Steam's Summer Sale Is Now Happening

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  • DebianLinuxero
    Senior Member
    • Mar 2012
    • 207

    Originally posted by computerquip View Post
    I'm growing to become violent towards people who bash Valve because they are pushing for a market in Linux gaming where other companies simply wouldn't. If Valve stopped their push and other companies followed suite, you would still be sitting behind your fucking keyboard wondering if next year would be the year of Linux Gaming(TM).

    Put more thought into your words instead of spouting arrogant and hateful drivel.
    You shouldn't become violent to anyone who differs in thoghts with you, except if that person insults or makes personal attacks, which is not the case of the people who don't like Steam. Remember that it's only a debate.

    My point is that it's more important to do the things the way should be done than simply do.
    Steam may bring too many games to Linux. But it will bring'em they way many Linux users (primarly who follow it from the begining and who care about DRM) dislike.


    • computerquip
      Senior Member
      • Aug 2011
      • 617

      Originally posted by DebianLinuxero View Post
      You shouldn't become violent to anyone who differs in thoghts with you, except if that person insults or makes personal attacks, which is not the case of the people who don't like Steam. Remember that it's only a debate.

      My point is that it's more important to do the things the way should be done than simply do.
      Steam may bring too many games to Linux. But it will bring'em they way many Linux users (primarly who follow it from the begining and who care about DRM) dislike.
      Those games wouldn't be on the platform regardless then. Why not just avoid the game?
      Also, it's not a debate when you say, "I hate company X because they're greedy. Here is 0 evidence but a bunch of assumptions that have no backing what so ever. Fuck you company X." You forgot the logical part of the debate entirely.

      I'm not saying Valve is a save-all but they're a far cry of companies that make it obvious as day that all there about is money (Microsoft or Oracle anyone?).


      • M1kkko
        Senior Member
        • Mar 2011
        • 377

        Wow. I'm glad to be here today to see this day that Phoronix reports about the steam summer sales. It somehow reminds me of when I first started reading phoronix back in 2010, more than 4 years ago, when this article was published: "It's Official: Valve Releasing Steam, Source Engine For Linux!". This has been an exciting story to follow, along the years. Sure, there's been some delays and setbacks on the way, but we've come so far already, and I feel like the most awesome parts are still ahead of us.


        • stiiixy
          Senior Member
          • Jan 2009
          • 1396

          Wow, people who don't like Steam come here to bash Steam and people who use it to get a game fix. It's not as if Steam-users are here making salivating and drooling commentry about the sale as well. Try and relax a little and make unheated points if you are going to disagree with Michael and his article.

          As for Steam DRM, should it ever come to it and they disappear and NOT provide a platform to migrate games off their DRM, well, cracks aplenty exist already anyway for most Steam+DRM'd games.


          • Nille
            Senior Member
            • Jul 2008
            • 1305



            • curaga
              Senior Member
              • Feb 2008
              • 5924

              Originally posted by bakgwailo View Post
              Except that Steam != DRM. Don't know why that fact has to be pointed out on every single Steam thread though...
              If you keep telling yourself it's doubleplusgood...


              • curaga
                Senior Member
                • Feb 2008
                • 5924

                Originally posted by PiotrDrag View Post


                • Passso
                  Senior Member
                  • Jun 2014
                  • 1120


                  What the hell is this new Valve/Steam bashing ???

                  They bring us a REAL game platform to Linux, and really support and push game developers to Linux, for the first time in history.

                  Ok most of those games are ported, ok most of them are not AAA but they damn did it!!
                  You have the choice not to buy on the store, but bashing them... this is just incredible.

                  Personally I say thanks to Valve for the games I play regularly (Dota2, Team Fortress, Metro, Civ 5 etc.)


                  • sirdilznik
                    Senior Member
                    • Jul 2009
                    • 226

                    I scooped up the XCOM Complete package (conveniently became available for Linux the very day the sale started). Now I'm just waiting for Deadfall Adventures to hit 75% off.


                    • DebianLinuxero
                      Senior Member
                      • Mar 2012
                      • 207

                      Originally posted by bakgwailo View Post
                      Except that Steam != DRM. Don't know why that fact has to be pointed out on every single Steam thread though...
                      Originally posted by passso
                      What the hell is this new Valve/Steam bashing ???
                      In a Windows gaming web maybe those comentaries didn't have a place.
                      But this web is about Linux, and its philosophy matters. And this is not new.

                      Originally posted by computerequip
                      Those games wouldn't be on the platform regardless then. Why not just avoid the game?

                      If STEAM, EA, UBI and such didn't exist, the gaming companies probably have to publish its games without DRM. Or didn't publish. But in that case, they wouldn't earn money.

                      And probably, without platform / shop exclusivity contracts (like happen with those distributors), companies would be allmost free to explore the full platform spectrum.

                      I know we have been waiting a lot of years (way too many) to a change / impulse / revulsive that brings to us AAA games.

                      But I think that even if STEAM didn't landed on Linux, we now would have AAA games (and also the diver / technology improvements that goes with its income).

                      Think a bit about this.

                      In this last 2 - 3 years we had a lot of indie games income.
                      While many of them could be considerated like "real indies" / casual games, there were others (like Legend of Grimrock) that were half the way AAA.

                      My point is that if Steam didn't arrive to Linux, that income tendence would still continue and finally we would have AAA on.

