Originally posted by ChrisXY
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I also remember trying ardour 2. This was on Ubuntu 10.04, I remember it, it said "Jack is not properly running, so I can't run and I will quit immediately". (after apt-get install ardourd presumably installed ardour and jack and set them up)
I couldn't get it to work, my IT skills weren't great enough it seems. Or it's because I didn't spend a month on it.
Maybe debian/ubuntu created unrealistic expectations. Or there's not enough manpower, so installing the OS and getting a running desktop is easy and automatic and some other stuff is stuck in the past, like running slackware in 1997 (I didn't, I first used Unix in 2002-2004 and Linux in 2007). When Linux had 0.01% desktop market share, not the 1% it has today.
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