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Qt Developers Discuss What To Do With All Their "P1" Priority Bugs

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  • Qt Developers Discuss What To Do With All Their "P1" Priority Bugs

    Phoronix: Qt Developers Discuss What To Do With All Their "P1" Priority Bugs

    While Qt 6.0 is aiming to ship in December there are many open bugs against the Qt code-base. Given the increasing number of P1 priority bug reports that are the highest besides the "P0" build breakage bug reports, developers are discussing what to do with these bugs and the merits of their current priority classifications...

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  • #2
    I mean, they could just fix the bugs, no? Don't ship the software if it is full of high priority bugs.


    • #3
      imho just ship it as is and call it Knome 40


      • #4
        Well, if everything's being marked as the highest priority, that just means that everything's the same - low - priority. So I can understand them wanting to clean all that up.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Ananace View Post
          Well, if everything's being marked as the highest priority, that just means that everything's the same - low - priority. So I can understand them wanting to clean all that up.
          To think it'd be obvious they have a proportionally large amount of unfixed lower priority issues as well.

          They are also sometimes swiping issues under the rug, I remember reporting one that was deemed P1, that idled for like couple of years before it was closed as "insufficient information", even tho it both explained the issue and provided a snipped to reproduce it...

          At this point, it is pretty bleak for Qt's code quality - they introduce new issues at a far higher pace than they solve existing ones.


          • #6
            When P1s pile up, you either don't have enough capacity or you lack proper management.
            Changing the rules so the numbers look pretty is never the solution.


            • #7
              If bugs are open for a long time they should be automatically closed after new versions come out UNLESS they are still a bug.


              • #8
                Qt needs a lot stronger QA.

                Do they need to ask about this? Are they monkey coders or what? Even a novice programmer is aware their situation is quite problematic.

                Please solve it or just abandon Qt, crappy code bases are useless.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by timofonic View Post
                  Qt needs a lot stronger QA.

                  Do they need to ask about this? Are they monkey coders or what? Even a novice programmer is aware their situation is quite problematic.

                  Please solve it or just abandon Qt, crappy code bases are useless.
                  Sure, throw the baby out with the water


                  • #10
                    They should leave them as is, 'cause Phoronix's Qt fanboys keep saying that Qt isn't defined by its huge amount of bugs.

                    (I too like Qt much better than Gtk, btw, so don't get me wrong, but I'm not a fanboy)

