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  • I just want to send my prayers for "worthless black people" of Somalia, their kids and their lifes are not worth a news reports or debate it seems and theya re getting killed at this very moment.


    • Originally posted by leipero View Post
      Speaks of Nazism and book burnings, totalitarianism, freedom, democracy and all standard brainwashed BS he's fed to for years and decades, proceeds to approve totalitarian actions. Bravo, bravo, one applouse for you, you managed to fit in the definition of irony, you are hypocritical or just plain r...

      As I sad, I don't feel the need to say anything else, and I for sure would not be dragged into low level of conversation with..., dishonest people, hypocrates and so on. Bye.
      So how many times have you said it's your last post in this thread? Because I count three and I haven't even read 2/3 of the thread.

      You're the one who has been going on about nazism, book burnings and the "totalitarianism" of a union where all the member states have joined trough their own free will, all the governing bodies consist either of elected officials or ones voted for by them and that cannot take major actions without complete consensus of all member states. It's like you've somehow mixed up the EU and the Warsaw pact (read: the USSR and the puppet states it installed at the end of WW2).

      Hell, you're even trying to do the typical whataboutist defense of Russia's actions always used by their officials and state media. It's not even a good try at it as you're trying to equate an invasion to overthrow a legitimate elected government to intervention in the actual civil war Somalia descended into after the locals overthrew Siad Barre, their military dictator.


      • Originally posted by leipero View Post

        You are completely cluless, and there's no point in talking with you, I am sorry, but you are beyond repair, it will require years for you to get what I'm talking about if ever. Bye.

        I present people screenshot with facts, and they still cintinue their brainwashed propaganda, now, this is trully sad, you are either incredibly stupid, or pure evil.
        You seriously need to reread your history and current events. So many of your posts are full of inaccuracies while ignoring irrefutable facts. You honestly just sound like you are struggling to find excuses to justify the situation. The simple truth is Russia with one of the largest military forces on the planet was in no way threatened by the Ukraine. This is an unprovoked invasion used as a means for a simple land grab.


        • As I said, I stopped responding to hypocritical people who are unable to aknowledge facts when presented to them let alone respond to any argument, I am not reading your comments and have no further interest in this discussion.

          This response is purely from politness and decency.


          • Originally posted by leipero View Post

            You are completely cluless, and there's no point in talking with you, I am sorry, but you are beyond repair, it will require years for you to get what I'm talking about if ever. Bye.

            I present people screenshot with facts, and they still cintinue their brainwashed propaganda, now, this is trully sad, you are either incredibly stupid, or pure evil.
            "man" you are lobotomized... by some kind of ideology. you are programmed with many false assumptions.... I red your comments accusing Ukrainians of nazism to justify the aggression of your adored megalomaniac and today Russian troops bombarded the Ukrainian Jewish mausoleum. your mind is plagued of some kind of indoctrinated programmed ideology stating all and its opposite. one of the sign of insania is to adapt reality to its own personal convictions. I suggest you to have the humility to stop a while in order to meditate on your life and your beliefs making a smart action: doubt on your certainties.
            Last edited by MorrisS.; 06 March 2022, 11:51 AM.


            • Decent analysis of the situation for those who are interested:


              • Originally posted by drakonas777 View Post
                Decent analysis of the situation for those who are interested:
                Few corections. His data is incorrect and manly "western sourced". BDP of Russia is orders of magnitude larger than Spain, it's calculaed in a different way in comparison to fake economies. Oil and GAS are about 16% of GDP (Norway for example can be defined as petrol state much easier due to the larged BDP contribution of oil and gas), while it is true that larger percent of that goes to budget of government, 50% is likely overinflated, so that argument is nonsensical. In 2014, there was no "revolution", it was US installed government, Biden family members are involved via corruption to "take that cake".
                While all of that does play a role, reality of the situation is, that because of all those things, US/EU ("west") pushed a lot of money and sponsored Neo-Nazis, standard propaganda that is alive in US or EU for example what some may call "Russophobia" (not really, it's open haterd and "degradation" of ethnic group) was pushed on the Ukraine due to the fact that back in WW2, some relatively small parts of Ukranian population were Nazis, and they did crimes far worse than almost any Nazi puppets (except Croatia as an ultimate winer in Nazi attrocities). Further bans of Russian language, killings in E.Ukraine etc.

                The video is pure propaganda, the worst kind of it, the reality of the situation is that Ukraine, parts of Poland, especially Baltic states and Croatia do really need a denazification. In Croatia proper it was never really done unfortunately, thanks to the Yugoslavia. The issue is, EU/US actively help spreading Nazi ideologies in those places = basically open hunt on Russians (and some other ethnic groups).

                The key point is, Ukraine is NOT "western oriented", they have puppet government that listen orders directly from the US and EU, and massive censorship of anything Russian (including language) are making those things worse and worse by year. Hence why Ukrainians must be free of puppet regime.

                To add to that: Zelensky actually won elections to the much more radical opposition thanks to those who are not "western oriented" because of his claims that he will stop the conflict and eradicate Nazis. He lied, hence, he's ilegitimate.

                What video also fails to mention is that large majority of people in Crimea (over 90%) want to be in Russia, referendum was held. But cutting 2 million people who think otherwise of watter supplies seems fine as well (again, for US/EU Nazis, lives are not equally worth), that video is even more dangerous propaganda than blutant lies you can see in mass media.
                Last edited by leipero; 02 March 2022, 01:47 PM.


                • Originally posted by leipero View Post
                  the reality of the situation is that Ukraine, parts of Poland, especially Baltic states and Croatia do really need a denazification.
                  I'm from Lithuania (Baltic state) and we do not need a "denazification". Everything you write is an absolute lie, detached from reality. You are either paid by Russia or have some serious "head" issues, because no normal human being would say such a sick fascistic shit like you do. I'm not even getting into historical oppression by Russia my country experienced regularly in the past, including exodus and genocide made by Stalin (which inflicted more victims, than Hitler).

                  Anyway, I have nothing to say to you, execpt: гандон, иди на хуй. It's really unfortunate to have such moral trashes here in Phoronix forum.


                  • Originally posted by drakonas777 View Post

                    I'm from Lithuania (Baltic state) and we do not need a "denazification". Everything you write is an absolute lie, detached from reality. You are either paid by Russia or have some serious "head" issues, because no normal human being would say such a sick fascistic shit like you do. I'm not even getting into historical oppression by Russia my country experienced regularly in the past, including exodus and genocide made by Stalin (which inflicted more victims, than Hitler).

                    Anyway, I have nothing to say to you, execpt: гандон, иди на хуй. It's really unfortunate to have such moral trashes here in Phoronix forum.
                    I beg to differ, SS divisions "oppressors", I don't think you have any right whatsoever to talk about this topic:

                    I know Latvia and Estonia are strong on oppressing Russian minority, banning TV and radio stations and censoring websites, I don't know much about Lithuania (I doubt it's any different), and I personally don't care. As I said, denazification is needed.
                    Last edited by leipero; 02 March 2022, 03:29 PM.


                    • Originally posted by leipero View Post
                      the reality of the situation is that Ukraine, parts of Poland, especially Baltic states and Croatia do really need a denazification. In Croatia proper it was never really done unfortunately, thanks to the Yugoslavia.
                      Michael Just curious, is incitement to genocide a violation of the rules of the forum?

