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What Was Your First Linux Distribution?

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  • audir8
    Redhat 7 for me, the CD was free with the book Redhat Linux 7 Bible. Started using Gentoo because of amd64, and Ubuntu on a laptop. Still using Gentoo and Ubuntu on Desktop/Laptop.

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  • anokasion
    Mine was Red Hat 5.2 I think, my computer "competitor" in school installed in my computer and it blow my head away. A year later I was way ahead of him, using Slackware most of the time. I also printed the OpenGL Red Book and learned C and a little of C++, made some crazy stuff when Compiz development began. Then Beryl destroyed the usefulness of Compiz. But that's a story for another day. Today I'm using Linux Mint, and plan to switch soon to Fedora 27 Cinnamon... even if they JUST released the Fedora 28 beta.

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  • TheLexMachine
    Fedora or OpenSUSE, before Linux became somewhat mainstream. I only use Ubuntu now.

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  • makam
    The first Linux distro I actually used was Mandriva 2010.1. This makes me sad about the state Mandriva is in now, but I am glad it at least survives somehow. It is also proof that even the mightiest distros can fall.

    Mz first live cd distro that I only used for an hour was Slitaz though.

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  • roelandjansen

    I staretd off with a floppy disk based one, called minix; then went to linux when kernel 0.99pl7 was kick ass (e.g. slackware).

    I also used yggdrasil, redhat, fedora, debian etc but all the times got back to opensuse.

    For work, we're using RHEL and SLES. The latter is better integrated, better tooled and better supported. AMongst other positive things that stack up easily against RHEL.

    and not to forget -- I do also check out the *BSDs, the debian derivates and all are one way or the other for me not a good choice.

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  • JustRob
    I've ran at least a half dozen kinds, Solaris was too different from the rest and had a learning curve but at least it "shipped secure by default", the BSDs were like that but yet another curve to learn. I've been as far out as BackTrack/Kali and as far in as Fedora but I always return to were I started - Debian (I like it upstream). I used to run a few different versions at the same time under a Virtual Manager (either VMWare or VBox) to test/compile GCC.

    If you came to this Thread looking for ideas/suggestions visit: .

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  • Jabberwocky
    Korora Beta (Live CD that had proprietary graphics drivers installed) ... ... Joke! Seriously though I started with Gentoo in 2002. I downloaded it over dial-up, used most of my savings to pay the telephone bill. Ubuntu after they launched "ship it".

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  • sarfarazahmad
    gnoppix !

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  • KrallDennis
    Mine was SuSE 8.1 Personal (in the Box with the manual and all the other goddies).

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  • killerbot
    As far as I remember, my first personal linux distribution was Ubuntu (when I had my own computer)
    But before, we also used Linspire, Knoppix and Mandrake :P

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