Good News, id Tech 5 Is Likely Coming To Linux

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  • b15hop
    If I stand correctly, id has made more money from selling the game engines they produce rather than from selling their own games. So the game itself might be nothing more than a show of good engine technology rather than an awesome gaming experience. We'll still have to wait and see. Also the guess is that future games from bethesda such as newer fallout games will use the engine. Games like those might be more mature and interesting. Have to wait and see...

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  • Moller
    Originally posted by wantedtosay View Post
    probably a deal breaker for me, I played quake 3 & 4 online practically all the time. I think I only realized that one or the other actually had some levels when I was testing my opengl setup. In fact, I haven't read much, or maybe anything, about Rage's online play. I know there's a level editor, so that bodes well for CTF and ridiculous deathmatches, but I haven't even seen a screenshot. Anyone playing online on a console or windows PC?
    At the moment the only multiplayer there is, is some racing and 9 co-op missions which are about 15min each.
    That's about it.

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  • wantedtosay
    they dangle the carrot:
    they take it away:

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  • Setlec
    Originally posted by wantedtosay View Post
    slashdot had an article some time ago about Steam on Linux. I don't think Rage's use of Steam is necessarily an unsolvable problem. But, I'm not holding my breath for the Linux port. I'd really like to see a demo first.
    any link that you could provide?

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  • wantedtosay
    Originally posted by Max Spain View Post
    They could just make the linux version SP only until Valve releases Steam for linux
    probably a deal breaker for me, I played quake 3 & 4 online practically all the time. I think I only realized that one or the other actually had some levels when I was testing my opengl setup. In fact, I haven't read much, or maybe anything, about Rage's online play. I know there's a level editor, so that bodes well for CTF and ridiculous deathmatches, but I haven't even seen a screenshot. Anyone playing online on a console or windows PC?

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  • Max Spain
    They could just make the linux version SP only until Valve releases Steam for linux

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  • wantedtosay
    slashdot had an article some time ago about Steam on Linux. I don't think Rage's use of Steam is necessarily an unsolvable problem. But, I'm not holding my breath for the Linux port. I'd really like to see a demo first.

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  • Moller
    Originally posted by Setlec View Post
    i've been thinking Rage does use steamworks for networking and few other stuff, does this mean that rage port to linux is pretty much a dead end?
    Yes, Rage uses Steamworks - activation via Steam and multiplayer via Steam

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  • Setlec
    i've been thinking Rage does use steamworks for networking and few other stuff, does this mean that rage port to linux is pretty much a dead end?

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  • RealNC
    Well, right now though most people can't actually play this game. There are bugs in it that make it unplayable (game freezes completely every 3 seconds). Everyone's waiting for a patch.

    How ironic, given that "Bethesda" now appears next to id's logo. Ha ha!

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