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Arch Linux Users With Intel Graphics Can Begin Enjoying A Flicker-Free Boot

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Ulukai View Post

    Can't tell you you're wrong. I switched from an Nvidia GTX 780 to an AMD RX 580. Couldn't be happier.
    Much better performance, less artifacts or bugs in Steam games (native and Proton).
    No tearing at all, not on the desktop and not in games. Not even when vsync is disabled. When vsync is enabled, the input lag is almost non-existent.
    As icing on the cake, in 2 months time Freesync should be working too.
    I couldn't believe my eyes, and really asked myself why I sticked to Nvidia that long, knowing that their cards are much more expensive and many users still keep saying they have the best Linux support...

    I'm using Arch Linux with the open AMDGPU driver and radeon-vulkan module on Gnome-Shell in a pure Xorg session, no (X)Wayland. Dream come true.
    You might want to wait until Q1/Q2 next year when AMD launches their RX 3080 which should compete with the Nvidia RTX 2070 for half the price. Will probably upgrade too once Michael tests the cards and all functions are working properly. I hope AMD devs will be able to support those cards at release or very soon after.
    I'm generally conservative in my upgrades. For example:
    1. Even once FreeSync is in a state where it can act as a means for a compositor to VSync across three dissimilar monitors, being able to pick up a replacement 17/19" DVI/HDMI monitor for $15-40 at the local thrift store, pawn shop, or used games store is an attractive proposition. (None of my original monitors' capacitors are still in working condition... and my younger brother, who's going to school for electrical engineering, is receiving a temperature-controlled soldering iron for Christmas, so I might soon also be back to using the originals.)
    2. While it would be nice to have Wayland KWin and Sway as options, I leave my desktop session logged in for weeks at a time and I've never had a WM that didn't need to be restarted in that period, so I'm waiting for a crash-recovery protocol to get standardized and implemented so that, in the worst case, I can SSH in and run killall -SEGV kwin to manually trigger recovery.
    3. When my Kubuntu 14.04 LTS became too old for me to try newer builds of Dolphin that might make Super Mario Galaxy playable on a GTX750, I stopped trying to emulate the Wii rather than hurrying my upgrade to the next LTS. (Yes, I am using an image I personally dumped from my own SMG disc using my own Wii, which I soft-modded for Homebrew myself.)


    • #32
      Originally posted by debianxfce View Post
      Polaris and Vega did work properly in a month after launch. I have sold many Linux incompatible hardware. Yamaha did not support at all the DSP factory audio card after win98 and whining does not help. I sold that for 50 euros recently. I am planning to buy RX 3080.
      This is really, really not true. Polaris has a lot of issues, Vega has a lot more (and considerably more severe ones at that). They may have "booted" a month after launch, but pretending they weren't plagued with issues is just dishonest.

      My experience with Vega 56 has been an unmitigated train-wreck to be honest. There are a bunch of things that work perfectly (and I can understand how people think it's fine because if you only do those things, you'll never see the issues) but there's also a lot of things that don't work well or at all (others trigger kernel bug messages or GPU lockups). Many things will trigger GPU faults which are unrecoverable (nothing else that uses the GPU will work). You'll then be unable to even reboot the machine, you either need to issue a sysreq of physically hard-reset the machine to continue.


      • #33
        Dunno what you're doing wrong, my Polaris cards are rock stable and so was a Vega card on a quick try (with some problems fixed vs. Polaris, btw.).

