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As It Stands, Ubuntu Has No Issues With Mono

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  • hubick
    I don't see enough benefit over Java with C# and Mono to make it worth the risk.

    At least Java has something resembling a diverse community of interests moving it forward, rather than just the limited interests of one company.

    Sun provides Java under the GPL themselves, directly licensing any patents they (the creators) have over the technology. Novell may also ship their Mono implementation under the GPL, but not being the creators of the technology, they can't give a license to patents they don't own!

    It's also worth mentioning that neither the ECMA nor ISO (through which .NET was standardized) require any patent disclosure (let alone a libre grant) on a submission being standardized!

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  • thefirstm
    As far as I know, Mono is not used for any common KDE programs. Most of them seem to be written in either C++ or a scripting language like Python. I think it should stay that way. I can see the day (quite easily) when Micro$h!t destroys GNOME because of all the Mono they plan to include. KDE is being smart, as always, and not including it.

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  • Na-Fiann
    I thought most of the .net stack was opened after standardization. Also, I don't think the software patents microsoft holds on .net will stand up in court, at least in most of europe. Might be wrong there though, but I thought europe at least is far more strict when it come to software patents

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  • Louise
    Originally posted by KDesk View Post
    I read somewhere that Gnome choose some Mono programs to be included in there desktop.
    It is

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  • JeanPaul145
    If I'm correct, there are (among others, of course) C# bindings for the kdelibs, but that's where it stops. Luckily.

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  • KDesk
    I read somewhere that Gnome choose some Mono programs to be included in there desktop.

    I don't know any KDE apps that uses Mono!

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  • Louise
    Yes, Mono will be a very powerful weapon against Linux. In fact M$ are in complete control.

    I hope Red Hat make a statement about Mono. They are always very careful, and don't include anything with a potential patent or license issue.

    What is Gnome and KDE's take on Mono? Do they have Mono programs in their suites?

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  • JeanPaul145
    I think this is a foolish move by Canonical.
    Time will tell I guess.

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  • KDesk
    Originally posted by Louise View Post
    M$ is going to use anything it can to hurt Linux.

    When Mono projects are vital parts of Linux, they start the trouble.

    Just wait.
    You are right, why should they make trouble now if the can wait and make it when more people use it.

    Hopeful Mono will never be a important piece of linux.

    What I don't understand, why did Debian include Tomboy (which requires Mono) into the default desktop install, if they can use the same app, Gnomte in C++ without Mono?

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  • Louise
    M$ is going to use anything it can to hurt Linux.

    When Mono projects are vital parts of Linux, they start the trouble.

    Just wait.

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