application can fail in a dozen different ways depending on how the sending application misinterpreted the relevant specs. (For example, for text/uri-list, can you guess which application used to only offer a shell-quoted form of "copy to clipboard"? What about getting hazy about whether the final line should have a CRLF or not? Using LF instead of CRLF? Did you know some cross-platform applications drop UTF-16 into text/uri-list? Guess which web browser randomly chooses whether to put just the filename (in percent-encoded UTF-16) in the text/uri-list instead of the full URL, requiring me to parse an HTML fragment instead to reliably extract the full URL instead the source URL of a dragged-and-dropped image.)

        ...and that's ignoring things I had no use for, and thus no reason to complain about... such as a drag-and-drop containing application/x-gtk-text-buffer-rich-text as an offered mimetype but no text/html. (Granted, that was from Leafpad or Mousepad 0.4.0, so it was more a spurious entry than a lack of something useful.)

        On the other hand, if you want a laudable effort, Okular's "copy selection as image" went above and beyond, not limiting itself to the choice of application/x-qt-image (pre-decoded QImage data IIRC), image/bmp, image/jpeg, image/png, image/tiff, image/x-MS-bmp, image/x-bmp, image/x-ico, image/x-icon, or image/x-win-bitmap which Firefox and GIMP are probably getting for free from feeding QMimeData a raw, decoded grid of pixels. (Okular offers 24 different mimetypes, including less common ones like image/jp2, image/pcx, and image/sgi.)

        ​It really is no wonder it took so long for dragging and dropping things into Firefox work work on Linux. We need a conformance suite.


        • #14
          Atom used to be ridiculously fast before Microsoft touched it.

          I have high hopes for Zed


          • #15
            Originally posted by Kjell View Post
            Atom used to be ridiculously fast before Microsoft touched it.

            I have high hopes for Zed
            I don't know what version of atom you used, from my experience it was never fast.

            Currently somewhat comfortable on kate, even if it is somewhat lacking in the plugin department.


            • #16
              Originally posted by qlum View Post
              I don't know what version of atom you used
              This was most 10 years ago

              Atom used to be able to search through thousands of files almost instantly. It even launched instantly with old hardware..

              Nothing came close to it at the time

              Originally posted by qlum View Post
              Currently somewhat comfortable on kate, even if it is somewhat lacking in the plugin department

              I found Kate (in KDE5) to be quite sluggish in comparison to VSCodium with slow hardware

              To each their own


              • #17
                Originally posted by SViN View Post

                Yeah we use portals for that...

                The Kate is a lie.


                • #18
                  Originally posted by Jumbotron View Post
                  The entire blog post is a must read and should be yet another example of shame for Linux.

                  And their solution to just support Ubuntu is the correct one . In fact I council everyone I meet who is interested in developing for Linux to just set it in their mind that when you think Linux you think Ubuntu and nothing else. I also tell them to package your Ubuntu app three ways. tarball, .deb, Snap. That way if anyone in the “Never Ubuntu” camp gets butt hurt their hobby project distribution didn’t get your app just for them they can always take the tarball and run with it. Make it into a RPM, a Flatpak or a Gentoo port. But let them carry that load for wanting to stay outside the Ubuntu world. It’s high time to ostracize the wider Linux world from Ubuntu with the exception that the app you’re working on is more of a server, HPC, or like kind of app then of course make an RPM version for Red Hat and Suse. Otherwise let the twiddle geeks twiddle over to their console and twiddle with the tarball. They’re used to it by now as it’s a badge of geek honor.
                  I would half-agree with you, at least about hyperfocusing on one ecosystem, but definitely not one from Canonical. Canonical wants to make their own half-baked version of everything and force everyone to use it, in direct defiance of a better, more popular version, and we really don't need a second Microsoft running the OS world.


                  • #19
                    Originally posted by Jumbotron View Post
                    The entire blog post is a must read and should be yet another example of shame for Linux.

                    And their solution to just support Ubuntu is the correct one . In fact I council everyone I meet who is interested in developing for Linux to just set it in their mind that when you think Linux you think Ubuntu and nothing else. I also tell them to package your Ubuntu app three ways. tarball, .deb, Snap.
                    You're talking as if it's still 2014.
                    Nowadays we have a universal packaging format called Flatpak
                    Also, Ubuntu LTS user (not geek!) should remember to create and log in to an "Ubuntu Pro" account to receive security updates for frozen "Universe" packages. So yes, Ubuntu is the way to go! /s
                    Last edited by xAlt7x; 08 May 2024, 07:31 PM.


                    • #20
                      Originally posted by Daktyl198 View Post
                      Reminder that Lapce is an existing rust-written editor that has had Linux support for ages, and already has working plugin support. I'm unsure as to why it never gets any attention but Zed, in it's extremely alpha state, gets multiple every time something small changes.
                      Have you ever used lapce for real ? It's unusable. Also, I really dislike its weird UI, and I am probably not the only one to think that.

                      Zed is much more mature already, and will likely be the new open source sublime text. And it's made with Rust too.

