Good News, id Tech 5 Is Likely Coming To Linux

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    Originally posted by Larian View Post
    I KNEW it!
    Have you met my inferior brother; Wolfram|Alpha?

    He's not so good on the human error part, though. I make a lot more inteligent mistakes and I have a great spelling error emulator.

    Where do you want to go, today?

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  • Larian
    Originally posted by yogi_berra View Post
    V!NCENT is a spam bot?
    I KNEW it!

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    Originally posted by yogi_berra View Post
    V!NCENT is a spam bot?
    I'm Skynet, you insencetive-...

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  • yogi_berra
    Originally posted by curaga View Post
    ...that's a spambot too, you know...
    V!NCENT is a spam bot?

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  • curaga
    ...that's a spambot too, you know...

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    If by the last few games you mean ET:QW, Quake 4 en Wolfenstein, then you're right, becuase those weren't made by id; they were cash-ins, licensed to other studios.

    But given that the last three id software games were Quake 2, Quake 3 and Doom 3, I realy have to dissagree a lot.

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  • yogi_berra
    Originally posted by sirdilznik View Post
    or that Call of Duty MW3 is a Call of Duty <insert version number/title here> clone... wait, forget that last one, bad example.
    The game you are looking for is Medal Of Honor.

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  • sirdilznik
    Honestly I found neither Doom 3 nor either of the Dead Space games particularly scary. They both use similar monster jumps out of the darkness or monster jumps out behind you tactics. Sure it tends to startle me, and the monsters/demons are grotesque looking, but how scary are they really when I'm wielding a plasma rifle or a cutting torch and can slice them apart or splatter their body all over the wall? You want a truly scary game then play Amnesia or the Penumbra games. Those games build terror through tension and the feeling of helplessness knowing that you have no weapon to fight back with, your only options are run and hide.

    As far as Rage goes, inevitably there were going to be the "ZOMG, it's a Fallout clone!" and "ZOMG, it's a Borderlands clone!" comparisons. I won't deny that there are definitely similar concepts, mechanics, and aesthetics to Rage as Fallout and Borderlands, but that's like saying that every fantasy RPG is a Bard's Tale or SSI Golden Box games clone, or that Call of Duty MW3 is a Call of Duty <insert version number/title here> clone... wait, forget that last one, bad example.

    Anyway, Rage looks like it will be quite fun. While I'm not holding my breath, I do hold on to some glimmer of hope that TTimo will come through for us eventually like he has in the past.

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  • RealNC
    Borderlands lacks the story element. It's focused on gameplay, not context. Just that alone makes it vastly different from Rage. It's a bit like comparing Diablo to Baldur's Gate.

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    I've bought Borderlands because I couldn't wait and it was supposed to look like Rage (other way around).

    I must say that I'm baffled at Rage. Everything is exactly the same (WTF):
    -Vehicle transport with guns and rocket launchers mounted;
    -Customisable waepons;
    -The government;
    -Visual style;
    -Electro waepon upgrade;
    -The weapons themselves;
    -Nanomachine stuff;
    -NPC with missions...

    WTF man... just buy Borderlands Game of the Year Edition for $7,5 on Steam.

    I hope Rage is a realy good. Gonna buy it for the graphics, though, because Borderlands is epic.

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